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Ana asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 2 decades ago

What annoys you the most?

List 5 top things that annoy you, if you can.

Here are mine:

1. People who say "OMG HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL RAWK!!11" or something of the sort. The movie was terrible. Face it, posers.

2. People who answer questions with "I do not have an answer for this question" (e.g. the usr going by the nickname Lay)

3. People who can't even TRY to cover up their tracks. (This girl, going by the nickname "Lay," answered one of the "how old are you" questions saying she was 9. On 3 other questions she says she got married "5 years ago" and has sex every day... just a terrible lier, that 9-year-old pervert.)

4. People asking you something obvious, and especially when they repeat it 5+ times, as if you didn't hear it the first time (e.g. That movies was PG? That movie was PG? That movie was PG? That movie was PG? That movie was PG?)

5. People who just won't shut up. You know those people.


That's genius.

And didn't bother me the slightest bit, sorry your goal was ruined. :D

Update 2:

I really couldn't decide on a good answer, because all 44 of you really put great input on my question, so I am making a vote. Don't vote for yourself- that's cheap. May the best answer win!

44 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Fundamentalists and other religious wackos who want to tell me how to live my life because they couldn't figure out how to live theirs without an almighty crutch.

    2. Homophobes, because even though I'm bi, mostly straight, it's just too annoying that people can't live and let live without wanting to oppress and degrade others. Let's all just leave each other be, 'kay?

    3. People who play their car stereos too loud in residential areas. Come on! Save your hearing; save my nerves. Play it at a reasonable volume.

    4. People who flirt and/or go out on dates with no intention of being any thing more significant than friends. Is it really so hard to be emotionally honest? No! I just don't get why there are so many *ockteases and *untteases in the world.

    5. Anti-choice activism. Don't like abortion? Then don't have one! No one has a right to interfere with women's private medical decisions. That goes double for men since they don't even have a uterus or any chance of getting pregnant.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I don't know what order I should put these in but here it goes:

    5. People who are in relationships that have no business being in one. You know, the couple who got together after knowing each other for a day and all they do is argue and they can't break up because they are in "love". Sometimes the relationship is so unstable that it's abusive.

    4. Guys with big egos. The type of guy who thinks he can have sex with you just because you are drunk and he's having a conversation with you. They never want to take no for an answer and they think women are sluts.

    3. People who have kids they can't take care of. They are on welfare, their kids run around wild, and they can barley take care of themselves. They keep having kid after kid like it's nothing. Why do people think their is so much crime? It's from kids like this!

    2. People who think abortion is okay. I know from my #3 response you would think that I would be pro-choice but I am not. I think most people think that murderers should be prosecuted, well the same goes with abortion. It IS murder. Unless someone is raped or really stupid, they know there is a chance they can get pregnant when they have sex. Why should they be able to escape this consequense? Adoption is a better option.

    1. Sexism. Without a doubt. Women do NOT realize their capabilites and power and so many men love that fact. People say that terrorism and racism and all these problems are major but they never mention how poorly women are treated on this planet. This happens on every continent in the world and it's a shame. Women are treated as sex slaves, housemaids, and scum. We have a voice too, ladies, stop letting men have all the power!!!

    People in this world are never held accountable for their actions. Actions that cause demise in the spirit of the human soul

  • 2 decades ago

    1. People who talk through movies at a theater. Why would you pay that kind of money for a movie you aren't watching?

    2. People who try to be honest but show no tact. Honesty doesn't have to mean being ignorant.

    3. People who spout off at the mouth with no facts to support their arguments or opinions. Be informed before you talk about 'issues.'

    4. People who talk trash about you to other people, but absolutely will not admit to what they said when you ask. If it's worth saying at all, say it to my face!

    5. People who refuse to listen to another person's point of view. No one person is ever always right and always wrong. (Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If we can't agree, then agree to disagree.)

  • Sam
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    I hate (this is a list of types of people):

    1. People who value appearances over character. You know the type - they always think that they're better than everyone else and that the ugly ones are not worth their time.

    2. Pretenders. You add me to your 360 list, but you never make the effort to contact me or talk to me. You say that you like me, but you stab me behind my back. I hate those people.

    3. Hypocrites. A minute ago you hated that (referring to the "said" item) with all your heart, but ever since Jake (fake name) got it, you decided to get one for yourself too. Or, I hate that girl - she's so biatchy. And then you're dating her the next week.

    4. Judgmental people. Deduces and summarizes a person's character before they even meet. These people are worse than those who prefer appearances over character, coz' they don't even give a chance for you to show your better side.

    5. Egoistical people. They think they're better than everyone else (this is the father character in relation to judgmental, hypocrites, backstabbers, pretenders and people who prefer appearances) but the egoistical people are the worst of the worst. Not only can they be judgmental or hypocritical, they usually have a high assumption of themselves - preferring to think that they are perhaps the greatest person in mankind ever. In short, the they are the four sub categories merged into one. Extremely horrible.

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  • 2 decades ago

    1.) People who whine. That makes me want to reach out and choke them!

    2.) People who try to shove their beliefs on me or convert me.

    3.) Friends on your buddy list that don't talk to you for months at a time then out of the blue PM you because they need help with something.

    4.) After someone has said something bout their faith or questioned something about it put on a martyred expression then say "I was told I would suffer for my faith'. That isn't suffering! Get OVER yourself!

    5.) Your talking to someone then their cell rings, without even looking at the number they turn their back and start talking on it ignoring you. Makes you want to grab the phone and stomp on it!

  • 1. When people don't listen to you.

    2. When you can't move to New York to persure your dreams.

    3. When you get writers block when trying to write a goddamn song.

    4. When you are stuck living in Columbus, Ohio.

    5. When you don't know if your are going to win a goddamn songwriting contest.

    6. When I can't figure out what the **** I wanna eat.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    People who ask you a question, then interrupt you with another question while you are trying to answer the first one.

    People who interrupt you when you are talking either to them or someone else.

    Rude and discourteous drivers.

    People who are ungreatful and don't know what the word "thank you" means.

    People who talk on their cell phones in public places, like cashier lines, disrespecting others who have to wait on them to finish their conversations.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    5) The noise of someone breathing in and out.

    4) People that cough and dont cover their mouth.

    3) People that talk nonstop?

    2) People that laugh so hard you think ur ear drums are about to bust

    1) racist ppl

    Source(s): me myself and i
  • 2 decades ago

    People that ask a question and then answer their own question 5 times

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    1) people putting their bare feet on me. My husband kids or other family members.

    2) the sound of a fork scraping someones teeth when they eat.

    3) someone breathing in my face.

    4) burps It just grosses me out

    5) people slurping the milk in their cereal. It is nasty, and grosses me out

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