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so confused....?

okay i dated this guy for almost 2 months and then i figured out that he liked this other girl and so i broke up with him, and today we spent the day together (were still good friends) and he was holding me like he used to and other things we did while dating. Im so confused, does he like me or is he just toying with my emotions, i really like him and this is so hard, any suggestions?

6 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    He might just be playing, but it's kinda hard to tell. Maybe he's just doing that because he knows he can. If he liked another girl while he was with you and he didn't tell you then you shouldn't really trust him. If I was you I'd stay away, because you'll probably end up getting hurt...again. Or just make sure he really is into you before getting any more feelings for him.

  • 2 decades ago

    I think he might like who you are. He might be using you

    for sex I don't know and want you get hurt so you broke up with him. Maybe it was for the best I don't know. This kind of hard that guy will used you for another girl that is wrong. I know it is hard what can you do. You move on with life find a nice caring sweet guy for you or you deal with the problem with this guy . I would do is move with your life find a better guy. He might not be worth for you. Who knows. Just feel better if you guys just be friends for now and maybe in the road of head he might want to married you some day and not deal the problem anymore. Well hope for best both of you and goodluck take care now.

  • 2 decades ago

    Sometimes when we get back together with an old boyfriend or an old girlfriend, we feel comfortable with them and choose to do things that were done in the past just out of habit. Your best bet is to talk to him about it. You don't want to get hurt again and if you know where he is coming from you can deal with it better.

  • 2 decades ago

    Its really hard to stay friends with someone that you were going with. You need time away from him. You still have feelings and need time to get over him, otherwise it will be on your mind all the time. I would sugest that you talk on the phone not in person once you have had that time away from each other. Once you have done all that and he still is doing those things...ask him upfront.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Your question seems to indicate that you believe monogamy to be the only way to have a relationship. Dating does not necessarily need to be monogamous. It's perfectly okay to date multiple people at once. There's no sense in committing if you're not ready to commit.

    Also, even after someone does choose to commit, it doesn't necesarilly have to be in a monogomous relationship. The poly lifestyle is growing in popularity. However, most Americans have still never even heard of the poly-lifestyle: Polyfidelity, polyamory, polyandry, polysexuality, or other poly relationships. In American popular culture, there tends to be a belief that monogomy is the natural way, and no other option should be considered. Therefore, most Americans tend to only think of the monogamous option.

    Monogomy seems to go against human nature, since most people are not monogomous (even people who identify themselves as monogomous tend to cheat, indicating that they are not truly monogomous) and never have been. Basically, we are holding people to a standard which we are not prepared as a people to live up to. And I'm not entirely convinced that it's a standard which we ought to live up to.

    To truly love someone is to wish them every joy and celebrate in their happiness. Jealousy works against that ideal, and therefore works against the idea of love. Bringing jealousy into love can only serve to weaken love, and therefore weaken relationships

    My every thought of my girlfriend is a thought of love. If she celebrates life with someone else, then I would be very happy for her because my every thought of her is a thought of love. If I allowed myself to feel jealous of her, given that humans like to flirt, then even her every flirtation would give me pain to think about. Our memories have a deep influence on our feelings. If thinking about someone causes me pain, then thinking about them, I remember that pain, and then that negative reinforcement could lead me to hate the person. And so love turns to hate. I can't understand how someone can invest so much into getting to know someone, and then consider it reasonable to hate that person. But since my every thought of my girlfriend is a thought of love, I am conditioning my neuropathways to love her with every thought.

    Even if we ultimately decide that we are not appropriate for each other, we would still love each other and continue to wish each other well. It might also help that we are both completely and totaly geeky

  • 2 decades ago


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