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How long is Genesis "evening and morning", the days of creation?

Our universe is finite, probably rotates and is filled with "space" that is a fluid-like substance. Could the "evening and morning" represent one full rotation of our universe, rather like one day on our planet represents one full rotation of the planet?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    probably! i never thought of that before- it akes way more sense than a normal day on earth

  • 2 decades ago

    The first thing you have to consider is your faith and belief in the Bible. If you don't believe, then the answer and your question is a moot point. I believe the Bible is literal in description and I know how to recognize when it is talking parables and when it is true. My faith and belief is fully in the Word. In the beginning all was dark.(without form and void) and the Lord said Let there be light...He spoke it into existence, darkness first and then the light, so as a reminder, the evening (darkness) and the morning (light) were the first day. Even today the Jewish belief is that their day begins at sundown the day before. So to answer your question I believe that the evening and the morning were our normal rotation of 24 hours and by biblical counting we have only been here about 7000 years.

  • 2 decades ago

    rockEsquirrel you are asking the wrong questions. First let me tell you that the Bible is not intended to answer the question: "How were we created?". The bible's true intention is to answer the question: "Why were we created?".

    My belief:

    First it 's impossible to tell how long "evening and morning" are in the days of creation. It could have been eons. It could have been nanoseconds. Everyone has virtually their own view point and take on how much is "evening and morning".

    The following beliefs exist as to the exact known age of the universe:

    1.) Day-Age Genesis One Interpretation

    2.) Long Creation Days Theory

    More can be found at the site below. Just read up on it!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    the jewish day began at twilight and ended earlier the subsequent twilight their day replaced into night first then sunlight hours in genesis the 1st day no actual easy replaced into created that's the commencing up of the earth rotating on its axis for the 24 hour day the easy replaced into observed as day or day time and the darkness replaced into observed as night or night time KJV: Genesis financial ruin a million [5] And God observed as the easy Day, and the darkness he observed as night. And the night and the morning have been the 1st day. the sunlight while created might hit the earth floor 12 hours an afternoon and the earth floor may be remote from the sunlight 12 hours

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  • 2 decades ago

    I gave up on your question as soon as I read, "Our universe is finite, probably rotates and is filled with 'space' that is a fluid-like substance..."

    The majority of cosmologists agree that the universe is probably infinite.

    There's no evidence that the universe rotates; such a feature can't be detected since there's nothing external to it against which such a rotation could be measured.

    Space isn't filled with any 'fluid-like' substance. Science long ago proved that.

    God should be spelled B-I-G B-A-N-G

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Genesis is a nice story. The people who wrote it had no idea that the earth moved around the sun, that the earth had plates that moved around causing earthquakes, and they had no idea that the earth was 4.5 billion years old. So it's useless to go through the bible or any other religious book to try to figure out if there is some tweak we can make to it so that everything is OK.

    We don't need to make "Little Red Riding Hood" true by figuring out how the wolf was cut open and grandma came out. We don't need to do the same to the bible either.

  • 2 decades ago

    If you take two 10 year old kids born on the same date and send one of them 100 light years from here in space and leave the other on the earth. After 1 year earth lifespan, you will find that the one living on Earth will be 11 years old while the other away in space will only a seconds older or perhaps hundreds of years older.

    Time and Space. You can get older or younger depending where you are. ;)

    Source(s): Theory of Time and Space
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    who knows -all the religious books of all religions are symbolic, not nescessarily hard facts but metaphysical ones open to interpretation - i guess if none of us humans lived back in the times that those old books refer to, we can never know what really happened in those times - were you there to see when buddha, krsna, jesus and/or the prophet muhammad existed? so how can you know for sure whats true - only what you decide to believe. nobody really has these "meaning of creation" "birth of the universe" answers.

  • 2 decades ago

    they are 24 hour days. just like our current 24 hour days. why does everyone question the meaning of "day" only in genesis?? why not the rest of the bible, just genesis?

  • 2 decades ago

    "Bible is literal in description and I know how to recognize when it is talking parables and when it is true"

    Enlighten us on how the literal words of god are sometimes not ment to be literal if that is what you believe?

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