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My husband and I have been married for almost 7 months. I was told all my life that I could not get pregnant.?

We got pregnant on our honeymoon. We are expecting our little boy in late March/early April. Neither of us wanted kids, never thought we could so never really worried about it. We are very happy to be blessed with this gift from God.

The problem: We haven't had sex since I think before we found out we were pregnant (which was mid-September). I have expressed to my husband my wanting to make love again and he tells me ok but nothing. I am already feeling bad about the way I look and this doesn't help that my own husband doesn't want to have sex with me. I have told him that too. He tells me that It has nothing to do with me being pregnant or the way I look or anything. He says he doesn't know what it is. I am at a total loss. I probably dream about sex about 4 times a week. I think about it all the time. I don't know what to do. I am a good Christian wife. Please help!

9 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Before anything else, he needs to go to the doctor. Dramatic loss of libido can be a symptom of a serious medical problem.

    If he doesn't have a physical problem, he may be experiencing some anxiety and/or depression. Both can cause a loss of interest in sex. If he's feeling anxious or down, he should mention it to his doctor when he goes in for a check up.

    If the problem persists, you should try counselling. Even if your husband is not feeling a lot of desire, he still needs to be considerate of your needs. Sex is the one thing only he can provide you with and he needs to take that commitment seriously even if he doesn't feel like it.

    One of the best quotes I've ever heard about sex was by Dr. Ruth. It was "Who says you have to be in the mood? It only takes a few minutes."

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    1. Congratulations!!

    2. Before your honeymoon, he thought you couldn't get pregnant. When he foudn out that you were pregnant, he was probably in shock...but because he couldn't see that you were pregnant, he probalby shoved the idea into the back of his thatyou're stomach's getting bigger as the baby's growing and all the stuff that happens when people get pregnant, he's able to see that you're pregnant, which i think reminds him of the shock that you got pregnant when he was told that you couldn't have kids.

    3. DON'T EVER--- feel like you're not beautiful or good enough for him. Be who you are and don't try to be anyone else. WOrk out only to feel better about yourself, not to impress him or anything. When he got married to you, he made a committment, and you shouldn't have to feel like you have to impress him to make him love you.

    4. Don't feel bad about how you look. you can go ask all the women that have been pregnant in the history of the world, and none will be skinny and sexy and have a slender body... the thing about being pregnant is that you might not be the prettiest woman in the world and you have a huge bulge in your stomach, but you're still beatiful because of the fact that you're givng life to something fragile and helpless.

    5.Don't blame your husband because he doesn't want to have sex. He might not realize why he doesn't want to have sex, but wait until after the baby before you have sex. AFter you feel better and the baby's a little older (not a newborn infant) you won't have to constantly watch him/her. By that time, you're husband will have probably gotten used to the idea of having a little baby around, and won't 'avoid' you as much (i don't think avoid is actually the right word, but i can't think of the right word)

    6. last but not least, remember that it's nobody's fault, and if you guys' love holds through, you'll get through this problem

    Congratulations (again) and good luck! =D

  • 2 decades ago

    I know how you feel, the same thing happened to me, I was told I couldn't have children either (now I have 2 wonderful babies)!! I don't think the problem is you, I think he is still in denial about your pregnancy. When you have a husband that thought you couldn't get pregnant, then you do, its really hard for them to understand because they have had the mindset of no children to that point. I think you really need to tell him how this makes you feel, being pregnant isnt even womans physical fantasy ... and I can understand what you mean! I think he is having a hard time dealing with the adjustment of another person in your lives, maybe you need to talk to him about it, see exactly how he feels, then romance him a little, have a nice dinner and a night of passion, let him know that a baby is not going to change the way you feel about him! He may feel like he is comming in second in your life right now, and that is holding him back, but you can change that! Good luck with the new baby, he will a pure gift of love from God, and Congratulations, I hope this helps!

    Source(s): My Life Experiences!
  • 2 decades ago

    First of all I would like to congraulate you with your pregnacy and your new blessings. I know how it feels to have the urge to want sex. I personally think there is a problem going on between you 2 and this not a good healthy relationship expecially for your baby inside. You need to sit down and talk to him one on one and let him know personally what is going on let him know your feelings and have him tell you how he feels about the pregnacy and so on. you can even seek counseling. Let him know what you can do to make this happen or you can try to come on him and see what happens make it a romantic night with candles and so on. Well it does it takes time and I wish you the best of luck. and god bless your unborn Baby boy!

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  • 2 decades ago

    Wait a little while then after the baby go to the gym secretly for about till the baby a year old drop him off at the babysitters house for a couple of hours and get in a sexy dress and then he'll want you back

  • One
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    You two are dealing with a lot. He might not be dealing with this well. Don't blame yourself for anything, you have done nothing wrong. You two need to sit down and really talk or seek professional help in opening a line of communications. This is not good to continue for much longer.

  • 2 decades ago

    I would ask your husband if you guys could get some counseling from your church/pastor if you have one. He is probably going through things he doesn't realize, sometimes guys don't always realize things effect them, and you should get help BEFORE the baby comes.

    I too was also told I could not have kids, I have 3 now..I wish you all the best.

    Source(s): My life!
  • i think that the last post about the gym & sexy dress is a terrable answer. i would not take it personally althought you probably dont know how else to take it. Try not to beat yourself up as it is not your fault. he has some issues that need to be dealt with. i would continue to pray for him and seek out Godly counsel.

  • You need to talk to him and find out whats goin on in his mind, is it the baby on the way.. sit him down and talk it out!

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