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Does god exist? Evidence for and against please.?

We're having a debate at college next week and although I have my own views, I'd like to have the views of others, including any quotations or textual references proving or disproving god's existance.

Would you please keep your answers to the point and not quote chapter and verse at length if providing textual evidence. You can also define which god you are referring too as I realise each religion has their own ideas.

Please note, I DO NOT want to be "converted" - this is an intellectual exercise only - as I said, I have my own views on the subject already.


Please read the question fully before answering - I realise that faith / belief is fundamental but I need "proof", reasons why, the wherefors, etc.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    No Evidence, No Proof, Just Another Theory

    The Human Race May Be A Hybrid Animal

    A Cross Between The Evolved Apes That Were/Are Native To This Planet And An Extraterresrial Influence

    ("GOD" The CREATOR )

    We May Be The CULMINATION Of Several (INFINITE) Genetic Crossings That Result In The Human Animal We Are Today

    The Aliens Are Watching Us, And Studying Us, Therefore Explaining The Abductions And Dissappearances We Hear About

    The Developement Of The Human Race Has Been GREATLY Influenced Through The Millennia By These Aliens, At Times Assisting Us To Develop Basic Skills And Influencing Our Capacity To LEARN And RETAIN Knowledge,

    Through MORE And MORE Hybridization

    Certain People In Our History May Have Been "TOUCHED" Or Enlightened By These Extraterrestrials, Allowing Advancements In Science And Technology

    (ie:DaVinci Was A Hybrid Child))

    They've Influenced Belief In "GOD"

    And Gods Messengers Or Angels

    As VISITORS To People That Could Not Explain Their Presence Any Other Way,

    Except "They Were "GODS" Angels"

    Adam And Eve, The First HYBRIDS On The Earth

    Moses Recieved The Tablets(Etched In Stone)


    From A "BURNING BUSH" On The Mountaintop

    Mary, The Mother Of Jesus, An Alien ABDUCTEE

    (Immaculate Conception, Or Invitro Fertilization??)

    The STAR That Led The Wise Men To Bethlehem To Witness The Coming Of CHRIST Was, Indeed, An Alien Ship In The Sky

    JESUS CHRIST Was The Enlightened (Big Brain) Hybrid Child Of An Extraterrestrial - The Son Of "GOD"

    They Say He Taught The Rabbis As A Child, And They LISTENED To Him And They Learned The "WORD OF GOD"

    3 Days After He Was Crucified, And Died, He Was "RISEN"

    And Appeared Unto Them - Perhaps He Was Not Dead At All

    And "GOD" Revived Him, And He Continued His Work

    To Preach The Gospel, The "MESSAGE FROM "GOD" "

    Just A FEW Possible Explainations

    To The "MIRACLES" In The Bible

    There Are Many More Possible Explainations To ARGUE With

    Which May Be Used To Dispute Any THEORIES Pointing To The Existence Of "GOD"

    As An Intellectual Excercise During A Debate,

    Using These Types Of Arguements Can Be Invaluable


    That ANY Gospel In The Bible Is True

    Except The FAITH Of Some

    Just As THESE Theories Cannot Be Proven Or Disproven

    Good Luck With Your Project

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I've heard this quoted a lot on the issue:

    “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God the Creator, made known by Jesus Christ.” (Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662)

    There is also the evidence in the testimonies of individuals whose lives have been turned around through their own encounters with God. This is why people will sometimes get up in a church service and give their own personal testimony. Just google something like "stories of christian testimonies" and you will find tons of them.

    All the best on your project!

  • 2 decades ago

    I believe there is no physical evidence of God's exsistance that an intellect will not try to disprove. The best evidence of God's exsistence is His work through people. That is why faith as discribed in the Bible is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. I hope this helps you. Good luck and Godsped.

    Source(s): Hebrews 11:1
  • 2 decades ago

    Yes God exist but like the person said earlier you have to have faith to believe it. I don't care what scientists try to come up with they can't explain how the world exist. I can, "God created the heaven and the earth " - Gen 1:1 .

    Source(s): The Bible
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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Yes, the God of the Bible exists and provides ample evidence through His Word.

    The existence of God as well as the Bible being the Word of God can be proved through the vehicle of prophecy. To see the evidence of this, we must first establish the fact that God is a spirit who dwells outside of our physical time domain--that is, in eternity. In the Bible, God describes Himself in Isaiah 57:15,

    "For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: 'I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit.'"

    If God dwells in the realm of eternity as the Bible states, then He must be able to declare future events as if they had happened in the past. We who live in the physical restraints of time and space have the disadvantage of seeing the world according to a linear timeline. But God sees the past and the future as one complete picture.

    "Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure,'" Isaiah 46:9-10

    So through the vehicle of prophecy, God throws down the gauntlet to all the other "holy books" and all the other "gods" that dare to claim the title. The God of the Bible challenged in Isaiah 41:22-23,

    "Let them bring forth and show us what will happen; let them show the former things, what they were, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare to us things to come. Show the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that you are gods; yes, do good or do evil, that we may be dismayed and see it together."

    OK, there is the challenge from the God of the Bible. No other book contains prophecy that has been fulfilled with accuracy. Some would say that others twist scripture interpretation to make prophecy "appear" to be fulfilled. A silly notion, seeing that so many of these prophecies (that were fulfilled to the letter) were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls--written many years before fulfillment. I have written one study based on one chapter in Daniel. In it can be found 16 in-depth prophecies regarding the rise of Alexander the Great and the subsequent rule of his generals afterward. I have paralleled the prophecy with the fulfillment from historic literature. You can find the study here

    This study only covers one chapter. There are hundreds more regarding the coming of the Messiah, the calling of Cyrus the Mead by name to allow the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem, and the re-establishment of the nation of Israel. See the list of prophecies at this link...

    Note: An event like this has never happened before in all of history. In fact, Robert Anderson who was the inspector for Scotland Yard (who caught Jack the Ripper) took the book of Daniel as providing the date Messiah was to come. His incredible calculations pinpointed the DAY Jesus rode in to Jerusalem. For this, he was knighted by Queen Victoria and became Sir Robert Anderson. However, he read other prophesies regarding Israel becoming a nation again and thought that this was WAY too preposterous. No nation, after being conquered and scattered, EVER returned again to form a nation and a people. So it must have had some "allegorical" meaning to it. Well, in 1948, Sir Robert Anderson was proven wrong. Sir Robert Anderson believed the Bible, but his doubt in a wild claim such as Israel becoming a nation was too much for him. THAT is how accurate prophecy is. Before the fulfillment took place, Anderson assumed it was wrong (having lived in the Victorian era pre 1948). He twisted nothing, but assumed it was something else entirely.

    Source(s): Isaiah 48:12 "Listen to Me, O Jacob, And Israel, My called: I am He, I am the First, I am also the Last." Isaiah 44:6 "Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: 'I am the First and I am the Last; Besides Me there is no God." Revelation 1:7-8 Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him... "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."
  • 2 decades ago

    the Bible continuously refers to God as light. God is light, God is the Father of lights; einstien showed that the speed of light (862,000 miles per second) is the only constant there is "every good and perfect gift comes down from the father of light, with whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning"

    einsein's theory of relativity deicts how time would relatively slow down for someone as they approached the spped of light. at 80% the spped of light, travelling away from the earth for 15 days, turning around and coming back for 15 days as a 30 day total trip would last 60 total days on earth. at 85% the speed of light, the same 30 day trip would last one thousand years on earth. right at the threshold of light, 99.999% the speed therof, the same 30 day trip would last 30,000 years. 30 days=30,000 years at the speed of lght. "with God a thousand years is as a day, and a day is as a thousand years" this was written long before einstein and his ideas. like a couple thousand years before. whe asked what lie beyond the speed of light, einstein said "i can think of no other name for it than eternity" "God is eternal"

    and people say men wrote the Bible on their own. pshaw.

  • 2 decades ago

    God does exist on some level. I mean that the universe is not static, meaning that it started at a certain point. This would mean that it was created. The "spark" that started time/space as we know it would be god.

    Source(s): "A Brief History of Time" or " The Universe in a Nutshell" by:Stephen Hawking
  • 2 decades ago

    Most questions of Theology boil down to a choice. Feelings fade and at some point people of any faith choose to continue to believe in a system of behavior, and a hope in life beyond our mortal reality. I choose to believe in Jesus, but that is my choice and it was right for me.

  • 2 decades ago

    Faith is the only way to prove God's existence!

  • 2 decades ago

    No he doesn't exist! Read the quotes of great scientists, inventors & astronomers from some website, and you will know what intellectuals really think about all this.

    And most of all, READ THE BIBLE... Its full of lies and arguments against reality itself!

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