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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicMusic · 2 decades ago

classical music is lame?

why do ppl who listen to classical music always got the nose in the air? if you agree that classical music sucks let me know.

10 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know, man. But I hear you. I used to be REALLY into jazz until some of the TEACHERS at SIUE turned me off to it. It was their attitude. They would just be such babies about teaching. It was like, if you couldn't learn how to play a lydian-dominant scale INSTANTANEOUSLY, you sucked. We all know that just ain't right.

    So, I was turned off to jazz for like 7 years. But, the music shouldn't be hated because of the people who play it. I got back into jazz and realized that it really IS about having fun and sounding good. If they can't do that, they're just clowning.

    Yes, I listen to classical. I don't like some classical, but I'd MUCH rather blame the losers who think that they are better than all of "us" than blame the music itself.

    Peace and chicken grease


  • 2 decades ago

    I listen and can play classical music. As to the reason why 'they have their nose in the air' is beyond me. Why do you think is sucks? Do feel inferior because you know nothing about it? Classical music has paved the way for all modern day music. You just need to find the type that suits you. I prefer Beethoven, Bach I can only stand so much. Mozart is good, sometimes I can do with a little Chopin.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    1.54 2.hmm- choice between Mozart and Richard Strauss 3.Choice between Figaro and Rosenkavalier's complex. You get not only to feel it every time you hear it, but you get to think about it as well. the first person who answered and said there's no beat illustrates that point. He can't think any more- he's got it hammered into him- and he's at the mercy, if you will, of the most primitve element. 5.Chorus in elementary school. guitar lessons at age 11. Jr high and high school chorus, pageants, shows etc. I don't think there was a time that I didn't sing. My parents were not musical, as such. They had a big battle ( I must have been 5 yrs old) were we to have wall-to-wall carpeting or a piano in the living room? The carpeting won. 6. I'd probably hang out with Strauss. At my age, running around with Wolfgang would be too tiring! Strauss loved to play cards ( skat) with the guys, play a little music, have a beer, play a little more, have another beer ( his aunt and uncle owned a brewery in Munich!). although I drink red wine, I'd give it up for a day, and drink beer. He had a wicked sense of humor . I'd love to hang with Birgit Nillson as well as Leontyne Price, Kirsten Flagstad, Regine Crespin, Leonie Rysanek Eva Marton, Ghena Dimitrova, and all the other big dramatic sopranos. But that's just selfishness, cause I'd want to learn more from them. (That's not a complete list, by any stretch of the imagination) By the way, good attention getting question at the top! Like the others, I was ready with something unprintable, but I'm glad I read further first. Keep up the good work! Lynn

  • lehram
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Maybe because they think they are smarter just because they appreciate and understand something others find hard to appreciate and understand.

    For example, a classical music fan and you listen to the same piece. Then you say it's lame, but he says it's a masterpiece, and he blames you for not liking the piece. He says you don't have a good ear, you can't appreciate a melody, you can't understand music that has no lyrics... And by saying this, he is implying that he has all of those and THEREFORE, he is superior to you.

    I don't believe all classical music lovers are like this... I love classical music myself!

    I think 2 of the reasons people find it hard to like classical music is:

    1) There are no lyrics to tell you what it's about.... It's almost impossible to concretely say what it's about...

    2) It sounds so old-fashioned to newcomers... the instruments are "old"... there are no electric guitars, no synths... etc..

    But I believe classical music can be beautiful to anyone who has an open mind...

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  • 2 decades ago

    But by saying that classical music sucks you are being just like the people you are criticizing for putting their nose in the air, because you are putting your nose in the air about classical music. Classical music certainly doesn't suck. I prefer to say that a talented artist is a talented artist, no matter if it is hip-hop, classical, or country. It's just a matter of what you like.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Not everyone that likes classical music is snooty or has their nose in the air. I'm sure there are plenty of hip hop and R&B folks who enjoy classical too.

    I'm a rock 'n roll girl at heart, but there is a lot of classical music I enjoy.

    Just like all Black people aren't a certain way...or all hispanics are a certain way...all people who enjoy a certain type of music are NOT a certain way.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Some people think that listening to classical music makes them "cultured" and therefore better than the rest of us. I see that a music choice does not correlate to the intelligence of a person, but the person's intelligence contributes to their intelligence.

  • 2 decades ago

    There's something that appeals to everyone in every genre of music. A true music lover listens to a wide range, wouldn't it be dull to listen to just one kind of music? I think you may be pleasantly surprised one day. Classical music can be stirring, uplifting and at other times simply beautiful.

  • 2 decades ago

    You haven't heard Wagner! If he was alive today he would be composing Heavy Metal with orchestra backgrounds! I like Metallica (before they SOLD out!) and Alice Cooper and QueensRyche and Man-O-War and Tesla and also most other forms of Rock including E.L.P. and Queen and Aerosmith and Styx and Yes! I even like a little Shania Twain and D.Sandborn and Thom Rotella and Cusco and Elton John and Green Day. Its all good!

    Oh and what Johnthecomposer said... That too, he put it better than me! Pick him!

  • 2 decades ago

    I disagree with you. Classical music is AWESOME!!!

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