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What should I do about him?

Background info so this story makes more sense- My grandma married a younger man, so his son(my uncle) is younger than me. Also, I moved in with my grandma in June(long story).

My uncle's friend, we'll call him *Scott* started liking me about 9(or 10) months ago. My uncle told me that he could tell by the way he acted that *Scott* liked me. I didn't like him, but I also didn't really know him. Since I have moved in with my grandma I see him a lot more, almost every weekend. Since my uncle is only here every other weekend, we get alot of time to hang out, alone. I got to know him and started liking him. I debated whether or not to tell him for a while and the on the 11th(sat) he was here and I found out he had a gf(for 3 days), got a little upset, and long story short I told him that I liked him and he said that he liked me too. Since my uncle was here we never got a chance to discuss it. And I tried(unsuccsufully) to get ahold of him the next week. Out of space...wait to respond.


And then on Saturday I sent him a text message asking if he was avoiding me and he said no. We texted back and forth for a while(I couldn't talk on the phone, I was at work). And I asked he was coming over and he said that we were going to him house but he would be at a B-day party. And I was said that sucked cuz I was hoping to talk to him. After I got off work I called him to see if we could get togerher on Sunday and he said the B-day party was a 2 day thing. Then he had to go cuz he was at the party. I heard his mom talking about it so i know he was telling the truth about the party. On Sat night I sent a text asking him to call me when he gets the chance. It's Wednesday and he still hasn't called. I know he has a gf, and I don't expect him to dump her for me. But I would like to talk to him to figure out what's going on. I mean why did he try so hard to get me to tell him that I liked him and then tell me he liked me if he wasn't going to do anything about it. Out of space...wait

Update 2:

I don't want to be pushy since he has a gf, so I haven't called at all this week, but I would like to know what's going on. I will see him Sat, at a party here. I'm not sure if i should act normal, like nothing happened or try to talk to him. I like him, alot. And he is different alot of the other guys I have liked. He actully shows his sensitive side, at least to me he does. And we have alot in common. And I am so happy when I am with him. And I know he has a gf, but they haven't been datting that long. I'm not gonna ask him to break up with her, casue that would be wrong. I just want to know where we stand. Like if they did break up would he want to date me. Some people told me try and break them up. I can't do that, for one I'm not that kind of person and for 2 we don't even go to the same school. But I do wish they would break up. Does anyone have any advice?

Update 3:

I'm not just gonna forget about him. I like him and even thought it's a complecated situation, he likes me too. And we are friends, plus I will still see him alot. I just don't know how to handle this. Call again, or wait and talk to him on Sat. Or act normal and see if he approaches me, since he already knows I wanna talk about it.

Update 4:

To Jodi...thanks, you have given me the best advice so far. I think I'm gonna do that, except the part about making him think I like someone else, cuz that seems like playing games, and thats not my style.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Girl Friend, dont call him. It will make u seem more desperate and push him away. When u see him act normal, and let him be the first 0ne to approach you. If you need to resort to tactics, pretend to be texting back and forth with someone and smiling a lot, be kinda mysterious, that will peak his intrest in you. Dont be stuck to him like glue, theirs just something about a girl with options that guys find it hard to resist. Make him think that hes not the only one interested in you. Good Luck!

  • 2 decades ago

    These are the types of questions taht you make the decision, dont just make a conclusion based on other peoples theories, cuase it might be your biggest mistake, instead just be take these advices into consideration, i think that you should just do what you think is right, forget about the future or the past just think about the present if you want to be with him or not cause that'll guide you, if you follow someones else's decision you'll always wonder what if... anyways gluck

  • 2 decades ago

    No no no thats horrible blood is blood girl!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    What Amy said....

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