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DramaGuy asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 2 decades ago

Answer Brainiacs A Team?

The A team is back in the brain in times square. How many of you are going to watch us do our graveyard shift?


call us 212 382 3592

6 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dear Drama Guy - If I'm awake, I will watch you! But are you going to do anything besides sit and type. How about a few words for your "television" audience? Or at least a smile directly into the camera?

    How's it going? Are you going to collapse when you're all through? Good luck!!


  • 2 decades ago

    do you do the graveyard shift so people watch you.

    You said the A team is back in the brain

    in time

    in a square

    Who is the A team, does the A team only exist on tv and the internet

    Who decides who belongs to the A team

    I keep crossing path with the A team members and the only thing I see of them is dat they all have purple brains.

    Source(s): I love my brain, an organic machine dat can make me do the impossible My brain is my best friend Lapis Lazuli everything I learned about my brain was thought to me by the teachers , some doctors, of Ramtha School of Enlightment
  • 2 decades ago

    If I can't sleep that night or can't log off because I can't stop answering questions, sure. Or you could pay me to stay up. LOL :)

    Hey! Do something exciting! Stop staring at the monitors!


    Thanks for the shout out guys. :)

  • 2 decades ago

    Sorry, but I am going to sleep.

    I hope though, that all members of your team who have cats answer my question on their cats!

    Source(s): Ok, I looked. But I didn't see anyone in a brown hat w/ cartoon features... night!
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 2 decades ago

    ME!! i am up till like 2 am pacific time. which is 5 AM for you guys!! hold a sign up for me like they did last night lol.

  • MAK
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    I watched you guys. Probably too much -lol

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