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Favorite Answers17%

Internet Tech Supervisor by day, die-hard Libertarian by night. Well, I sort of work nights, 12:30-9:00PM, so I guess I'm a Supervisor AND Libertarian by day AND night. I mean I'm technically a tech Supervisor when I'm at work, but a Libertarian all the time. Well, if you want to get REAL technical about it, I'm still a tech Supervisor even when I'm not at work because my profession doesn't stop existing just because I'm not currently at work. I do work a lot at home, too, but that has nothing to do with it. You would think that the whole Libertarian thing would interfere with being a Supervisor, but I'm not an Anarchist. Jeez, why would you even think something like that. You don't understand Libertarianism at all if you don't understand such a simple concept. So let's just say I'm an Internet Tech Supervisor, and a Libertarian all the time. Oh, and a husband and Father of four. Man, I should have listed that first--that's MUCH more important. Oh well, I'll hear it from my wife...

  • In 360, how do I choose which photo album/thumbnail shows as default?

    No matter what I try, removing, re-adding, etc, I can't get the album/thumbnail to remain the same without completely removing all the others.

    All I want is for my favorite album/thumbnail to show on my main 360 page regardless of who visits.


    4 AnswersYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • How do I make the "idle" text appear in Yahoo! Messenger 8?

    I just downloaded version 8, and it's great except for one thing I miss from 7... In the old version, when someone on my contact list was idle, it would show the little clock to the left, AND text to the right of the name indicating (in an idiot-proof way) that the individual was in an idle state.

    I miss that text because I can hardly see that little clock. Is there any way to make the idle message return in version 8? THANKS!

    1 AnswerPreferences and Settings1 decade ago
  • Can wordplay go to far?

    Let me be try and be specific. I've seen user suspensions or question removals for things like, "Spit or swallow?" And clearly in the details, "grape seeds?" That question was removed. More recently, a question was asked about "fags," obviously referring to cigarette butts, and the asker was suspended. I'm a pretty Yahoo-centric guy and take their side a lot (which my friends love to ride me about) but is this going too far?

    People DO call cigarettes, "fags," and "do you spit or swallow grape seeds" (or watermelon seeds) IS a legitimate question. Is it right to hand out warnings, question removals and suspensions because a perfectly good question is worded in a "colorful" way?

    17 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • Have you ever thought of the perfect question for Yahoo! Answers, then forgotten it before you could post it?

    I swear, while driving home from work the other day, I had a barn burning wonderful question that just leapt out at me. I meant to post it as soon as I got in, but I ended up crashing and it has totally eluded my mind ever since. Has it happened to you? Did you ever think of it again?

    24 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • Have you ever encountered a pop-up on the Yahoo! web page?

    Inspired by a question that asserted Yahoo! was responsible for adult-oriented pop-ups encountered when on the Yahoo! website...

    I have been surfing Yahoo! nearly since its inception, and it has been my home page for about seven years. In that time, I have never experienced a pop-up on the Yahoo! website, nor has IE, Firefox, or Mozilla reported a blocked pop-up.

    In the question mentioned above, I offered the opinion that the asker was infected with spyware, and the pop-ups in question only APPEARED to be coming from Yahoo, when in fact they were the result of the infection. Though no one contradicted my theory directly, every other answer seemed to agree with the asker's assertion that Yahoo! was responsible for the pop-ups, adult and otherwise.

    Do you experience pop-ups on the Yahoo! home page that you are sure are Yahoo's doing?

    14 AnswersYahoo Search2 decades ago
  • Why can't I change my security key?

    When I go into "my account" and "change security key," I get a message that says, "this operation is forbidden." When toying with it at another time, I got to a place where it asked me to enter in my e-mail address, and it would not take any of the e-mail addresses currently listed on the account---It would only take the address I signed up with seven years ago---One I no longer use. After a few minutes of piddling today, I can not reproduce that issue.

    I'd like to update my information to make sure I'm secure, but I'm unable to do so. Anyone know how I can fix this?


    10 AnswersPassword and Sign In2 decades ago
  • In trolling for "featured questions," do you think the Y! Answers team should find more obvious violations?

    The featured questions are updated fairly regularly, yet some of the worst violations can stick around for weeks, or forever. Do you think the Y! Answers team should find more on their own, or devote more resources to investigating user reports? Or do you feel their overall efforts are satisfactory and running an entertaining site is more important, and a few bad apples are bound to go unnoticed?

    20 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • How much privacy are YOU willing to give up?

    Taping your phone conversations? Records of who you called and who called you? E-mail monitoring? Records of your surfing? Cameras on every street? Satellite video? Cameras in your home? What's the line for YOU?

    25 AnswersGovernment2 decades ago
  • One step closer to big brother?

    Evidently, the government has been tracking who you call domestically in addition to tapping into your international phone calls. Is this just getting us closer to Orwell's vision of the future, or are you still sticking with the story that it's all in the name of fighting terrorism?

    22 AnswersGovernment2 decades ago
  • Should the U.S. allocate more money to eliminating the national debt?

    When nearly 1/10th of our tax dollar goes to just paying the interest on the national debt, should the government do something about paying it off?

    15 AnswersGovernment2 decades ago
  • If a man rebuffed your advances on the first date, what would you think of him?

    Would you think he was coy? Old Fashioned? Playing hard to get? Gay? I've personally done this twice (in my dating days) and ended up marrying them both.

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • Which is your favorite court show?

    Past or present---I know some have come and gone.

    30 AnswersTelevision2 decades ago
  • Do babies have an innate sense of what the most dangerous (or annoying) thing around them is to mess with?

    One of my twins has just learned to pull herself up with the help of something sturdy. This means a whole new level of baby proofing. We're finding out what needs to be done rather quickly. What I want to know is... Do babies just "know" what the worst thing is for them to touch? For example: If my daughter pulls herself up to eye level with a bookshelf that has on it a book, a brightly colored red ball, and a sharp but rusty ninja star, she'll go for the star every time. Is this normal?

    18 AnswersNewborn & Baby2 decades ago
  • Best line from the Simpsons?

    I really hate people who ask "favorite" questions when asked about a TV show, especially the Simpsons. So I figured I'd ask one, because I don't like myself anyway. What's your favorite line from the Simpsons? Doesn't necessarily have to be one line, but it should be a few at most, not a whole episode.

    27 AnswersTelevision2 decades ago
  • What should we name our cow?

    My wife and I drink a lot of milk already, and our twin girls are approaching the age where formula will be swapped out for milk. We've decided it will make a lot more sense for us to buy a dairy cow and keep her out on our balcony. What should we name her?

    49 AnswersOther - Food & Drink2 decades ago
  • How well would you survive a zombie epidemic?

    Bearded? Monitor? Everyone? I'm sure you can beat a 73%, my score. No cheating!

    36 AnswersMythology & Folklore2 decades ago
  • Yahoo! Movies. Does anyone have a problem with personalized recommendations?

    My personalized recommendations under the "My Movies" tab of Yahoo! Movies work fine, EXCEPT.... The "Movies on TV" section won't show the cable lineup for my area. It used to show a partial sampling of the digital cable listings for one county over, which are unfortunately way off from mine. As of right now, it shows nothing because I've removed all of the channels with the incorrect channel numbers in an attempt to get things fixed.

    I actually got some Yahoo! folks to look at this, but they gave up. Has anyone else encountered the wrong listings in Yahoo! recommended movies? My home channels show up correctly EVERYWHERE else in Yahoo! It's just this one area.

    I've tried everything, and again, even Yahoo! has looked into it but they gave up. Is anyone else experiencing the problem? Maybe if it's more common than just me, they'll devote some more time and effort to it.

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products2 decades ago
  • How many have never had a nocturnal emission?

    The Kinsey report and some others say that 90% of men have wet dreams, which should mean that 10% do not. I'm in that ten percent---I've never had one in my entire life. I've never met another who hasn't. Have you?

    20 AnswersMen's Health2 decades ago
  • If you had twins, how would you name them?

    Would you give them similar or alliterative names, like John and Jill, Ashley and Amanda, Sherry and Terry, etc... Or would you give each of them unique names with no similarity?

    23 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting2 decades ago