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Is it really relevent that the US didn't find any WMDs in Iraq?

We all knew Saddam had WMDs. He used them on the Iraqi people. I personally believe they are in Syria.

Even if he didn't have WMDs, he was still a bad guy and a destabilizing influence in the region. The world is better off without him.

Simply because the US hasn't located them, does not mean we should return Saddam to power?

Can any Bush-haters logically explain why they are so obsessed with the WMD issue without calling me names?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I promise to not call you any names. Nor will I rant against Bush.

    Here are some of the problems:

    1. Waging a pre-emptive war on a sovereign nation is against international law and against the world's self-interests. I hope you don't want any country to be able to justify attacking another because the other country might be a threat in the future.

    2. Too much evidence suggest that the administration created the WMD threat to justify their decision. Shouldn't going to war be based on an honest consideration of facts???? Shouldn't the administration be open about its reasons?

    3. Yes Saddam was a bad guy, but are you seriously suggesting that we take out anyone we think is a bad guy??? And talk about destabilizing--by what criterion could you possibly judge Iraq to be more stable now than before?

    4. Who's talking about returning Saddam to power???

    5. WMDs is not an obsession--just one of many reasons to question the honesty and the competence of the administration.

  • 2 decades ago

    I think the whole issue boils down to the idea that we originally went to war with the Taleban and that was the war people supported. While fighting in Afghanistan, Bush decided he wanted to invade Iraq, most likely for the oil. To convice people we should invade, he claimed they had weapons of mass destruction.

    I think Saddam is a horrible man and I'm glad he's out of power, but the issue isn't that he had WMDs or that we were trying to liberate Iraq, but that we went to war against a country that hadn't attacked us and the war was based on false pretenses. Bush was never really looking for WMD; he just assumed they would be able to find some and thereby justify his war.

  • 2 decades ago

    Why are people obsesses with the WMDs? It's because George Bush lied saying that they were in Iraq...this helped him gain support to invade Iraq. There was no reason to attack and invade Iraq at that moment. He was doing what his father couldn't do in the first Gulf War. He got Saddam out of power when we should have been going after Bin Ladin. Saddam didn't attack us on 9/11...Bin Ladin did. So we were going in the wrong spot and because of George Bush's lie we now have over 1000 soldiers dead who should have never been killed in Iraq. George Bush has done a "high crime and misdemeanor" and should be punished...impeachment.

  • 2 decades ago

    Yes, of course. Bush never argued that Saddam was in cahoots with Al Qaida, but he did argue that Saddam was a threat to the US and Israel etc, because he had WMD. CIA reports concluded that Saddam no longer had WMD but Bush chose to disregard that and claim there were WMD as the reason to go to war. Don't you think that a president who gets you into a war thru mistake, if not thru outright lies, is a threat? He might do it again. Under international law you can only attack a country if it's a threat to you or your allies, not because you don't like the ruler. Saddam was despicable, but if there were no WMD we were wrong to go to war.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Because the WMDs were supposed to be able to reach the U.S. Because he was giving them to terrorists.

    The pro-bushies keep forgetting that we know where the WMDs were up until we reached the outskirts of Baghdad, suddenly they weren't there.

    Another thing, Saddam didn't have a link to Al-Qaida. He actively persecuted them. Al-Qaida was active in the Southern and Northern No-Fly Zones. Places he couldn't reach.

    Why did he keep playing his game? To keep Iran guessing. Iran wanted their foot in Iraq, which, surprise-surprise, they now have. Al-Qaida wanted Saddam overthrown. Guess what happened? And now AQ is using Iraq as a training ground and moving people around.

    Go BUSH!!!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Yeah, human beings look to overlook that this intelligence grow to be obtainable in the process the Clinton administration as properly. i think it grow to be 1998 that Clinton made the fact. considering the fact that we did no longer invade Iraq until 2003, does no longer that have given saddam sufficient time to eliminate those WMD's? How do all of us comprehend he did no longer transport them to Syria or Iran? Is it merely coincidental that Iran immediately introduced that's enrighment of uranium whilst we invaded Iraq? merely like as an occasion, a drug broking is familiar with he's gonna get raided a week in the previous it happens. Do you think of this broking is gonna shop his stash, or is he gonna cover it someplace else? that's a no-brainer.

  • 2 decades ago

    Has nothing to do specifically with WMD per se.

    The administration tried to use everything they could to get the country juiced up to invade and nothing worked. Nothing until they stated unequivocally that he had them and was allied with AlQaeda.

    The reason people are mad about it is that it was a lie. We are in a war that no one wanted until they MADE UP the existence of the WMD.

  • 2 decades ago

    As about the most liberal Democrat you’ll ever meet, I’m convinced he had weapons of mass destruction. During the Reagan era, America supplied the dollars and Europe supplied the chemicals to develop these weapons. Those are historical facts agreed on by both parties and all historians. The reason much of the world supported Saddam was to counter Iran’s Russian supported aggressiveness in the mid-east.

    Saddam wasn’t about to destroy something he felt was so valuable to the defense of his country. Since Rumsfeld and Bush Sr. were key players in offering support to Iraq in the 1980’s, this is why the administration was so sure these weapons existed.

    As long as other countries left Iraq alone, Saddam would have probably never used these weapons. The same theory exists for all countries possessing WPMs including the US; if you don’t use WPMs or try to invade our country we won’t use our WPMs.

    One of the reasons Saddam was so reluctant at first to allow the UN to search his country was because he needed time to get rid of those weapons. Under threat of being invaded by the US and world opinion to allow the UN inspectors in, Saddam did something with those weapons. I believe our aggression in Iraq prompted him to turn them over to terrorists or countries like Syria to be used against us here in the US.

    Yes Saddam was a tyrannical leader, but he was also a capitalist and he knew if one of his WPMs was used by terrorists and could be linked back to him, he would be removed from power by the rest of the world.

    There are many tyrannical dictatorships all over the world. In America’s own back yard in South America, dictators rule their countries with the same cruelty as Saddam ran Iraq, but we don’t invade those countries. China is also guilty of human rights violations, but notice who recently sat down and had dinner with Bill Gates and the president to discuss economic issues. Most mid-eastern countries are autocratic and ran by regimes that care nothing about the people of their countries, but America supports those regimes.

    It all boils down to the all mighty dollar. After 9/11 the Bush administration was facing an American economy plummeting downward and he needed a way to boost the economy. If the war in Afghanistan had been more of a war, we wouldn’t have invaded Iraq, but since Afghanistan is backwards as far as industrialization goes, Iraq was the next easiest target.

    Our invading Iraq had nothing to do with WPMs, Saddam being a tyrant, or oil. The invasion of Iraq was an economic move to boost our economy and it worked.

    I’m not obsessed with WPM issue; I’m upset Bush presented false information to Congress and the American people about those weapons. It was his responsibility to make absolutely sure the information was correct; lying as he did is an impeachable offense. I’m also upset we are using the lives of soldiers and the Iraqi people for America’s economic growth.

  • 2 decades ago

    Let me ask you a question....Is it alright for a bunch of Government people to burst into your home, tear it apart, bust you up, all because they are looking for drugs that they thought were there??? 1. U never had any. and 2. you never use them. Now you are sitting in Jail...If you can answer yes to that well then I guess it's alright. Don't get me wrong, but I thought we were after Osama Bin Laden, and not after a third rate dictator, and a nasty one at that

  • 2 decades ago

    It is called treason. America has spent untold billions of dollars and written bottomless bank checks to the military to fight and endless series of wars. It is time to close that account out. Peace is Patriotic

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