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Lv 5

Why do "Creationists" think there is no evidence supporting evolution ?

Aristotle (about 350BC) noted the shape of the earth by observing its shadow on the face of the moon during a solar eclipse. But the Christian church held firm in its belief that the earth was flat. Not only did they hold that it was flat, they judged as criminal all who held a different view !


NunZ7777 did you visit the link ???

Evolution is like a can't jump between branches....Orang-Utans on one twig and humans on another twig....but the twigs came from the same branch !

All living apes/monkeys AND humans evolved from the same single ancestor species...that is why present day apes cannot evolve into humans anymore !

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ah f**k it, you will never convince a bunch of narrow-minded, brainwashed lunatics. I was even thinking about starting my own religion and making some cash out of these idiots as well.

    Anyone fancy a beer?

  • 2 decades ago

    I find it ridiculous for Christians to criticize evolution when creationism has no evidence whatsoever.Any one could have wrote a story about how life and earth came about after the fact.Space wasn't even mentioned in the story.The author wrote the story as if the earth is the universe itself.

    I notice that Christians don't even study the evidence of evolution.They just completely dismiss it because it contradicts their beliefs:Their beliefs that has no proof.Genesis says that God made man from dirt.We all know that we are not made from dirt.The evolution theory gives details to how the earth and animals came about.The bible just states,bam,and there it was.Even if evolution wasn't a theory any more,Christians still would disregard it.Anything for their precious ancient book that was written before science even came along.There is nothing in the creation story that man couldn't have known at their time.There is no mention of the earth being round and there is no mention of space and other planets.If you read the bible carefully,you will notice that the author separated earth from water and skies.They didn't Know that earth was round in space.They perceived it as just the land.Why else would it say,God created the heavens and the earth?The heavens are apart of the earth.There are also passages that that suggest that the earth and waters are separate.We know now that the water is apart of earth.

    To answer your question,most of them don't even study evolution.They just claim there is no eveidence without even seeing what the evidence is because it goes against their precious creation beliefs that has no proof whatsoever.

  • 2 decades ago

    I would venture to say that different professed Christians have different reasons for rejecting the theory of evolution as a fact. I have many reasons, all based on science, that leads me to reject the theory of evolution. But if I were to be guided by the intersection of merely four lines of evidence, independent and apart from any reference to the Bible, I would still be led to the conclusion that the theory of evolution does not rise to the level of fact and therefore I do not accept it as such. The four lines of evidence are the four forces of the universe: electromagnetism, gravity, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force and their precise settings, independent of each other and in relation to each other. I agree with John Polkinghorne, former physicist at Cambridge University, who concluded: “When you realize that the laws of nature must be incredibly finely tuned to produce the universe we see, that conspires to plant the idea that the universe did not just happen, but that there must be a purpose behind it.” Purpose and design naturally presume intelligence. I know the following may seem simplistic but sometimes the simple explanations are the most profound: laws governing the celestial bodies and their movements are so precise, that based upon them, man can calculate what it takes to put man on the moon with a precision that is remarkable. Is it reasonable to believe that these laws governing the universe just happened?

  • Eden*
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    the church is based on power, hence the ideological notion that unless you follow their teaching you burn in eternal hell forever, which goes against the idea of this loving caring heavenly father.

    Of course there has always been evidence for evolutionary theories but to accept that would mean the church and the Bible as we know it today would have to let go of this 'power' they hold over Christians. They would have to acknowledge that the Garden of Eden was a very nice story used to demonstrate to people in its day how we got here. it was all they could understand and so at the time was useful.

    Everything else in society has evolved, science as much as anything, except the church and its teachings

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  • 2 decades ago

    the fact is that there is evidence supporting evolution because the theory is based on the world we live in and is providing an alternative to the truth. of course if you make up a lie or a theory then you have to either have some sort of evidence or result to base it on. eg that bird survives here but what if 5000 years ago there was one which was less able then perhaps it completely changed over time in order to survive here. in reality of course the bird was made perfectly in order to survive in its habitat. i could make up a theory that 100000000 years ago everone in existance used to be made out of boulders and hills and were giants because look all the hills and rocks everywhere that must have been what happened! take a real scientific step and check further than a library-ask Jesus into your life and be born again by the power of the Gospel (an actual real life event in your real life) if you do this in a prayer sincerely God will answer you!

  • 2 decades ago

    When was the last time an ape evolved into a man? Seriously, why don't they evolve anymore if we came from them? GIve thagt some serious thought.

    Those Christians were dead wrong. Look at what the Bible says.

    Isa 40:22 [It is] he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof [are] as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: God called the world a circle,they weren't reading their Bible.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Because there is little evidence to support it. Think about it, and you will soon see there are many flaws. For instance, a good leg/arm would become a bad leg/arm long before it became a good wing. A good fin would become a useless thing before it was a good leg for walking on. Also, the mathimatical chances are so slim that if it was that way for anything else, we would never believe it. We are less likely to believe we will win the lotery, but it is much more likely according to probability. If you ever want to have a conversation (not a debate, not an insult competition, etc.) about this, feel free to email me. My address is on my lookup, or will be soon.

    ok, never mind, it's

  • 2 decades ago

    Ask yourself. If we evolved from Apes, Where did the apes come from. A big bang. Just like a house has a creator, so does everything and everyone else. I couldn't have come from a big bang or whatever. As far as christians back then. They don't claim to be perfect. Everybody makes mistakes and learn and grow from them.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It's the same old story. People have a real problem with things that they can't understand, so here comes organized religion with some far fetched stories that "solve" those problems. Things like, "Why did I drop that cup?" You lost your grip on it, it wasn't "gods" will! Organized religion is just a crutch for the ignorance of peoples minds.

  • 2 decades ago

    Not all creationists feel this way... most of us acutally believe in both... the closed-minded ones believe in it with so much heart, just like a child believes that Santa Claus is real... what are you going to do... there's nothing you can do for them

  • 2 decades ago

    that was a long time ago. today many creatioists believe there is evidence supporting evolution, but we have faith in creationism. i believe in both. but not to the extreme that we came from single celled organisms.

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