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This question requires lots of thoughts and advise, so think before you answer....? goes...Please, by all means, If you have a negative response, don't reply..My mother had x-rays done by our family doctor, because he thought she had phenomia..the x-rays showed dark spots on/in her lungs, with questionable results on her lymph nodes. I'M NOT AN IDIOT, however, is there a chance that maybe my mom is suffering from phenomia or bronchitis?...OR..could it be the inevitable? My mom is my ROCK...I'm so scared that it's the inevitable. Please be honest..I'm an adult, so whatever you advise or say will be taken as an adult. Please, be honest...even if you need to use family experiences as your examples.

Thank you for your prayers, if you pray for us. :)


by all means, I'm not asking for anyone to "sugarcoat" your responses. I just want fact, not fiction...I need to come to terms with whatever is thrown at me so I can handle it. I'd rather be prepaired, than just have it presented to me when she is gone! I said..."AND..If it's just phenomonia, we can take care of it before it becomes chronic. I'm not dealing with this very well, and my mom acts like it's nothing. DAMMIT! I'm taking it harder than hell!

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    X-rays are just rays of light, but of a very small wavelength compared to the light we see with. Dark spots indicate that the rays irradiating some area are not reflected back (or passing thru) to the film.

    If someone shines a flashlight thru a pane of glass and you stand on the other side and look at the light you will see a lot of the light. If there are those decorative static stickers on the glass they will show up as dark spots....right? Becasue the light can't pass thru those very easily, if at all.

    This is how x-rays work essentially. Normal body tissue is of such a structure that to the very small wavelength of x-rays, appear transparent to them. That which is more dense, like bone blocks the x-rays.

    The areas that block the rays are less exposed and the areas where the rays pass thru to the film are MORE exposed....just like in regular film-type cameras.

    X-ray images use the NEGATIVES, which is why the areas of bone and higher density material (little or no x-ray exposure) show up light as opposed to less dense tissue (more exposure to the rays and show as dark'ish).

    Ok, having blabbed about all I'm hoping that by understanding this you might feel a little less dread about your situation.

    There are various kinds of 'tissues' in the body that have varying degrees of transparency to x-rays; bone, tumors of various kinds, and scar tissues.

    The x-rays don't know how DEEP something resides in the body either. They stop when they run into whatever it is that blocks them.

    If you took pennies and placed them on your chest....the x-ray would show very nice round, black 'spots'. So the 'spots' your mother has could be anomolies that are in her soft tissues; skin, muscles and so on. They don't necessarily mean they are ON her lungs or lymph nodes. Could be a problem with the film.....could be some kind of interference during the x-ray process (unlikely), but it can be a number of things. The x-rays just show that somehting is, or WAS there.

    The location of the spots is of great concern tho, and she needs to be checked thoroughly to determine just what is going on! And if you/she has not followed up, to do so as swiftly as you can.

    I don't want to give you false hopes, but I also don't want you to be given x-ray information without really understanding what they are, how they work and what you can and cannot expect.

    The doc's like to dazzle people with their equipment, but many (not all) of them probably don't even know the whole scoop of x-rays. As such they are poor at helping their patients because they don't really know, and I think this is a shame, because interacting with the people they are treating is what's it's all about.

    Ask questions....take a notebook with you, or a recorder even......get answers, and I'll say some prayers for you and your mother...just in case.

    I hope things are ok for you both.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I read x-rays all the time. But NOBODY can interpret an X-ray and make a diagnosis only by reading your description. If your family doctor is concerned (and I'm sure HE reads x-ray's all the time too) he kicks it up to someone who is more of an expert. I know you are anxious, but I'm sorry, there is nobody here who is able to (or should) offer a diagnosis or prognosis about your moms condition.

    To REALLY know if your mother has pneumonia, or bronchitis or whatever, you have to wait until the results and other tests are interpreted. That's the only way. Nobody on Yahoo Answers can help you there. Sometimes these answers only make people more anxious. Good luck, and best wishes.

    Source(s): Physician
  • 2 decades ago

    well the spots on her lung are very questionable indeed, but the fact that the lymph nodes are showing something questionable is not good. Just wait till the rest of her labs come in and see what the doc says. Trust me, the doc is not going to name a diagnoses without having sufficient evidence of what he`s talking about. be patient and wait for all results. In the meanwhile pray and I`ll pray for you so that everything comes back treatable.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    My Mom's best friend since 3rd grade has had a hard life too. At first, Kathy {that's her name} had a triple by-pass. Then she had stage 4 liver cancer. Then Kathy had breast cancer. Now, she has a fungs in her lungs. This has been really hard on Kathy, my Mom, and me. Even though I'm 10 and Kathy's like 45, we're good friends. Kathy is like a Mom to me. So, I think I know how you feel.

    Just be by your Mom's side. When it gets really bad, she'll want you by her side, even though she might not say it.

    I won't be able to answer your question about what to do because Kathy has not had the same prolmen.

    I hope this helps anyways. Tell your Mom that I said hi and that'll I'll pray for her.

    Source(s): me, Kathy and my life.
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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Lovely, you are asking for an honest answer. You are asking is it one thing or another, one thing is a positive when compared to the other, therefore if the response is seemingly for the latter, then the response is deemed to be negative.

    If you do not want a negative answer then don't request is it one or the other, as one, as stated above, will inevitibley be negative.

    I'm sorry dear, I think you just need to have faith in what the doctors are telling you and Pray. You and your mum are in my prayers.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Now Sweetie, even if there are dark spots they could be begnin, which means "non-cancerous." If not, the Doctors here in the US are the best Doctors in the world. There is also the Cancer Centers of America. Many people have survived cancer. It could be operable but if it isn't there is treatment. Believe in miracles, Honey and keep your faith strong. We're all praying for you. Let us know how the test come out. I know it's hard not to worry but you have to stay strong for yourself and your family. There is always hope!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i in my opinion search for a courting with a woman becuase I lengthy for the compassion of yet another human being. i'm 15 and besides the actual undeniable actuality that youthful, i recognize adequate to charm to close that the actual and emotional bond between 2 people is the bottom of all human emotion. Im in extreme college and that i'm sorrounded by added masculine, stronger guy's than me who date women for both (a) sex and something to discuss contained in the locker room. Or (b) merely to have a lady friend. I cost the ladies that i love and prioritize them more beneficial than my very own desires because my girlfriends happyness is the most important element of me and as long as i recognize that I make her satisfied, then that makes me satisfied:) Does that answer your question?

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    All is not lost. We assume the worst. Worry will not help, only make you sick. It could be anything, some of today's doctors worry us needlessly by simply forgetting to wipe the lens clean. Hold on to hope and pray.

  • tabs
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    I don't think anybody here can answer this question. You will have to wait for your doctor's prognosis. I'm sure it could be a number of things so don't panic.

    Wish you and your mother all the best!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    the worst thing you can do is make premature assumption or ask anyone but the doctor whats going on. i was in your same situation and the only thing you can do is be there for your parent. good luck i wish the best for you

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