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DramaGuy asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 2 decades ago

Can anyone see the live feed. We haven't been able to bring in up from our laptops in the brain itself.?


They are working on some of the feed problems. Some people seem to be getting the feed but it doesn't seem that they have figured how to work out all the kinks.

7 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey Brain-mate! I tried accessing it too, and it won't complete buffering it. One of the tech guys here, Mike, said they were having over a million people hit it at once and so not everyone could get in. Still hoping to see it before the end of the day!

    Oh, and Lizz, the webcast only went live this morning at 7am EST, when the Brain opened, so don't feel bad about last night. Hopefully it'll work better for you today! Because Lord knows, there's nothing more exciting than watching 8 people typing silently on a laptop!


  • 2 decades ago

    If one is persistent and keeps trying then eventually the feed load and you can get some live pix. The site must have a super high volume, cause getting there is half the battle and keeping the image for for than 5 minutes is a problem.

    Wave to us!!! We are all curious as to what is going on and the news media coverage is really sparse.

  • 2 decades ago

    It is June 15th, 3 am central time and I just checked and I can see you, but I hope you can't see me because I am in my pjs!

    It would be nice if one of you looked up or waved every 2 or 3 minutes. But I imagine that would get old after the first half hour.

  • noone
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    I tried last night and right when it was announced and it didn't work. I haven't tried yet today.

    It worked for me today. I hadn't tried yet when i answered this. I saw you all and yeah it wasn't all that exciting. There was no sound and you just see people typing and the music was annoying. But it was interesting to see people there.

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  • 2 decades ago

    It goes up and down. It is up right now and I am watching the C crew eat dinner. Ooo! Exciting! Hey Cincinnati Food and Drink Guy! You have some dressing on your mouth.... No, the other side... There! You got it!

  • 2 decades ago

    I was able to view the feed. It's a REALLY cool set-up you all are in. Congratulations on being a "Brainiac" :)

  • Flif
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    It was loading, and then a voice said, "The clip you requested is unavailable. Please stay tuned for the next available clip."

    Sorry, that's all I can get. At least you can see it live.

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