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is it wrong to be a stay-at-home housewife (not mum) with domestic helpers?


i'm not talking about myself

so peace&love, your name really contradicts your behaviour =)

33 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    its not wrong to be a stay-at-home housewife with domestic helpers if you can afford it and still be comfortable. i used to clean houses for a living and i had 1 that was that way, she had me come in on fridays to do the heavy cleaning, bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming, mopping and sweeping. she would wash the dishes and do her own laundry. i just did the every week cleaning.

  • Dave
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Errrr, if you have domestic helpers and no kids, what exactly are your housewife duties?

    Look, if you're fortunate enough to have enough money that one partner can work at home, great. But I would hesitate to call that a housewife (or husband) with folks to do the cooking and cleaning. What's left? Supervising?

    Again, I'm not knocking the staying home part---Hooray if you can do it. But as a former stay-at-home father, I'd be offended [a tad too strong a word but I can't think of a better one] to hear someone call themselves a homemaker or whatever if they had a couple of people to do the work for them.

  • 2 decades ago

    Nope, enjoy. I have been there and done that. There are still a lot of things that you can do. Plan parties, support your hubby, send out birthday cards or other cards for people that he works with, all around great gal, take care of the servants, plant gardens, create a warm environment for your hubby and family, gosh there really is a lot to do. I was never board with it. Tho some of the women would kinda give me the look of contempt when they would ask where I worked and I told them that I didn't. I think that they are just jealous. Heck, I still don't work and am a stay at home mum for my mum and two cats. Love it. Hence "Hestia" :)

    Source(s): Thanks for the 2 points weirdo :)
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I don't understand the question...are you saying there are no children and there are maids (or similar people to keep the house tidy), but the wife wants to stay home all day, every day?

    If so, I don't think there is anything ethically or morally wrong with it...I just can't imagine why anyone would want to do it. If I were in a situation where I didn't have to work in order to survive, I'm sure I could find something to do outside of the house to occupy my time. Volunteer as a teacher's aide, tutor/mentor struggling students, help out at the Humane Society/SPCA...hundreds of things to do!

  • 2 decades ago

    That's the weirdest thing I ever heard. You should just RENT some kids with all that money your husband is making! That way, the kids will keep you busy, and the domestic help won't get on your nerves so much. And just think, you could have Friday nights OUT, instead of just staying home 'cause you feel frazzled.

  • Goodness no if that is what you want to do and can afford it.

    I would be very happy to be in that situation. I hope that I would have suitable pastimes and try to be generous and involved in my community.

    I have always worked because we needed me to. But there will be a day soon where I can cut back to maybe 4 days. I think the effective running of a household is very important. I won't have anyone helping me though cause the funds don't run that far.

  • 2 decades ago

    Not in the least! In the last four decades a lot of career lay a guilt trip on women who are satisfied to stay at home. Don't listen to to a bunch of crabby unfulfilled feminists.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    As long as you keep busy and aren't just watching TV in your pajamas, eating junk food all day. Explore some hobbies that might be interesting to you. Volunteer once a week at a place that needs volunteers.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    i don't think so. i'm assuming you're paying these domestic helpers? unless you mean the kids? helping around the house? then of course you don't have to pay them. if you mean people such as servants/maids, it's not wrong if you pay them and treat them right. then they're like an au pair...and that's an actual job title.

  • 2 decades ago

    Well, maybe not wrong, exactly, but if you have no children and don't have to do anything around the house, what on earth do you do all day?

    I personally wouldn't be comfortable living from my husband's earnings.

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