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Beer snob?

I'm not the only beer snob around here, am I? I really prefer imported draught over anything from the U.S. My personal favorite is Hoegaarden from Belgium.


I tend to stick to Heifeweisens. I also like Paulaner and Live Oak Heifeweisen. I'll occasionally drink a Honey Brown or a Newcastle, but I really like the unfiltered beers with a big slice of lemon in them.

Update 2:

I admit that I'll drink a Bud Light if I have no other choice, but frankly, it's like choking down a bottle of pee after you've tasted the other stuff that's out there.

Update 3:

I've had the St. Arnold's Lawnmower and I wasn't a big fan. I do, however, like the St. Arnold's Summer Pils. that's pretty good stuff. and I'm in the Houston area, not Austin.

17 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not a beer snob, I just know what I like and when the McBeer people cut theirs with corn or rice it is very noticible and not so tasty. Me? I love German beers (and no, Shiner is not German beer!) - Spaten & Haaker-Pshorr rock! Mmmmm. But it's summer, so that means Kolsch-style and Weizen for me.

    If you are a Weizen fan, and it sounds like you are in Austin, check out a Tucher or a Franziskaner weizen - they leave Pyramid and Live Oak behind, IMO. Especially since you are a Hogaarden fan. And since you are in Texas, St. Arnold's makes a Crystal Weizen that they changed the name on to Texas Wheat (and now it's flying off the shelves...) that you ought to try. Crystal Weizen's don't have the character of a natural Weiss, but supporting local brewers is obviously important. St. Arnold's Lawnmower is pretty good. Supposed to be a Kolsch style, but too much wheat to be true (but it's still good).

    I brewed a Hefe two weeks ago using Weihenstephan yeast and it is so close to Tucher that my wife couldn't tell the difference! Throwing a party and the Munich Helles & Weizen will no doubt be gone - 10 gallons goes quick!

    Beer snob? No, just enthusiastic!

  • 2 decades ago

    Nothing wrong with being a beer snob, but don't rule out some great domestic microbrews. Not the stupid fruity, seasonal stuff, but I've had some great cream ales, oatmeal stouts, and belgian-style ales from here in the southeast and the pacific northwest. The big wine emporiums are starting to carry a nice selection of microbrews now, too.

  • 2 decades ago

    I am also a beer snob. I don't let anything from SAB/Miller or Anheuser-Busch cross my lips, as their concoctions are vile and insulting to my palate. I'll take Spaten from Munich any day over most American brews.

    However, there are some decent microbrews in the US... Capitol City is among my favorites. Comparable to your Hoegaarden would be Blue Moon Belgian White... it's not for me, but you might like it. Personally, I can't stay away from a strong oatmeal stout or a scotch ale.

  • 2 decades ago

    I think you should get some perspective. There is a time and a place for each and every brew. I like the carefully crafted microbrew as much as the next guy but when I’m out at some dive bar nothing hits the spot like a Miller High Life and a shot of Jack.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Shiner makes a good Heifeweisen. Tastes great with a lemon wedge. Shiner Bock is my typical easy-drinking beer. They're domestic, but the brewery is VERY German. I don't typically drink any beer I can see through. I like Young's Oatmeal Stout...especially with sausage rolls (with brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes at the pub).

  • 2 decades ago

    There are much better Belgium whites out there than Hoegaarden. That's like my Budwiser of Belgium whites. Sam Adams actually makes a decent one

  • 2 decades ago

    schneider wessie is the best hefeweisen out there i think, with weihenstepaner and erdinger both up there. hacker is good too, ive havent tried augustiner yet, but i hear its awesome(not the one brewed by iron city the real one from Munich) i dont how they got away w/ using the name when the real one is exported here.

    and for really good beers w/ a little bit of an acquired taste anything from unibroue(la fin du monde is my favorite)

  • 2 decades ago

    I love beer....Fat Tire, Downtown Brown, Sierra Nevada, Red Horse, etc. Yummmmm

  • 2 decades ago

    No, I don't even like beer unless I am really drunk and then it doesn't taste like anything. I am a red wine or vodka girl. Occasionally a rum girl!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    If you are a snob then so am I. I just don't drink much so when I want something, I want it to be good. I don't get the whole idea of drinking just to be drinking.

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