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Have we all forgotten this day?

You may hate our president, but never hate our Troops!!!

Let us never forget this day!


HUH? Dee, I didn't know you spoke for the World!! Everyone supports our troops huh? Do the mexicans that are burning our flags support our troops. Do the terrorists hiding in our country support our troops? Do you think Drug addicts or homeless people support our troops? Where have I been, where have you been. Apparently you didn't read the part about "I don't care if you hate bush but don't forget to support our troops." People lose site when they focus on hating bush and forget about the troops. So don't say NO ONE has FORGOTTEN AND EVERYONE SUPPORTS OUR TROOPS!!!! You think everyone remembers that day every day of their life? DOUBT IT!!


Update 2:


I don't assume that if you against the war your against our troops. You've twisted this whole question!!

My question is Have we Forgotten? In our busy days, people forget and tend to look the other way. Just trying to remind people not to forget. Also that I don't disagree with people who hate bush, but just don't FORGET the troops out there!!! Geez

25 Answers

  • Savo
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do not have it in me to ever forget an unprovoked attack on our nation; at least the Japanese had some honor in attaching a military base. These cowardly savage ancient tribes who think to harm America must all be crushed. They hate us because we support Israel and that we are infidels in there ignorant brainwashed heads. I try to keep 9/11 in my mind at least in some minor way each & every day just as I say a prayer for every servicemen & women who has ever blessed our nation with their service to it, they are all our countries best & true hero’s.

    As for the “President” Bush haters, that is their right but I only hear illogical nonsense out of them every time they speak, their hatred blinds them. I totally dis-liked “President” Clinton but never spoke with such disrespect for his presidency as the Bush hater crowd does. We all go to the polls every four years, so they should learn to live with it until then.

    For me, when our Soldiers and Marines stop soldiering and become policemen & nation builders then it is at that very moment when we should withdraw them, so because there is no real clear cut mission in Iraq now (Based on the reasons we went in there in the first place. “Resolution 1441”) i say we pull them out but if that is not to come then I support them unconditionally to the end.

    So ▪Ψ~ RZ ~Ψ▪ I never have and never will forget 9/11



    United States Marine Corp

  • 2 decades ago

    I totally agree with what you are saying...too many people have gotten caught up in anti-bush and anti-war protests, and forgotten what our real thoughts should be towards. I can't say how that day is remembered in places other than where I live, but here in New York I can tell you no one has forgotten (and probably will never forget) that day. Where they were, what they were doing, and how they felt when they found out the towers had fallen. I remember my entire family in the living room, staring at the t.v. in silence for 30 minutes almost unable to comprehend what had just occurred.

    Its hard to believe people can forget this day and the troops who are fighting to prevent further days like it, and instead focus on subjects like why Bush is to blame for it all. There used to be a yellow ribbon on almost every tree in my neighborhood, but now I doubt I could find one.

    I cant say whether or not I'm pro-war, or anti-bush, or some other political stance. I'm just a kid, and don't feel I can make a decision until I've seen the entire story. But I promise you...I will never forget that day, or those troops fighting for us around the globe.

    Source(s): Hmmm...I should totally go buy a yellow ribbon
  • 2 decades ago

    Here's the problem, why do people always think that if you are against the war you don't support the troops? My husband is one of them, he spent 15 months down there. I am damn proud of him for all the good he has done.

    Yes thousands of innocent lives were lost on that horrible day. But, with that war of his, Bush has a lot more innocent lives on his shoulder than those terrorists did that dreadful day. And the number is rising. The difference -- the terrorists did this for their belief and out of blind, inhumane hatred, Bush did it for his wallet. And no, I don't support what the terrorists did, but does anyone ever consider that the US is such a target for terrorism BECAUSE of Bush and his ignorant foreign policies. And believe me, things will only get worse. He is not making our nation safe, he is drawing more danger toward it. While his wallet gets fatter by the day, our boys and girls in the Armed Forces are out there risking their lives and are forced to become killers at the same time. They all go there and come back a totally different person, IF not in a body bag.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Most People haven't. What you have, though, are people of the party out of power purposely looking for any way possible to make it seem that the party in power is messing up.

    Don't buy into that please.

    Thank you so much for this question!! War has been declared on our country. One of the best ways to counter our enemies is the increase of free, open societies. If Iraq becomes a free, open society, there is less likelihood for hostile parties to find refuge there. That is good for the whole world.

    Come election time, remember what has happened in these past few weeks, by some, to sabotauge our country's efforts. Be involved. Our troops believe in this war on terrorism as I do. I stand by my strong, decisive President.

  • 2 decades ago

    Poor Bush, he was damned if he went to war and damned if he didn't. I pity him because, even though I am not an American, I can see how hard it has been on him. I will never forget the day (9/11) and what I was doing at that point in time. God Bless America and its people. I love Americans and yes, I am a true, blue Canadian. Thank God for our neighbours. Keep praying for Bush; he needs it and so do your/our troops. Thank you for your question.

  • 2 decades ago

    I stand here today and thank all our troops!!! Nevermind the idiot in office, our troops need our support! I will NOT orget that they are out there, risking hteir lives so that we may live freely. And for all those Mexicans who burn our flag, if you don't like our country, get the h3ll out!!!! Amd to the teerorists, if our country deserves to be terrorized, then why are you in it?? I mean are you bein a little hipoc ritical, saying you hate our country and yet you live it and enjoy its freedoms! God bless the tropps!!!

  • 2 decades ago

    There are days when it's out of my head. But there are at least 2 excuses for that to happen.

    1. I am not an American.

    2. I think on a small scale. My life and people in it.

    I know I may be selfish and inconsiderate (and you can add more if you think they fit). But I do remember the pain and disaster that day caused.

  • 2 decades ago

    How can you forget that day? I never have and I support our troops all the way!!!

  • 2 decades ago

    I would never hate our troops. Nor would I ever forget them and the sacrifices that they have made and continue to make on our behalf.

    Source(s): God Bless those who protect and serve. SEMPER FI!
  • 2 decades ago

    Nope, haven't forgoten! If I would have been there...I would have been giving out cups of lemonaide!

    Sending out return safely soon thoughts for all our troops everywhere,and peace on earth. Mars too! Isn't that where Marvin the Martian is?

    Smileycat : )

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