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Do you think the US government will be ready for the Bird Flu?

I am not feeling confident in light of their performance in the Katrina debacle. Do you think they will do any better when the Bird Flu hits

11 Answers

  • kadel
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am not relying on them. I got my pneumonia shot and am getting this

    Laboratory tests show Sambucol® neutralises Common and Avian Flu Virus H5N1

    Added: (Thu Jan 19 2006)

    New research, carried out by Retroscreen Virology has indicated that

    Sambucol®, a patented formula, may fight the virulent Avian Flu virus. Results have been presented yesterday, Wednesday, in a press conference held in the Royal Society of Medicine, London. Speakers included Prof. Hannoun, Emeritus Professor at the Pasteur Institute and Dr. Mumcuoglu, developer of Sambucol®.

    Laboratory trials held in a leading research institute, Retroscreen Virology

    Ltd, associated with the University of London found Sambucol® to be at least

    99% effective against the Avian Flu virus H5N1. Sambucol® was effective at

    significantly neutralising the infectivity of the virus in cell cultures. These

    results will also be presented during the International Conference on Bird Flu:

    “The First Pandemic of the 21st Century. A Central Role for Antivirals”, to be

    held at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital on January 19th-20th 2006.

    Dr. Madeleine Mumcuoglu, is looking into further investigations into the

    activity of Sambucol® against Avian Flu on a wider scale.

    In an earlier study (1995) Sambucol® was found to be effective against a wide range of influenza strains. Laboratory studies conducted at the Hebrew

    University – Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem demonstrated the activity

    of Sambucol® against human, swine, and avian influenza strains.

    Sambucol®'s efficacy was also demonstrated in two double blind, placebo

    controlled clinical studies. Sambucol® was shown to cut the duration and

    severity of the common flu by up to half.


    Notes to editors;

    Sambucol® is based on an active substance isolated from the black elderberry.

    Manufactured by Razei Bar Industries Israel, Sambucol® is available in 17

    countries and in the UK is sold in Tesco, leading chemists, independent health

    food stores and wholesalers from £8.49.

    For photography please visit the following site and enter the log in details:

    FTP address:

    user name: ftp_razeibar

    password: 63+84675

    For further press information please contact: Francesca Gaffey/Cheryl Davies,

    Communique Public Relations, Waterside, No2 Canal Street, Manchester, M1

    3HE. Tel: 0161 242 5120/0161 242 5108 Fax: 0161 228 7391 E-mail:

    For research information please visit: Retroscreen Virology Ltd. at:

    For product information please visit:

    Razei Bar Industries (1996) Ltd. At:

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Ready? we don't even have near the amount of vaccine-only have enough for govt,health care workers-if there is a large scale breakout it'll be tragic but in no country has that occurred for the virus has no yet changed to go from human to human still only sick fowl can infect/make sick human so until virus changes if it will ever change we're safe. Even if we had the vaccine to vaccinate majority of US population virus' continually change so if it changes to where can pass from human to human virus can change again and impossible to keep up and produce on large scale. Best of luck to everyone.

  • 2 decades ago

    There isn't going to be a bird flu outbreak. If your truly concerned you should look up how to protect yourself. Don't rely on anyone to help you in chaos.

  • 2 decades ago

    i honestly dont think the nation needs to freak out over the bird flu, the only reason they are is because media is telling them to and they will listen to anything. everyone will be fine...

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  • 2 decades ago

    Well, the US is indeed moblizing it's many vast resources into preventing a outbreak. Most likely, they would just quarantine and if times grow very very desperate, bomb the quarintined area.

  • 2 decades ago

    we are in big trouble! but that is what happens when the president makes mother nature angry! and ther are too many people on the planet.

  • 2 decades ago

    All I can say is prepare for the worst and HOPE AND PRAY FOR THE BEST.

  • 2 decades ago

    a lot arent either. the way the medical is now in my opion . no?

  • 2 decades ago


  • 2 decades ago

    Ready for it?-- they are the ones importing it.

    Source(s): Opinion
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