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DramaGuy asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 2 decades ago

What makes you give a thumbs up or thumbs down?

If my answer isn't chosen, my first reaction is to give a thumbsdown, but not always. I also tend to give a thumbsdown for long cut and past answers. Of course I do try to decide whether I agree with the chosen answer or whether I think it was the best answer. Why do you choose up or down?


I appreciate Brian's honesty.

21 Answers

  • noone
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I choose down when the answerer can't spell or doesn't make sense or didn't actually answer the question. Sometimes i choose thumbs down if the question was dumb like who likes pie and the answerer says i do. or if the asker and answerer appear to be friends.

    I choose thumbs up if it is the best answer or one of the best answers. It it makes sense and isn't like 2 pages long.

    It all depends sometimes it depends what mood i am in.

  • Flif
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    I choose based on whether or not I think the answerer really solved the question. If the asker said in the comments that the problem was solved, I'll usually give it a thumbs up regardless of what I think of the answer.

    I also take legibility into account. If an answer has good spellling and grammar, I'm much more likely to rate it a thumbs up.

  • 2 decades ago

    I spend most of my time in the pets(dog) section.If the answer picked isnt mine,I still give a thumbs up if the one chosen,is correct when it comes to the dogs health and well being.If the answer is totally wrong,or has suggested something that may be harmfull to the dog it gets a big thumbs down,and usually a comment to boot.

  • 2 decades ago

    I usually pick thumbs up because the way i looked at it they were chosen as the best answer so that USUALLY means they were helpful, unless it's something that will offend a race, country, gender, etc. It doesn't really matter to me if the spelling or punctuation is right because people all over the world use this site, it may not be their first languange.

    Source(s): Everybody that tries to help the asker gets a thimbs up from me.
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  • 2 decades ago

    It depends on whether the answer is actually correct or not...if it is then I give a thumbs up but if I know it to be the wrong answer then it gets a thumbs down.

    I even give a thumbs up if someone elses answer is better than mine.......I'm all heart really!

  • 2 decades ago

    I pick which was the best out of the best. Like say I agree I give an thumbs up if not thumbs down. Hope it helped!


  • 2 decades ago

    My friend is thumbs up in the morning and thumbs down at evening. to give up or down depends on the foolishness had written.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I base my decision on the answer making sense! If it's a dumb answer, then you get the thumbs down, if it makes sense then up. Or even if it has nothing to do with the question but makes me LMAO, I'll give it a thumbs up.

  • 2 decades ago

    If i agree with answer or not. if i totally disagree it's a thumbs down for sure. if i agree then it's of course a thumbs up.

  • 2 decades ago

    thumbs up goes 2 d answer that makes sense..

    there r some who just answer 4 d sake of 2 points & there r those who really give their sincere advice & admire those people... i wont just give them 2 thumbs up but 2 hands up..

  • 2 decades ago

    I just give a little bit of advice or a funny answer and then just click submit though I admit, I also want the points

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