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Sleeping with friend's Wife?

4 days ago i asked a question: My friend's wife wants me to sleep with her, & my friend has no problem with this.what should i do? i was so shocked that i haven't talked to them for a this site i got so many replies & i even choose the best answer. but today i came to know about the reality, why they are asking me for this. They love each other a lot, they cant live apart, but they cant have Child, there is a problem with my friend. so they picked me to help them. B'coz we are very close & confidential friends. they dont want to adopt a kid. they want a kid from her. So what to do now??

13 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    DO IT!

  • 2 decades ago

    I personally feel that even if your friend wants a child that bad he will still have feelings of regret afterwards. It may cause a serious strain on your relationship. Are you willing to lose that friendship? Also you may want to check out the laws in your state. In some cases like this and sperm donor cases from a cryo bank the female was able to sue for child support upon getting divorced from the husband who was not the biological father. In other words if your friends relationship doesnt work out she may be able to sue you for child support. Also, Have you thought about the fact that you may become emotionaly attached to the child? What if you later want paternal rights? What if your friendship ends? Will you be able to see your child if and when you want? Just a few questions to ask yourself.

    Source(s): me
  • 2 decades ago

    Definitely recommend you go to a fertility clinic with them. If they want your sperm, donate there. Let the Doc be the go between. One case where "artificial" is definitely best. Too many problems waiting to surface otherwise

  • 2 decades ago

    Well, they asked you for a 'real' reason which is good. It is expensive to adopt. I guess you are like a sperm-donor, but get to make the deposit. If you feel uncomfortable, turn it down. Doesn't sound like it is for some freaky reasons, which is good. They are putting the ball in your court. But as I said above, if you feel uncomfortable, don't do it.

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  • 2 decades ago

    you could always only donate your sperm instead. Then they can have a child, with your blessing. No need to physically sleep with her, as this could scar your mentality for life. better to avoid getting into something so complicated, that will no doubt bite you back in the future.

    better to play safe and only offer donation of sperm.

    best of luck!

  • 2 decades ago

    Don't sleep with her. It's not right. Even if you did sleep with her, I highly doubt she would get pregnant. What you do is got to a clinic. Donate your sperm to them and she can have it artificially inseminated.

  • 2 decades ago

    its a great gift they are asking you to give them, you have to analyze your situation and think if you are willing to have a son out of wedlock so think about it, plus you having sex with your friend wife isn't a good idea, there are other ways.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Sex is supposed to be between husband and wife ONLY! That will only lead to problems, and it's a terrible idea in my mind. If his sperm doesn't work they could try invitrofertilization (w/ his or your sperm). I don't think it's just ok to sleep with another man's wife even if he wants you to.

  • Torres
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Donate the sperm for her.

    Don't sleep with her, things will not be the same between you guys again....

  • 2 decades ago

    well its if you feel comfortable with it. you have to ask yourself if this is what you want to do for them or is it to strange and you dont want to? some people do that since they cant have kids them selves. i think they look towards you because you are their friend.

  • 2 decades ago

    Do your duty, its for a good cause. But don't interfere with them in the future.

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