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Lv 6
Moose asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 2 decades ago

Does anybody think, that maybe prisoners enjoy sitting in prison, see below?

because they get 3 hots and a cot? Along with, FREE schooling, weight benches, medical, dental, starting their own gangs up, snacks,and a "lover".?

When being in "PRISON" means not having nothing but the clothes on their back and not being able to leave their cell. Why does the state thinks its good to give these people, killers, molesters,ect.. things that a normal hard working person struggles to get?( Free dental, medical and schooling)?


Lets just think about this, there has been a lot of prisoners released back in society to repeat the same thing they did the first time around. When asked WHY they did this, they said they could not handle living in this world.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    if they did any thinking they would never be in prison

  • 2 decades ago

    No prisoners do not enjoy sitting in prison, especially for a crime that does not fit the punishment or for something that they did not do. In prison they are given 3 square meals, but also can that is not a luxury, they are constantly fighting, riot, and life threatening situations. Also the constant degrading body searches, insults and improper actions by C.O's is a problem.The loneliness enough can drive someone crazy. The inmate becomes institutionalized and less likely to succeed in society, the mental health is also a problem. They have to be told what, where, when , and how they can do daily activities. Sometimes a person can be in prison for a non violent act and come out a totally change person for the worse because of the

    traumas they encountered in prison. No matter how people my think they are getting free advantages, nothing is for free!!! They pay with their lives, their dignity, etc...

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I don't think that anyone would want to sit in a prison cell. The repeat offenders that are in there now wish that they could be home with their family. However, some prisoners just do not have the will power or the education to make it on their own in the real world. Yes they get 3 meals a day and a cot to sleep on, but the cots that they sleep on are not very comfortable with a very thin blanket to cover up with. Inmates are told when to wake up and when to go to bed. Inmates are woke up around 5:00 a.m. and lights go out at night around 11:00 p.m. The schooling that they get come from the local community colleges and volunteers. Some prisons also offer alcohol and drug counselling services for their inmates. Most inmates are in prison for alcohol or drug related charges. Inmates don't have much free time, they are either working or in their cells, most inmates only have 1-2 hours a day to go out on the yard. In my opinion, I don't think that the prisoners enjoy sitting in prison.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    No, inmates do not have it good within the prison walls.

    To anyone who says differently, I'd like to know What prison have you been visiting? I'd like to arrange for a cherished friend to be transferred there! The top notch medical/dental care I'm always hearing about would be nice!He had a small cavity in one tooth and the answer was to pull the tooth, he needs to see a doctor to renew a prescription for a chronic condition (no, it's not a drug with any recreational potential, it's Prilosec) but can't see the doc because he is not bleeding, and when he does get that script renewed, he'll be paying for it or rather either his mom or I will be doing so. The situation has gotten so bad with prison health care that a federal judge recently ordered the whole department into recievership.

    He shares a 6 x 12 cell with one other man, and counts himself lucky that there are not 3 in that cell due to the amazingly overcrowded state of the facility, he gets to leave that cell about 4 hours a day, including shower, chow, dayroom and yard time... and THAT is when the facility is not on lockdown due to drastic understaffing, courtesy of a hiring freeze imposed by the Governor...on lockdown, it really is in the cell, 24/7, food passed through the door, etc the only thing that keeps going is the mail (and by the way, I send him paper,envelopes and postage, unless it is a letter to one's attorney of record AND there is no money on one's books, the prison does not pay for letters)....the educational programs, IF an inmate qualifies AND if there is a slot available in the class.....and surely you see the need to try to educate these people to improve the chances of their becoming productive citizens upon release?

    The showers are hot and reasonably clean, but inmates buy their own soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.

    The food is a joke, and is barely legal in quantity and quality... most inmates get VERY creative with the top ramen that is available at the commisary... and there was recently an outbreak of a bacterial infection that affected hundreds of people, both inmates and staff that was eventually traced to tainted milk.

    What Gym/weight room are you talking about? My friend does an aerobic routine in his cell each morning and spends about half his time in the yard running his usual 3 to 5 miles, but there's no equipment available...I'm not complaining about that, but I'd like to know where you get your information.

    As to other recreational activities, if there are video games, it has not been mentioned to me... Television in the day room where what to watch is decided by vote...any TVs or radios in the cells were not provided by the state, either the inmate or someone like me purchased them and like quarterly packages and phone calls (collect and incredibly costly) they are a privilige that is EARNED... Surely you can see the value of rewarding good behavior?

    By the way, my friend is what they call a model inmate, he has had no disiplinary problems inside.

    I could go on and on, but I really want to know what prison all these stereotypes of fun and games are based on, because it sure as hell is not in California!

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  • 2 decades ago

    I have a prison ministry. I do not believe that there are many inmates who relish their lifestyle in a penal institution. For many inmates, however, it is the most suitable living arrangement because they do not have the discipline or supervision to make it in the free world. It is for this reason that many of them (almost 50 % in Texas) are repeat offenders. Prison life offers them the structure they need that they cannot get in the free world. I have met inmates that are on their fifth tour of duty and genuinely want to be free, but they just don't know how to manage their lives. Unfortunately, state governments have no interest in spending the money to correct the behavior that leads to a return to the inside. They prefer to leave behavioral adjustment to overworked chaplans and volunteers.

  • 2 decades ago

    Would YOU choose prison over freedom? My guess is that you would not. In fact, my guess is that very close to zero percent of the population would. Even the population most likely to go to prison - the poor, unemployed and uneducated - wouldn't choose to be in prison if they had the choice.

    So, your premise is just faulty. Prison isn't a place people want to be, so making it less comfortable wouldn't increase their desire not to be there.

    Now, you seem to also dismiss any rehabilitative effects that these prison programs might have. Holding a job in prison, taking classes to learn to read, receiving medical attention for long-ignored conditions and more are all things that are designed to give prisoners skills to use outside of prison and a sense of self-esteem to have the courage to use those skills. Does that have no value? You seem to argue that it is all completely worthless and that prison should be about nothing other than enforced suffering. I disagree. I want prison to be a place where people learn how to contribute to society.

    But that's just me.

  • 2 decades ago

    I believe that if its between the death penalty or sitting in a prison, I believe they would prefer prison.If it's some one that has been in prison for many years than I would also say they would rather be there, because of haveing fear of not being able to survive in the world today, because of the changes through out the years.

    Source(s): Ethics class
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Well, the state cannot act like an animal just because its inmates in prisons behaved in an indecent fashion. What matters to inmates is freedom. If you don't giv that to a human being, you cannt expect him to enjoy himself

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Yeah Prisoner replaced into and nevertheless is fantastic I actually have some hundred of the episodes on DVD, and nevertheless love re-gazing them, yet your proper that the plot and the appearing replaced into no longer continuously reliable yet i imagine at the same time as they were given it proper they were given the interest performed properly. they have released the full container-set in Australia all 696 episodes in a restricted version container retails for style of £six hundred continuously used to love gazing different Australian soaps if in reality to ascertain what the actors seem as if many years after cellular Block i lately re-watched at the same time as Bea receives despatched to Barnhurst, love the scene the position she kinds out Janey and performance you spotted an quite unusual screw in Barnhurst who seems very commonly used?, I wont damage the plot of what occurs in case you've not considered it yet there is an quite hammy appearing scene at the same time as Bea receives again to Barnhurst regarding a flash again scene, and an excellent scene the position Bea later grabs Margo by the undercover agent hollow in the door and says "i'm again Margo" classic scene. "He used to grant me roses, i desire he would again, yet that replaced into on the exterior, and issues were diverse then, on the exterior the roses boost they don't thoughts the stormy floor...... The topic music replaced into said as "on the interior" and replaced into sung by ability of Lynne Hamilton and this replaced into continuously used on the right credit and closed 695 episodes as episode 534 end topic replaced right into a music said as "Pixie's music" which marked the departure of Judy Bryant, which in the coach Judy had composed for Pixie

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    yea... ok well i think they'd rather be out doing something else

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