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Do I need to consider anger management?

I noticed that my father has the same problem. He gets upset at the drop of a hat. And I have noticed that my fiance says the same thing about me that my mother says about my dad? Do you think this "condition" is hereditary? What can I do to make things better? I have tried praying and I don't know what else I should do. Psychologist maybe? Am I really a nut?


Thank you for all your responses. I appreciate all the insight as well as the great websites. Some of you suggested short-term-type suggestions. I suppose I should have mentioned that this is nothing new for me. I have dealt with this ugly side of me for many years. It was not until maybe four or five years ago that I had similar reactions to situations as my father had. I know it is a problem ,and I know I have to do something to keep myself from going over the edge. I consider myself an intelligent woman, but I also know that I do not know everything, so the advice that each and every one of you has given me here is very helpful to me. I will take everything that each of you have shared with me and grow from this situation (hopefully) in a more positive direction.

Thank you again

: D

Update 2:


It was not until four or five years ago that I noticed myself having similar reactions as my father. I noticed that I reacted as irrationally about situations as he did***

34 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are tons of web sites on meditation and relaxation. Anger is not an inherited trait. It is a learned behavior.

    You may find that you do need to see someone ie; a therapist but I would start with the simple things. Take a look at your life. Are you under too much stress? Are too many demands put on you daily? Also don't compare your self to other people either.

    Some people can handle a lot and others very little. So start by simply trying to relax. When you get angry take a deep breath and count to ten slowly. Go for a walk. And by all means start meditating, you will find that it will help you more than anything else once you are able to master control of yourself and your ability to concentrate.

    Good Luck and Blessed Be,


    I have attached some helpful links to get you started.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    No, you're not a nut. And anger is not inherited genetically. It's a behavior, however, that you've observed and probably have taken on through the environmental interaction with your father. Anger management, at this point, based on the information you've given, would be premature. You may, however, want to speak or have a session with a psychologist, therapist, life coach, etc., (make sure they're licensed, though!) and concentrate on personal adjustment, conflict resolution and coping skills that would better suit you and your personal relationships.

    Source(s): I have a degree in counseling.
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    You are not a nut. You were raised with anger so that is what you learned. I am glad that you have found out that you have issues. You need to figure out what those issues are. Were you abused as a child either verbally or physically?

    You should not get married until you have resolved these issues. You could get counseling but finding a good couselor is hard. Find one that you can relate too. I would not take any medicine if they offer it.

    Another thing I would suggest is to watch Joyce Meyer on tv if you can get her. She is great about helping you figure out what you are doing in your life. Yes she is a tv preacher but she is darn good. She has also written many good books. She sure turned me around.

    Good luck. You can turn this around. Hugs!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Not so much hereditary as it is LEARNED. Youve learned to react this way from your fathers actions. Are you crazy? Perhaps. But what is normal?

    I used to fly off the handle too. Still do sometimes. As you age, you become complacent with the fact that there are just some things that are beyond your control. You learn to relax.

    But, if its getting in the way of your relationship, then maybe a shrink is a good idea...

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  • 2 decades ago

    The first thing to dealing with a problem is to realize that you may or may not have one. A girlfriend of mine had the same problem everything would set her off into a rage. She wasn't physically violent towards anyone. Her just being angry all the time for the littlest things was just not healthy. She went to anger management classes and 3 years later she is the calmest person I know.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    you're not a nut. when i was younger, i had a terrible temper. i was physically fighting people constantly! i believe it can be hereditary, my mother was violent. i, however, was never violent around, or towards my children, yet the oldest has a anger problem too. for me, i mellowed with age. i feel a lot of people act out of unresolved childhood issues, or their environment. in certain cases (like you and my daughter) i believe it is hereditary. try to find some inner peace, sounds stupid, but it is true. deep cleansing breaths before you act upon an impulse helps. good luck!!

    Source(s): been there
  • 2 decades ago

    You are not a nut, but getting some therapy can be suggested. Behavior is not hereditary, but learned. You have learned from the environment you lived in to respond a certain way, this can be modified by some professional assistance.

  • 2 decades ago

    You're not a nut. Your dad has a short fuse, and you've naturally picked it up from his example. I don't think it's hereditary. You could try a psychologist, one who's trained in anger management. He would suggest things like taking a walk, etc.

    You don't want to say or do anything in anger.

  • 2 decades ago

    My father and I are the same. I can only suggest that you might want to see a therapist and maybe they'll help you or put you on zoloft. I took zoloft for a while and it did help, but when you stop taking them it kind of messes with your body and you feel the tension coming back. Go to a therapist just to see what's right for you, or if you even really need help.

  • 2 decades ago

    Yes. I know I do because of my dad. It's a learned process. When you start getting mad, just take a step back and think, why are you mad, and ask yourself what you can do in that situation to not blow up. Just take a deep breathe, or go outside. There are anger man. groups you can attend. I'm sure they'll give you more ways to calm down.

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