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Lv 6
Dave asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 2 decades ago

Can wordplay go to far?

Let me be try and be specific. I've seen user suspensions or question removals for things like, "Spit or swallow?" And clearly in the details, "grape seeds?" That question was removed. More recently, a question was asked about "fags," obviously referring to cigarette butts, and the asker was suspended. I'm a pretty Yahoo-centric guy and take their side a lot (which my friends love to ride me about) but is this going too far?

People DO call cigarettes, "fags," and "do you spit or swallow grape seeds" (or watermelon seeds) IS a legitimate question. Is it right to hand out warnings, question removals and suspensions because a perfectly good question is worded in a "colorful" way?

17 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    The one trouble that many people have is that they don't read a question all the way through and they don't think they react.

    I have seen people do this in the real world too when someone is halfway through a statement and the other person jumps down their throat.

    We have even less excuse for doing this here as the question is written out and you can take a minute and read it twice.

    I don't think it was right and the user in question added some texture and colour to this forum.

    Thank You.

  • 2 decades ago

    Closed minded people suck when they do things like ASSume that their cultural ways are the best and only ways that are out there. Maybe they should read a book or expand their horizons beyond their little world. Of course they would probably be too judgmental to finish the book or only point out how people are doing things wrong if they were to actually visit the world.

    I have been privileged enough to see many different cultures and I feel blessed for that. It is amazing all the different ways of speaking, the different points of view and it is easy to understand why MOST of the world believes Americans to be arrogant and always trying to force their way of life on everyone. And I can say this because I am American. I have been embarrassed by Americans when I have seen this behavior in another country. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. But for some Americans it seems to be when in Rome, make them do as you want them to do.

    Any who's, I rant. Sorry. It just makes me wonder sometimes about people. Do they not live in a glass house so they can throw stones?

    Source(s): Yes I said sucks.
  • 2 decades ago

    I guess I'm a bit torn. This isn't strictly an adult site, and there are clearly stated content rules. I can also imagine examples of genuinely offensive content being couched as an "innocent" question. But I think for the most part the people who post those kinds of double entendres and provocative wordplay are just doing it for fun and mischief. That said, they obviously know they're flirting with danger and that the question might be suspended. That's part of the fun. It's a game to see what you can get away with. I've done it myself with "conversational" type questions, non sequiturs, etc. If there were absolutely no rules, then people probably wouldn't bother. To paraphrase Robert Frost: that would be like playing tennis without a net.

  • NA
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Great question. Same thing happened to me yesterday, I worded a question in a colorful way and it was deleted. The question was in regard to a commercial that has been criticized as being racist, and I used the tagline of the commercial to word the question. It was deleted for spam...someone didn't bother to read the entire question and apparently thought that I was actually advertising for the company. Had the simple-minded people of Yahoo read the details, they would have understood that it was a perfectly legitimate query, and more substantial than most of the jackass questions I usually ask to entertain myself. That's what I get for assuming that some of the people on here are intelligent enough to handle a serious discussion.

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  • 2 decades ago


    Wordplay can never go to far. The people who have thin skins should just crawl back under the rock from which they came. If we continue to lower the bar with this kind of thinking, then eventually someone is going to step over it and then we will have real issues.

    I think the Y!A Team needs to rethink who they have handing out the suspensions and replace them with people who can think and understand humor, wordplay, politics and religion (I'm available if I can work from home) and maybe we should start suspending the accounts of those that are to thin-skinned or stupid to get it. This way will raise the bar and it will be become a more enjoyable site.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    no longer too undesirable. improve on the metaphors slightly extra and it would be solid. some thing like i'm great on the mic like MJ yo that isn't any bull those cats how they act; So common Wordplay so profuse circulate so solid they call me Dr. Seuss i do no longer choose eco-friendly Eggs and Ham purely turntables and a mic in my hand. i'm baked like the Pillsbury doughman Goin' whoo whoo whoo i'm snackin on those lyrics you may call me Scooby Doo Comin' at ya like a freight practice Choo choo! that is over wave the white flag above that is what a circulate is all approximately Yo I have been given nothin yet love verify your metaphors they are going to open doors computerized in the different case you will fall speedier than the great no one'll wanna hear to what you gotta say So rewind, rewind Push play Now right here you go in view that i'm carried out w/ this circulate that is how that is carried out playa regardless of if that is basically for exciting

  • 2 decades ago

    I think warnings are appropriate if it is accidental (like the 'fags' example. The 'spit or swallow' question is however cleary intentionally word play and far from subtle. although is amusing to some, could be offensive to others.

    Unfortunately, in the world we live in people have to be a bit more selective with their 'colourful' presentation so as not to tread on the toes of those of a slightly more sensitive disposition.

    Its all a bit gay if you ask me!

    (gay in the lighthearted playful sense)

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I totally agree, I had a question removed for having, 'naughty' words in it. It wasn't offensive at all to an English person, but Americans seem a little prudish, however they seem perfectly OK with the F word, which I personally find extremely offensive. Yes they do go too far.

    I'm not going to smoke a fag, but I am going to eat chips from the chippy, wear suspenders to hold my stockings up, eat ******* and have jelly and ice-cream!!!

  • 2 decades ago

    I think it's pretty ridiculous to censor something on a public forum such as YahooAnswers, just because it might offend someone. If you want to make this a completely non-offensive place, you definitely have to take down all the questions dealing with religion, politics, etc. In fact, just about anything can be offensive to SOMEONE. And especially with the two examples you mentioned, which were clearly (to anyone with half a brain, and who bothered to read the whole questions) jokes, well... if someone is going to be so thin-skinned that a joke is going to offend them to the point of demanding censorship, that person needs to go hide in a cave... on Mars... and close their eyes... and stick their fingers in their ears... :-p

  • 2 decades ago

    I agree with MojoMan...wordplay can never go too far.

    I recall an episode of 'American Dad' where the wife was in a closet with a vallet (long story) and she was attacked by his cockfighting rooster which messed up her 'do. She left the closet while saying to the vallet "Now look at what your c0ck did to my hair!"

    The YATeam (that's yahoo Answers Team - pronounced "The 'Yay" team") can be a bit overzealous when handing out violations over things like these...

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