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The US miltary has an all volunteer force, so why are people against the Iraq War due to military causualties?

No one is forced to join the military, and everyone in the military knows the risks. In the last presidential election, in the middle of the war, 80% service members voted for Bush over Kerry. Why not defer to their judgement on the war?

I hate seeing military members killed in any way, and I do not feel that their lives are expendable, but freedom is paid for with the blood of patriots.

5 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your question is one that is a little close to home for me, I am currently sitting in Iraq and I have lost one of my Marines over here. That feeling of lost is as bad as losing a family member.

    That being said lets take a look at the people that make up the population of the U.S. a good portion has been in the military or at least has a friend or family member that is or has served. The brave Men and Women that were sent to Vietnam are now the Parents or in some cases Grandparents of the Men and Women here with me today. The connection is made between the one that are safe and the one that walk the wall. No one can look the other way when it hits that close to home.

    The people that greave for the loss of life I say Thank you for your concern. The one that use the loss of life as a way to advance their political agenda I say F*** Off.

    The Men and Women that died over here died defending freedom, we all gave some, but some gave all.

  • 2 decades ago

    You have asked a very poignant question. IMO, most do not want to inflict harm and death upon others especially in wars. There are those who will accept any conditions just to avoid any killings. Then, there are others who were personally/indirectly affected by the devastations of wars that turned them into war protesters. There are also those whose has ulterial political/financial/personal motives to denounce the war efforts.

    Whatever the real reason might be, we have to be objective and exercise good judgement to the big picture. It is important for us to be honest and yet think critically of any information to filter out the Truth/Facts from editorials and even fictions. Take the extra time to look into the backgrounds of the authors, speakers, politicians and to determine what are their intents/gains in their assessments. This may sound like a lot of work at first but with practice, you will find it rather easy. There are usually the same handful of folks who are pro or against the Iraq Freedom effort. Once you have a good grasp of the bigger picture, you will be able to formulate your own thoughts with real facts to back them up. You will then be able to refute most of those political soundbytes from the factual ones and be less frustrated by them.

    Thank You.

  • 2 decades ago

    I'm afraid most of the opposition "due to military casualties" is in fact disengenuous and motivated purely by politics. I base this conclusion on several observations:

    - The liberal media *loves* to highlight military casualties, almost to the point of gloating. "The death toll just reached 1000... a BIG ROUND NUMBER... let's celebrate, whooooppeeeeee!" So it's clear that people who oppose our actions in Iraq see military casualties as proof that their viewpoint is correct...

    - BUT this percieved political advantage is easily countered by pointing out that our military are in fact volunteers. So try it some time and you'll find...

    - Anti-war folks who pretend to be so concerned about our troops often lack *sincere* respect for our people in uniform. You can tell because they'll respond that, well, they're not *really* volunteers because, you know, they didn't have a choice. (HUH?) If you watch Moore's propaganda masterpiece, Fahrenheit 911, you can study this silliness in its full glory. Well, there goes respect out the window... how can you claim to respect and support our military when you also claim our soldiers have been tricked or forced into doing something that in fact they consider an honor and duty?

    So I guess my short answer is: most people who say they're against the Iraq War due to military casualties are lying. They're against the war for other reasons but they feel the death of our service men and women makes a very good political talking point.

    Source(s): Conversations I've had with people who claim they're against the Iraq War due to military casualties.
  • 2 decades ago

    BECASE THE WAR WAS BASED ON LIES! It is a gimmie in the time of war, that service men and families are supposed to vote for who is in office at the time. So Im suprised it wasnt even more than 80% You know what they try to burn into your head, "During time of war if you dont support your president, you are not patriotic!" YA RIGHT! Support the troops, get them home soon! This war serves no perpose except for the rich and powerful!

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  • 2 decades ago

    Good question, I'm afraid to answer this question, I don't want to insult anybody.

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