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    should I pay off my credit cards or build an emergency fund first?

    Favorite Answer:

    Pay off your credit that additional interest does not accrue and your credit score goes up.

    9 Answers2 years ago
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    Can you use PayPal balance for Uber?

    My PayPal is connected to my Uber account but when I checked the settings there wa no way to pay with the balance, only with credit cards on the PayPal account, o don’t have money on any credit cards, just the PayPal balance, is there a way to use that and how do I do it?

    4 Answers2 years ago
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    what happens when you drink jim beam?

    Favorite Answer:

    Depends on how much of it you drink.

    7 Answers2 years ago
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    Am I eligible for rehire for a job I quit without a 2 weeks notice?

    I previously worked at Tj Maxx and was unable to keep my position due to a accident and recently received a email for a interview does that mean if I’m eligible for re hire?

    6 Answers2 years ago
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    May urges Corbyn to do a deal, what next?

    Favorite Answer:

    Even now May is playing the political hand. She knows that the Conservative Party is on the verge of imploding and wants to implicate the Labour Party in the Conservative woes.

    Labour have their own problems, but they’re not so dire as the Tories, Corbyn would be crazy to fall into a blatant Conservative trap but has to tread carefully because he doesn’t want to be seen as non cooperative.

    The problem with Mays plan to use Labour as a shield to criticism, is that the Conservative party already did that, to great success I might add, to the Liberal Democrat’s

    On Labour hand, even if they implode, they still have potential allies to form a future coalition, in the form of the Liberals and SNP. The Tories have no one, not even UKIP, nobody trusts them, within Europe or the British Parliament , that’s the ONLY reason they’re opening up to Labour as an ally. It’s all about damage control for the Tories now! May didn’t wake up one day with a compassionate heart after ignoring Labour

    7 Answers2 years ago
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    Why are husbands always made to look like idiots in TV shows and movies ?

    My gf and I started watching Bad Moms and within 10 mins she asked me to turn it off bcuz she couldnt stand the stereotype where the main female character s husband, along with the son were both idiots....whilst the main leading wife was much smarter along with the daughter.

    Who is pushing this stereotype ?

    I cant think of ONE movie or tv series in the last 20 yrs which features a neuclear family where the husband and the sons were not portrayed as idiots.

    Seriously, do women want to marry idiots ?

    Do women want their sons to fail at school ?

    5 Answers2 years ago