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Men - Do you really find thin, blond women attractive?

Would you rather spend time with an intelligent and funny brunette who's not a "perfect" (UK) 10 or 12 but who's healthy, reasonably attractive to average looking. Or, would you rather be with a thin, bony woman with a halo of golden tresses who's obsessed with her figure and how she looks, has no conversation and isn't particularly bright? What do men really think of women and what makes an ideal one? Is blond beautiful and does thin really do it for men? Is there more than physical attraction and what does it for men? Incidentally, this isn't having a go at thin, blond women (I do know some very nice, intelligent, thin, blond women). However, I want to know what men really want in a woman - does it just come down to looks?


To answer a question - I watch people, I watch how they behave and it seems that in most cases, men will migrate towards a thin blond even if she has an attractive brunette near her. Anthropologists say that true blond is rarer than other colours and has made blonds prized throughout history. Just wondered if that were still the case.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can't really ask all men to answer the same question... All guys have different tastes just like women. I think the majority of us guys prefer healthy and fit as opposed to skinny or large. And everybody has their own preferences for hair color, weight, height, clothes... different strokes for different folks.

    Intelligence is most important for a relationship so it really depends on what the guy wants at that time... Unfortunately, you can't SEE intelligence so most guys choose on looks alone.

    I hope that helps, I think just rambled...

  • 2 decades ago

    no it does not just come down to looks, someone you can have a laugh with and genuinely love spending time with. you have to look at the bigger picture. an attractive man or woman is only going to be attractive for so long, once the looks fade it is the personality which you have to live with.

    i am far more attracted to women who can have a joke, and laugh at themselves when they ****-up, who are sincere in what they say, are easy going and don't take life too seriously.

    today's society puts far too many images of un-natural looking women in the limelight which puts far too much pressure on women trying to live up to the latest 'look'. to a certain extent this also transfers across to men, but i still think the media pressure on women today is still far too high.

  • 2 decades ago

    Beautiful comes from within.Beautiful come from the heart. A smiling face will go along ways with attraction. Having a positive attitude and personality can make all the difference in the world. Be happy!

  • 2 decades ago

    If a woman isn't blond, bony, and vapid, not only will I avoid her, but I will also insult her, and throw small dogs in her direction. And set her purse on fire.

    Source(s): Cosmopolitan magazine
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  • 2 decades ago

    Yeah, I like to ogle at blondes. But, the starved look is not at all attractive to me. I prefer healthy looking girls.

  • 2 decades ago

    in my oppinion there's something that affected you so you ask that question...

    People have diffrent tastes... A yellow/golden hair color doesn't make up for face, personality, being fun...

    NO OFFENSE AT ALL... but did someone dump you (or one of your friends) for an unworthy blond?

  • 2 decades ago

    to be honest, i prefer brunettes. and intelligence is good too. not being a know it all, but being able to shut someone up in an argument, is good in my opinion as long as its not me. i'm also a fan of the alpha girl, you know the one that all her friends kind of look up to

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): The Tao of Badass
  • 2 decades ago

    Blonde thin bitchy women by a mile

  • 2 decades ago

    good question little long but im watching this one . tell the guys to be more speciafic in there answers too.

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