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Brothers in Islam?

Why do muslims fight each other? I'm trying to understand. Are there 2 kinds of Islam? or is it political? I'm guessing its like catholics & protestants in Ireland.

5 Answers

  • goring
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    The two questions mentioned are not related the problems of Ireland and are not related to the Problems of Islam. Lets be realistic.

    Dissension in Ireland is an economic and political one.It happens that the people in the two camps are different denominations. The conflict has not neccessarily been caused because of religions.

    The battling with different Muslim groups tribes,etcc, has to do Mainly with Religious beliefs. Example: who are the real descendent of The Islamic Prophet?

    There are many factions among them and none agree. It has nothing to do with the economic conditon of the people.

    You cannot jump to conclusion and associate Ireland to Muslim countries.Lets be logical and open minded!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Because of apostasy rules. cuz each one think the other sect or school of thoughts are apostates and Muhammed said "whoever leave islam kill him", so they disregard other thoughts...this extreme ideas were there all the history, however, it increased in the recent century. so that's why you see person like Zarqawi can blow up a crowd of shiite very easily, and many Muslims applaud and dance in the streets. cuz shiites are spostates for many and it's ok to kill them no problem with that. in the other hand, Shiites also will have justification to persecute others even though now it is not so clear, cuz shiites in weak position in many countries, but you can see it in Iran, where the government put more restrictions on Sunnis and also put propoganda against Saudi Arabia. Pakistani millatias from Shiite and Sunnis kill each other as revenge. probable they rely on this rule (Apostasy).

    "Goal justify means"...

  • 2 decades ago

    Why do Muslims kill each other?

    its like asking why humans kill each other, through history men killed their fellow men, and world war 1 and 2 are great examples.

    Islam teachs that who ever kills a soul, is like killing the whole humanity, unless if you are defanding yourself, your family or your property.

    I would say wars can be based on different reasons: religious like crusade wars, racial like american civil war, political like cold war, economical like gulf war, nationalism like world war, freedom like algerian french war

    muslims killed each other in Iran - Iraq war, the war was based on Nationalism, although that Iran is a Shiite State and Iraq is a Sunni State, yet Saddam was never an Islamist but an Arab Nationalist

    muslims killed each other in Afghanistan after they kicked the Russians out, it was for political, and racial reasons cz it was between the southern pashtun afghans and then northern tajik and uzbek afghans

    at then end, its for us the people of the world, to put an end to the wars and killings, that only effects the poor and the innocent, while the rich goverment gets richer.

    goverment propagandas make out of the nice every day people, hate and killing machines, I refuse to say YES to THAT

  • 2 decades ago

    No people fight between themselves or with each other. There are causes which somehow get made and leaders are made and fights starts. Every new conflict gives birth to a new leader and every new leader gives birth to a lot of conflicts. If there is no conflict then it means we have good leaders.

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  • 2 decades ago

    I would descibe them in 5 words:

    1.forgiving all men kind(they hate racism)

    3.they are victums(when they say they are terorrists)


    5.once u get to know them closer u will change ur mind esp. on what they say about them..i feel we need to know ppl closer and experience them more closer than just hearing with no experience,so as ppl can give a wise opinion about them.

    Source(s): personal experience
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