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why do people like to bash Americans for things that are not unique to Americans or common to ALL Americans?

just seems like I keep reading remarks from answerers, apparently non-Americans, saying "typical of you Americans" That's rude, stereotyping (ugly), and kinda small or whatever since there are way too many Americans for anything to be really "typical" of Americans. We're too dang diverse to group together and take a dig at like that! ANy non-Americans care to enlighten me on why you and your countrymen are superior to Americans? (dream on)

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its their society feeding them trash and programming them to assume we are all FAT, Lazy, selfish, uneducated, slobs. Most countries resent our size, our wealth, our power, our luxuries etc. All I can say is if we are so horrible then why are so many foreigners willing to loose so much for just a chance to be a part of our country. People should not pre judge a mass bc no matter where you are from there are negatives to your people doesn't mean we are all like that.

  • 2 decades ago

    To Jules, the lecturer from Australia (I believe), the person just ahead of me as I am writing this: I can say, without equivocation, that your answer is the best and most intelligent answer that I have ever read on this site!! As an American, I am elated that you spoke up, I am ashamed and embarrassed that our so-called leadership is ignorant and corrupt, and I commend you on your honesty and accuracy!! THANK YOU many times over!!!

    I would also like to apologize ahead of time, because I believe that some ignorant Americans may take offense by what you have said, and will probably take aim at you!! What we ALL SHOULD DO IS OPEN OUR MINDS, and take seriously what you are saying!!

    Is there a way that one would be able to communicate with you?? I would LOVE to have you expound a bit more on the same topic, and others! And don't worry, I'm NOT in any way affilliated with our government, or the FBI, or CIA, or anything!! I simply would like to hear more of what you have to say! If so, you can anonymously click on "jbro", and you can send an e-mail! Thank you!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    I don't believe it's the American peoples fault, it is more to do with your society and leadership. You are generally so naive about what is going on in the rest of the World and other cultures, yet you set yourself apart from the rest of us. You are utterly convinced that you're right and the rest of the World is wrong. You are a very young country with virtually no real culture of your own but you carry on as if you rule the World. I think that you are fed such a load of BS from your leaders and live such an insular life, isolated from the rest of the World. Then you act as if you're big brother and a bully and start imposing your views and opinions on other sovereign nations, totally unilaterally and to be quite honest, it annoys the hell out of the rest of us. America needs to learn a bit of humility and a bit more about the rest of the World and stop throwing its weight about. This is a genuine answer and is not intended to be read as US bashing. It is a genuine attempt to answer your question in an honest way. I have lived in Europe, Saudi Arabia, Canada, US and I am in Australia right now. Jules, Lecturer. Australia.

  • dph_40
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    For the same reason we Americans in WWII looked at Japanese, or Russians, or Germans as though they were all the same as their "Leaders" - it's just life! Not fair, but life all the same. Still inconsiderate and rude, and judgmental, and quite overgeneralizationalized - but still human nature.

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  • 2 decades ago

    I understand. I get tired of hearing that Americans do not respect other cultures, Yet out way of life is always put down. Respect is a two way street. I will respect your way of life If you respect mine.

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