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Is Ruth's Chris steakhouse the best in San Antonio?

Celebrating 1st anniversary w/new wifeepoo. 3rd marriage for each. Want class, atmosphere. Willing to spend up to $100 for two for whole evening. Ruth's Chris has reputation, but I know little. Also would appreciate "dress code" tips. Can go as formal as 3-piece suit, but prefer "business casual". not very helpful.

3 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Barn Door is a San Antonio classic. GREAT FRESH cut meat.

    Somewhat casual atomosphere and you could easily spend $100. If you're looking for good red meat this is it.

    If atmosphere is the thing, one of the upscale restaurants down on the riverwalk would be good. If going on a Friday night, make an early day at work and be at the bend on the riverwalk aroung 5 - 6pm to hear some great local musicians playing (have a cold beverage) and then walk down to the restaurant.

    as far as "dress code", business casual is good (NOT a Polo-type shirt - she is special right?) and wear nice shoes, something without a rubber sole.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The absolute most unique eatery in San Antonio and is a very suitable place for a couple celebrating their anniversary has to to none other then The Tower of the Americas. Take the elevator to the top and enjoy the ambiance of a rotating restaurant This would keep turning as you eat, I will add that this is both great during the day and it is also during the dark. During the day you can see for miles and at night you see all of the city and further, but the lights make it very romantic. It is well worth a few extra bucks. Happy Anniversary

  • 2 decades ago

    I've been to Ruths Chriss and Mortons. You'll pay $100 easy at either one of these establishments. I liked Morton's better. To be honest, my favorite was Texas Roadhouse. Business casual is acceptable at all...

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