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Questions posted in the wrong categories...?

I'm curious about something I've noticed happening here on Answers. I'm kinda hoping one of the Yahoo Answers Team might be able to answer this, tho I welcome all answers! Just be nice, please. I know some of these people aren't the brightest bulbs in the box, so I don't need anyone telling me how stupid/lazy/whatever they are...

I've noticed that some folks have posted questions in completely wrong categories. Since one must CHOOSE a category before submitting the Q. I'm trying to figure out a logical reason why they would choose something so unrelated to their subject.

It occurs to me, that on the main page ( are three boxes labeled "Ask", "Answer", and "Discover".If a person uses the "Ask" box to ask their question,are they required to choose a category?

IF the "Ask" box does not require choosing a category, then does the "Ask" box choose one at random, or perhaps it uses the category the questioner was last viewing?


On the main page, the "Ask", "Answer", "Discover" boxes are at the top. The "Answer", "Discover", "Pick" stuff is the main body of the page with the categories on the left...

10 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think people categorize wrong because Yahoo! Answers doesn't really give a training course on how to use this site.;_ylt=AoPW7... When I see a question categorized wrong, I tell the user it could go better elsewhere.;_ylt=Aoiqh... If everyone did this, we wouldn't have this problem anymore. Yahoo! Answers has a rule about categorizing questions right but they don't seem to enforce it.

    Usage Rules #5:

  • 2 decades ago

    It does ask for a category but I've noticed myself putting alot of my questions in "Other" b/c for some reason I feel like more people look there or I don't want a generalized answer, such as a political question, I may not want a bunch of politicians answering it I may just want a general idea of people's answers.

    Maybe that's what other people are doing too?

    I can post the same question in Other and Food and get more answers on a food question in the "other" category. I don't know why.

  • 2 decades ago

    The ask your question does require you to chose a category. It won't let you ask until you've chosen one of these.

    And when you talked about the main page it goes.

    Answer, Discover (rate answers) and Pick (vote for answers)

    When you click on these it goes by most recently asked. WHen you click on one of these categories you can click on the left side of the screen for a certain category you'd like to answer, rate or vote on. Hope this helps.

  • 2 decades ago

    I use the "Ask" box that you speak of, and yes, after I ask my question, I am required to choose a category and then subcategory before posting my question.

    and the main page goes...Ask Answer Discover-- there is no Pick option unless you click on home and scroll down the page...

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 2 decades ago

    The miscategorized questions has nothing to do with a glitch or bug with the site. This is where people chose where to put their questions. They have to chose a place to post their question, if it is left blank it will not be posted. With that in mind, I have no idea why a person would knowingly post their question in the wrong place. We encourage people to post correctly so that their question will get the best answers possible. However, they ultimately make the decision.

    Hope this helps to explain things.


  • 2 decades ago

    If I had my druthers, there would be a "Report Abuse" category for wrong category. I have had several people help me with questions, and I try to be helpful when I can. Navigating through the "BS" to get to real questions is quite irksome, given my busy life and limited time.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No that isn't a contravention purely a foul determination. experts in one type that ought to grant the data a question seeks does no longer see something in a distinctive type you at the instant are not friendly your duties as someone of this website in case you refuse to record any question in any respect. it extremely is a community moderated website and absolutely everyone has the criminal duty to record extraordinarily violations of the words of provider.

  • 2 decades ago

    Maybe they post them in wrong categories on purpose, or they don't care, or they are stupid...

  • 2 decades ago

    Maybe they are just lazy and click the mouse on any button.

  • 2 decades ago

    because they are too stupid or lazy to care...

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