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What do the Serbians think of the United States now?

The other day I was somewhat startled to encounter a couple of Serbians who had some fairly surprising opinions of the US and the recent military conflict in the area. For example:

1. They claimed the US had started the conflict.

2. They claimed that the US was the aggressor and the bully

3. They claimed that Milosovich was not captured and on trial, but this was only a fiction created by our lying media

4. They claimed that no European nations had asked for US assistance

5. They claimed that Serbia had never done anything wrong, even in attacking its neighbors, because Serbians are a proud people

6. They said there was no such thing as ethnic cleansing, except against the Serbians

7. They claimed that the reason the US attacked Serbia was to

set up strategically located bases so they could later attack Russia from Serbia.

8. They saw no problems with trying to settle 500 year old grievances with a war since Serbians are a proud people.

Do you have any comments, opinions ?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's much easier to simply blame the U.S. than it is to actually adress your country's problems. Just ask the rest of the world.

  • 2 decades ago

    serbians can be a proud people but that still does not give them the right to kill innocents.we can see everywhere in the world poiticians creating non existent problems which lead to a lot of unnecessary bloodshed.i'm an indian and i have seen such frightfully disturbing things happening in my country where us hindus live largely in peace with the islamic and other minorities.whenever there is a communal clash it is because the politicians instigate people into violence.i do believe what the serbians said about america(i hvae nothing against the american people my personal experience with them has been very pleasant) for their foreign policy is one based on arrogance and sanctimony as they demonstrate everyday in Iraq.this is what happens when persons with vested interests(george bush,dick cheney) are allowed to run a country.i guess all such conflict and invasion can be avoided if we were careful in choosing our poiticians.i guess a kind of socialist democracy(a new world order) might help.

    P.S.sorry for the length of the answer i had to get it out.

  • Andr
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    The Serbian military action stems from a feeling of irredentism, or a recovery of the Serbian people who lived in Kosovo/Kosova, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia (not Greek) and even Albania and Romania. They had been fed a tradition of a 'Greater Serbia' when the Serbs owned a lot of the area (1100s). It was justified to the Serbs today that they were simply taking back what was theirs, and that they deserved it - since they were the most powerful country behind the former Yugoslavia.

    Many Serbs have been force-fed a diet of state TV from the day that they were born until the day that Milosovic fell from power. What do you expect them to believe? That their soldiers commited mass genocide in the name of territorial greed and a legend from hundreds of years ago?!? Who wants to believe that? Serb history has often been a story of 'us against the world' and it suits many to believe this. Not all Serbs, but many.

    I have to say that Slobodan Milosovic played a huge part in all of this. He wanted power - and he knew how to get it. With rhetoric like "They shouldn't dare to beat you!" he quickly became leader of Serb Nationalism and exploited suppressed feelings in the name of power. I wish that he had lived to go on trial.

    Source(s): Me, a 2:1 History degree. "The Death of Yugoslavia" - Silber, Little. EVERYONE should read this book.
  • 2 decades ago

    Your question is realy tricky.

    If you want to know my comment or opinion about those two people, it's simply: They are paranoid and wrong.

    But if you're willing to haer what majority of serbian paople thinks of these questions - just ask the normal people. Their comments would be very different than these.

    By the way Milosevic was not only captured,

    he died in prision a month ago.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Serbians are white folk, we expect them to stop with the genocide, It is OK to kill white folk though cause they are getting even.

  • 2 decades ago

    Do you know what i am asking my self , every day ?

    Here :

    Where the angels live ?

  • 2 decades ago

    did you tell these two people they are freaking nuts

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