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Why do people who post on Yahoo! ANSWERS have such poor grammar?

How hard can it really be to type the correct words, in the correct order, with the correct spelling? (Especially with spell-check available!) I am no grammar expert...but at least I can make a point that others can understand!

8 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why is the pope catholic? But seriously, I share your frustration, but there are also a lot of fairly young people on here, not to mention there are probably quite a few users that English is not their native language.

  • 2 decades ago

    There could be a number of reasons.

    AS FAR AS my posts it's because I hit the wrong keys and I don't notice it till after press the submit button.

    Another reason is for people to have a good laugh.

    Maybe their spell check is not working right.

  • 4 years ago

    who's every physique? needless to say you're new here. no longer every physique is responsible of those accusations. it could be like me announcing why do all new human beings ask ridiculous questions (like yours) that have been asked and responded thousands, if no longer hundreds, of situations without looking solutions first? Get my factor? once you have been here awhile, you will start to clean out the dummies and immediately concentration in on the real deal without giving it a theory. each and every sometimes that's fairly relaxing to attempt and determine what many of the morons attempt to assert. have relaxing at it and don't enable it get to you. once you initiate getting frivolous violations, then you certainly can evaluate your self totally initiated. BTW, does not overusing question marks fall into the class of undesirable grammar? merely kidding...

  • 2 decades ago

    Ummm , I think many are not only young, but I also think our educational system has let us down.

    While, don't forget, many are not brought up with the English language which means they have difficulty spelling or speaking the language.

    A lot of it I see on here is just "young"

    What do you think?

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Aftermath of American "education". Sad, isn't it? Besides spelling and grammar there seems to be no thought put into what is being said/asked. No planning.

  • 2 decades ago

    because now people use a lot of shorter versions of word to not spend too much time writing, that's y we don't like to write too much....

  • 2 decades ago

    Coz we are so keen to share our knowledge with you! We get confused!

  • 2 decades ago

    they're probably in a hurry or rn't good at spelling!

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