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I don't know what to of silence?

Because next week is exams at my university, Day of Silence is happening tomorrow for us. I've been considering participating for some time now, but I'm feeling really conflicted.

On one hand, it occurs on a really bad day for me. Wednesdays are the only time I get to see my best friend (she's taking the semester off for personal reasons so lives 2 hours from me) all week and it's so close to summer (I'm going out of state for the majority of it). This Wednesday is also a bad day because there's this AWESOME comedian coming to our's at the same time as the "breaking of the silence". I'd already made plans to go see him with some friends before I even knew that it was day of silence.

At the same time, I feel like it's something I should be involved in. Like I'm not a true supporter if I don't participate. I'm also "new" to the GLBT community as only allowed myself to "be" bisexual recently (strong Christian upbringing, lots of bullying, etc affected this). I feel like


I need to do this for myself, but at the same time...I'm just so conflicted.

Another aspect is that campus has had a big campaign against hate recently as recently we've had a lot of hate crimes...people writing sh*t on whiteboards and a gay couple got spit on. With this...I realize that now more than ever I need to be able to be proud and say, "Yeah, I'm bi, so what?" ...but with all the bullying I experienced in middle school....I'm really scared to be hated again for no real reason.

I just would really like to hear what other people think...if people think I suck for not participating or if people understand why I might not. It might make my decision a bit easier. Thanks.

6 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    We had a similar concept at my University some years ago during Pride Week.

    We had a "blue jeans day" which was advertised as a day to wear your blue jeans to support gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights.

    The aim was to "normalise" this support, as most people on an every day basis wore blue jeans. It was great to see the homophobes on this day have to wear something else (and therefore be in the minority). It was also great for GLBT young people to "come out" and support the day, by wearing their blue jeans, and feel some pride without "shoving it in peoples faces" which gay people get accused of doing so often.

    I guess in answer to your question, go ahead and see your friends and the comedian, however, find a way to show your pride in another way on the day....

    Good luck

  • 2 decades ago

    The best thing you can do is be proud of who you are. Days of silence are great. But action is better. Volunteer for an AIDS charity. Or better yet just come out completely, live a good life, and be a proud example of the GLBT community. Having someone know a proud out GLBT person is the first step because it affexts them directly and have personal experience. Second your good example will downplay the negative stereotypes people have in their heads.

    So that is my suggestion.

  • 2 decades ago

    You should do what your heart says. If you feel you should go to it... then go... but their is no law that says you HAVE to go... their will be another time when they have all the activities, so it is all up to you what you think. I am bisexual as well and I have gone to several prides when they are in town... to be honest there will be another one. Do what you think is best.

    Source(s): myself
  • 2 decades ago

    This is so dumb. Fcuk a "day of silence". What good is that going to do? Are people supposed to know you're gay because you're not talking? What if you just don't have anything to say that day? Silence is the LAST thing the gay community or any minority community needs. Forget this stupid bullshyt. Day of Silence... LOL!

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  • 2 decades ago

    Sound's like you need to spruce up decision making 101. Choose a side and make a stand and stick to it. No one here can make up your mind for you. And you probably won't take any advice from any one of us anyway.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    well no one will know that u werent silent..what are they gonna do check your vocal cords??

    for those ignorant fools who are disrespecting the GLBT community..ignore them..they are not worthy of the time.

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