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For all of you religious types....?

First of all, I am not intentionally trying to offend. I was wondering why the firm believers of religion (of all types) are so insistant on (for want of a better word) "preaching" on this website? I personally am agnostic. I don't really know, or care about religion at all. Do you honestly think that telling people to turn to God/Christ/Allah will actually work? My philosophy is "Each to their own" I think/believe one way, and don't try to get people to say/do as I say/do. Everyone is their own person. Again, sorry If I have offended any of you. Not my intention.


I'm not offended by any of you guys spreading the word btw

Update 2:

I'm asking not because I may be swayed towards a religion. Far from it. just wondering what's going through their heads, that's all. I believe what I believe.

9 Answers

  • themom
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I guess it comes from the heart of the people trying to share what they believe. If you got an A on a test that no one you knew had passed, wouldn't you try to let your friends know what you learned to be able to pass that test? Of course you would!! Because you care about your friends and whether or not they fail a grade or class, right? So that is essentially why we "preach" on Y/A like we do..we want everyone to pass!! LOL And you never know when you might plant a seed that will grow someday!

    If only everyone we come across had the mindset that you have! Honest, humble, seem like a great person! Thanks for the opportunity to share!

  • 2 decades ago

    No offense taken. Yes, to each his own. Live and let live. Everyone has the freedom of choice to believe or not believe according to the dictates of their heart and/or intellect. The "preaching" is because some people feel strongly about their beliefs, and it goes both ways. This should be a platform to share with one another, hopefully in a civilized way, their beliefs. Obviously, there are some hurt people venting their anger here as well. If we all were more open minded, we may gain insight from one another. Good or bad, that is what is happening here.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    As for strait up 'preaching', I don't think it is a good idea on places like this. It is usually taken the wrong way. However, sometimes a question is asked where the asker wants some 'preaching'. That is fine, but again, this is not the place I would go for theological answers. But sometimes our views just get projected in the context of an answer. This is fine, 'cause if we didn't answer the question that way, we would not be giving an honest answer.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I must admit..I've never preached the gospel to anyone. I've never led one single soul to Christ..not one. I discuss my faith, I discuss the Word of God, I ask questions, I answer them to the best of my own knowledge being very careful and I have counceled people..friends, family, co-workers to seek God in prayer when they are experiencing strife only because I know who my redeemer is and that He is able to see me through..However, as firmly as I believe that God is God and Jesus is the Savior and that the Bible is the truth...unless a person is searching and willing to go to God first...through prayer and ask the pertinant does the believer no good to cast their pearls before swine. I personally participate here because its a forum where facts and information are being exchanged and maybe something might be said that plants a seed of interest in someones heart. Its a cold dead world we exist in, just as Christ said it would be. The only beauty I can find is that which was established by creation..nature, babies, children, love, laughter..more and more these are being obliterated and mostly in places where God does not exist for those people. Societies are more and more embracing the darkness that is swelling up everywhere and people are becoming overwhelmed by the struggle to get through each day. Young people with no joy, angry adults, mindless stupidity and violence, the aged with no hope...all as fortold in the Bible...this world we have created. If I can relay even to one person that through the Blood of Christ, they can be lifted up out of the bet...I'm going to do what I can to get that message out. As far as being duped in to believing in a non-existant God? Well, I'm sure there are some..some who don't really believe but utilize the title "christian" for their own reasons..but for those of us that truely believe it is because we have testimony of how God has changed us and our lives. We only want that for others...because in our minds and hearts..what else is there but the bleakness of this life and then nothing after. Better is one day in His house than a thousand elsewhere...Love in Christ, ~J~ <><

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  • Kadaj
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    No, not offended at all. There are two reasons I think why we "religious types" try to preach to those who are not.

    1.) Because some of the biggest tenets in every major religion encourage us to "witness" to those who are not a part of our religion that they may attain salvation.

    2.) Alot of us are so excited about our given religions that we just want people to know about them. Alot of times in our ardor we misread what it is that people need to come to terms with our faith and we are too over the top. There is a cycle in Christianity particularly in which at one point in the cycle we question God, in other parts, we want to tell everybody about him. Sorry, if these things offend you.

  • 2 decades ago

    I am very religious and devout in my beliefs, but I agree with you in that it is ridiculous for people to try to preach and change people's religious beliefs over a forum like this. With something as important as ones beliefs, why would anyone with any sembelence of intelligence be influenced by a complete stranger in a forum? But then again why are you asking the question? lol

  • 2 decades ago

    Those people are actually sick. Normal people don't act like that, no matter how strong their religious beliefs. Especially when their religion is primarily supposed to be of tolerance and forgiveness.

  • 2 decades ago


    For the atheist and every other non Muslim:

    since an Atheist or non-Muslim does not believe in God Almighty, how will he agree that Qur’an is the Word of God Almighty? If he does not believe in God, where does the question arise, whether he believes that Qur’an is the Word of God. Normally an Atheist says, that I do not believe in Almighty God, the first thing I would tell you is, I congratulate you. I congratulate you…you know why? -Because you are not thinking, like the other people. The Christians…most of the Christians, are Christians, because their parents are Christians - he is a Muslim because his father is a Muslims, someone is a Hindu because his father is a Hindu. They are just following blindly, the Religion of their fathers - Atheists is thinking. What he thinks…'That see - what is the concept of the God, told by my father, is not right.' So he does not believe God Almighty. I congratulate atheists, because they have said the first part of Islamic creed…the first part of the Islamic Shahada…‘La ilaha’ -That, there is no god. He has agreed with the first part of the Islamic creed, which says... ‘La ilaha’ - That, there is no god. Now my job, is to convince him on the other part, ‘Ill Allaah’ - but Allah. Islamic creed is ‘Lailaha-Ill Allaah - Muhammed-ur-Rasull Allah’. That… 'There is no god, but Allah and Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah(SWT). And since the Athiest has said the first part, I congratulate him. Now it is my job, to convince him about the second part…about Almighty God - which I shall do InshaAllah.

    I am asking a person who does not believe in God Almighty, that if an object…a machine is brought in front of him, which no human being in the world have ever seen…an unidentified machine, which no one in the world has seen before, is brought in front of him. And if he is asked that…'Who is the first person, who will be able to tell the mechanism, of that machine? What is the answer, that

    you will give. Some Atheists will say that… ' The first person, who will be able to tell you the mechanism of the unidentified machine, which no one in this world has seen…is the Creator, some may say Manufacturer, some may say Producer, some may say Maker -whatever they say, it would be somewhat similar. The first person who will be able to tell you the mechanism of this machine, which no one in this world has seen, is the Creator or the Maker or Manufacturer or Producer… it will be somewhat similar.

    I ask you to an Atheist, who believes that science is ultimate, that…' How did our world came into existence? you will tell me that…' According to the Big Bang Theory, first the whole universe was primary nebula. Later on there was a secondary separation, which gave rise to galaxies, the planets, the sun, the moon, and the earth that we live in. In a nut shell, the theory is called as the Big bang theory. The same message is given in the Holy Qur’an in Surah Al-Ambiya, which says that

    ... ...Do not the unbelievers see, that the heavens and the earth were joined together, and We clove them as under’.

    So I ask you the Atheist, that…' Who could have written this Big bang theory, which we have discovered yesterday - in the Holy Qur’an 1400 years ago?' you may say…' It is a guess'. Can be possible that someone guessed, or some intelligent man has wrote it. No problem.

    Today science tells us that…' The Universe… initially the celestial matter was in the form of gas.' The Qur’an says in Surah Fussilat, Ch. 41, Verse 11, that... ‘Allah (SWT) had turned to the heavens, when it was smoke, and He said to it, and the earth… Come together, willingly or unwillingly, and they came together in willing obedience’. So Qur’an says...' First the celestial matter was in the form of Dukhan. The Arabic word Dukhan means, smoke… which science today tells us that smoke is the more appropriate word then so as who could have mentioned that initially the celestial matter was in the form of smoke. You The Atheist will say… 'Okay, someone has guessed it'.

    No problem.

    Previously, we thought the world we live in, it was flat -and people were afraid to venture too far, lest they would fall over. I ask the Atheist, that…' What is the shape of the earth.' So you will tell ,me…' The shape of the earth is spherical.' I ask you when did you come to know about this? He will tell you just 50 years back… 100 years back… means, yesterday in science. 50 years means, yesterday in science. Who was the first person? If you have good knowledge about science you will tell that…'The first person who discovered, that the world spherical, was Sir Francis Dave, in 1597… when he sailed around the earth, and he proved that it was spherical.'

    The Qur’an says in Surah Luqman, Ch. 31, Verse 29, and in Surah Al-Zumur, Ch. 39, Verse 5, that…' Allah merges the nights into the day, and merges the days into the night’. Allah overlaps the days into the night, and overlaps the night into the day. This overlapping and merging, which is a gradual slow process, of day changing to night and night changing to day is only possible if the shape of the earth is spherical. It is not possible if it is flat, otherwise there would have been a sudden change. So Qur’an speaks about the spherical nature of the earth, 1,400 years ago. Qur’an further says in Surah Naziat, Ch. 79, Verse 30... ...

    ‘And thereafter We have made the earth, egg shaped’.

    The Arabic word dahaha, also means expand -and it comes from the root word dohea, which means egg. It does not refer to a normal egg -It refers to the egg of an Ostrich and if analyse the shape of the earth… it is not round like a ball -it is flattened from the top, and bulging from the centre. Similar to the egg of an Ostrich, which is too flattened from the top, and bulging from the centre. It is geo spherical in shape. So I am asking you the atheist.. the Atheist, that…' Who could have mentioned, that the earth is geo spherical… 1400 years ago -which we discovered just 300 or 400 years ago? you will say that…' May be your Prophet… he was an intelligent man -he wrote it

    I Do not argue - Continue.

    Previously we thought that the light of the moon, was its own light. It is recently discovered that the light of the moon, is reflected light. Qur’an says in Surah Furqan, Ch. 25, Verse 61, that... ‘Blessedth is He, who has made the constellation in the sky, and therein placed a lamp, a sun having a light of its own, and a moon having borrowed light. So the Qur’an says that... ‘The light of the sun, is its own light - but the moonlight, the light of the moon, is not its own light’. The light of the moon is described as muneer, or noor, which means, borrowed light or reflection of light. The sunlight is described as siraj, or wahaj, or duja, which means the light of its own, meaning a torch, or a glowing lamp. Always moonlight is described as muneer, or noor.

    Imagine, we discovered it just yesterday in science, 50 years back…100 years back, and the Qur’an mentions this 1400 years ago.

    When I was in school I had learnt, that the sun was stationary… it did not rotate about its own axis -whereas the moon and the earth, they rotate about their own axis. But there is a verse in Holy Qur’an, in Surah Al-Ambiya, Ch. 21, Verse 33… …‘It is Allah who has created the night and the day, the sun and the moon, each one travelling in the orbit, with its own motion’. So Qur’an says... ‘The sun and the moon, besides revolving, they also rotate about their own axis’. While later on, we come to know recently after I passed school, that science has discovered that the sun rotates about its own axis -which was mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, 1,400 years ago. Who could have mentioned it? Now you will hesitate to say… 'It is a fluke, or it is just by chance.'

    The Qur’an speaks about the water cycle. The person to describe the coherent water cycle, was Sir Bernard Plassey, in 1580. Qur’an describes the details of water cycle in Surah Al-Zumur, Ch. 39, Verse 21; in Surah Rum, Ch. 30, Verse 24; in Surah Mominun, Ch. 23, Verse 18… Holy Qur’an, in Surah Hijr, Ch. 15, Verse 22. In several places, the Qur’an describes the water cycle in great detail. How does the water evaporate? How does it form in to the clouds? How does the clouds move into the interior, and how does it fall down as rains? And goes back into the ocean? The water cycle has been described in great detail, in the Holy Qur’an -which was just discovered yesterday.

    Previously we did know that there were two types of water… salty and sweet water. The Holy Qur’an tells us in Surah Furqan, Ch. 25, Verse 53, that... ‘It is Allah, who has created two bodies of flowing water, one sweet and palpable… the other sweet and bitter. Between them is the barrier, which is forbidden to be trespassed.' The same message is repeated in Surah Rehman, Ch. 55, Verse 19 and 20, that …... ‘It is Allah who has led flow two bodies of flowing water, and between them is a barrier, which is forbidden to be trespassed’. Today science tells us that... ‘The sweet and salt water, though they meet, they do not mix’. There is a slanting barrier between them, which the Qur’an describes 1,400 years ago.

    I ask you the Atheist…' Who could have mentioned this? You will hesitate to say, that it is a fluke.

    The Qur’an speaks about Biology. It says in Surah Al-Ambiya, Ch. 21, Verse 30, that ....... ‘We have created every living thing from water’. Will you not imagine!!!… in the deserts of Arabia, where there is scarcity of water, the Qur’an says... ‘Every living thing is made from water’.

    Who would have believed in this fairy tale? Where there was scarcity of water, the Qur’an says... ‘every living thing is made from water’. Today we have come to know, that the basic unit of cell… the cytoplasm, it consists of 80% water. Every living creature contain 50 to 90% water. Qur’an says that... ‘The plants were created in males and females, in sexes’…which we discovered today. Qur’an speaks about Zoology…about the lifestyles of the birds, lifestyle of the ants, of the spider, of the bees…which we discovered today. Qur’an speaks about medicine in the honey -there is a healing, which we discovered today. Qur’an speaks about Embryology, the various stages of embryological development of the human being, which we discovered today. Qur’an speaks about genetics.

    I ask you Atheist, that…' Who could have mentioned all this?… you cannot say…' It is by chance'… because there is a theory, known as theory of Probability. The chances of it being a guess work, it becomes less… the moment you give more correct answers - Theory of Probability.

    So surely, the only answer that is remaining, is the first answer. He gave… Who can tell the mechanism of the universe?… is ‘The Creator’, is the Manufacturer, is the Producer, is the Maker. You can call him by any name, but there is a Creator, which we call as Allah (SWT), or Almighty God.

    Hope you understand;

    Assalamalaikum( May peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be on the viewers)

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    So why you ask if you have that philosophy?

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