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wiazardofoz asked in PetsDogs · 2 decades ago

My dog just had a litter of 11 puppies on the 27th. she is having lots of blood coming out of her rectom.?

What should I do? Call the vet? She was in good health, and all the pups are doing good. She has only ate a little bit since having them. I'm wondering if it is from not eating and then trying to go poo, or if it was from the strain of having the pups?

7 Answers

  • Chetco
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Are you certain it is her rectum or is it her vulva? If she is bleeding where the puppies came out, that is the vulva. Bleeding is normal after having a litter. She may continue for as much as a couple of weeks. If it is bright red blood, it isn't OK. But if it is dark thick blood, it is just her uterus cleaning out.....just like people when they have babies.

    However, if it is indeed the rectum, where she poops, then she should be seen by a vet soon.

    Source(s): dog breeder since 1968
  • 2 decades ago

    Yes, Yes... a thousand times YES! Blood out of the rectum of pretty much ANY mammal is NOT a good sign. I may be completely wrong, and this may be a side affect of the birth, but bllod coming out of any living dog, cat, or person's rectum should ALWAYS be followed with a doctor visit at the very first notice of blood... you're even saying it's "lots" of blood... take her now. Find an all night Veterinarian... take her NOW!

    For real, though... you've made me extremely nervous. I wish that I could physically drive with you to a Vet right now. Dear God... please give me SOME SIGN that you've read these answers to your question!

    Source(s): A dog owner
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I would definitely take her to the vet-probably quickly-just to make sure she's not hemorrhaging. I don't know anything about this-but it sounds suspicious. Maybe you can call the veterinary emergency clinic in your area first and see what they say. 11 puppies is alot for her to have had.

  • 2 decades ago

    Go to the Vet NOW sounds like a serious problem.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Take her to the vet immediately. She has torn or ruptured herself from the strain.

  • 2 decades ago

    she needs to go to the vet immediately, she may even still have a puppy up there and it won't come out, she definitely is hemmoraging for a good reason, or you will lose her.

  • 2 decades ago

    Umm yes I would see the vet right away.

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