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Pyr0 asked in Cars & TransportationMotorcycles · 2 decades ago

which do think is more dangerous: Dirtbike or Four Wheeler?

In terms of wrecking on one

10 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Crashing on a motor vehicle is crashing and it is never a desired out-come

    However, based on my experiences with both, I have to say that their is a greater likelihood of mishap on a 4-wheeler from doing the simplest of things.

    My biggest compaint on a 4-wheeler is the wheel base. Fast-sweeping turns can and do yield flips. Even with proper cornering, those 4 wheels just present and increased opportunity for one to hook up and provide the necessary adhesion. Sure, dirt-bikes high-side as well but a 4-wheeler will never low-side.

    Just ask Ozzy. Yep, those darn 4-wheelers seem to flip and land their driver on their head a lot easier than a dirt bike. I have lost the front end on a 4-wheeler all too often and from what seemed like rather benign riding events. I have rarely lost the front end on a dirt bike and if i have, it has been my fortune that the dirk bike through me foward and not thrust me downward like a 4-wheeler.

    So in the end, I vote that 4-wheelers pose a greater risk of injury because they seem to hurt you the most doing the simplest of activities.

  • 2 decades ago

    The four wheeler is more dangerous due to its weight coupled with the likelyhood that it might roll over on the rider. If you are really interested, research products liability claims based on four wheeler injuries. People seem to think they are safer due to the vehicle having four wheels. They therefore do not anticipate rollovers. Before four wheelers there were three wheelers which were even more dangerous and manufacture was discontinued by all manufacturers that I am aware of. Regardless of which one you decide to use, always wear safety equipment because any experienced rider will tell you that you will fall one day. A good helmet and shoulder guards with thick pants and boots for the dirtbike will eliminate a lot of potential injuries. A good training course would also not be a bad idea.

  • 2 decades ago

    4 wheeler is lots heavier but people think they are safer as they dont fall down when you stop. this gives false security until something goes wrong (you dont even think about being careful) Sunday paper had story about 11yr old killed when 4wheeler fell on him, friend rang yesterday, broken arm after riding 4 wheeler into ditch.

    Nurse only sees problems not fun aspect.

    Best quote I've seen recently

    'I do not intend to tiptoe through life to arrive safely at death'

  • 2 decades ago

    A dirt bike can be dangerous, but a 4-Wheeler weighs alot more so if it fell on you it would be worse.

    Source(s): Have friends and family who have wrecked on dirt bikes and died on and wrecked on 4-wheelers.
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  • 2 decades ago

    I don't have any statistics on the safety of either one, but, in my opinion, four-wheelers are more dangerous, primarily because people don't take them seriously. They treat them as 'toys' and assume they are safe because they have 4 wheels. They allow little children to ride them alone and carry even babies on them. Ultimately, any vehicle is only as safe as the person operating it.

  • 2 decades ago

    Dirt Bike

  • tex
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    Four wheeler.

  • 2 decades ago

    Dirt bike, they dont handle hills so well, especially when going down, you'll end up underneath it, and that hurts.

    Source(s): never been hurt on a 4 wheeler, but bad on a dirt bike
  • 2 decades ago

    I am an RN who has specialized in physical medicine and rehabilitation for over 15 years. In nursing for 33. For those who do not know this specialty in acute care, ie: a hospital, trauma care center, we are the people who teach you how to care for yourself again. The team consists of physiatrists, Nurses, physical therapist, speech/cognition therapsists, social workers, psychologists/psychiatrists, orthotic specialists,vocational therapists, and other specialists called in when needed. A good acute care rehab center has all of these. (I am not speaking of nursing homes which have suddenly become "Rehabilitation Centers".) I have worked as an internal specialty with spinal cord injuries and brain injuries.

    In other words I help you to learn how to take care of yourself after you've crushed your head, spinal cord and any chance of living life as you once were.

    I have seen families now obligated to care for people who had once been independent. I would say over 90% of marriages fail after these type of inuries. I have had wives say to me "He is so angry now", "So dependent now", "He is not the person I married, and I don't like this one.", or " I had so many hopes for my son/daughter. Now this" or " I am too old now to take care of him/her".

    Even a mild head injury causes some kind of deficit. Perhaps you now have a temper problem. You are explosive towards others. You can't manage money anymore--it slips through your fingers. You have trouble remembering things. You can't plan unless you write it all down--and remember where your memory journal is. You can no longer be trusted to follow through on tasks, you get side tracked or disgusted. You find your relationships with others breaking down.

    And these are the people who are sent home "functional" according to their insurance companies.

    The spinal cord injuries are usually "mildly" head injured also. We have a saying in Rehab--- You can't break your spine without hitting your head. So they may have all the things to deal with that I mentioned, plus now they are partially or completely paralyzed.

    They now may walk with assistance of braces or canes, crutches but their bladders don't work or their bowels. They spend the rest of their lives catheterizing themselves and dealing with bowel programs to keep continent. Or of course they are wheelchair bound and have to learn the above management plus how to function in life from a wheelchair. Try it sometime for a whole day. People don't talk to you, they talk about you. They don't see past the wheelchair. You have trouble with potential employers who cut you out but you can't prove it to the federal gov't in appeal because they "just found someone 'more qualified'". Try getting in and out of bed, on and off a toilet, in and out of buildings with no wheelchair accsess, up and down curbs that are not accessible. Or getting dressed in the morning with no movement below the waist allowed. Go in your own kitchen in your rented wheelchair and look up at your countertops and stove. Or even something in the very back of your refrigerator.

    All of the above of course does not apply if your neck is broken. Not all quadriplegics have people like Dana Reeves to love them the rest of their lives. The anger and frustration of only being alive in your head comes out on those around you. Often you find yourself alone, trying to live on disability AND pay people to come to your house and care for your most basic needs. And NO the government does not care for you or pay for your caregivers.

    You can't even feed yourself in the worst injuries like Christopher Reeves. Rehab helps those with some muscle "sparing" we call it, to learn to do some things in self care. But the hands are always gone. You cannot grasp. You have to learn adaptations. And don't forget, even with the adaptations you CAN'T FEEL ANYTHING from your level of injury down.

    Do I have a preference in which vehicle to use...Lets see...

    I have taken care of children who had their parents take them on 4 wheelers and all of the above have happened. And even one case where a childs scarf tangled in the steering column and choked her so severely before the parent could stop ( and it only takes minutes) that the resusitated child lies alive in body only, arching and screaming out all day while parents try to care for her. She eats through a tube placed in her tiny stomach. So no... I don't think I'll choose that one. I also have a problem placing ANY aged child in charge of something that goes to 60 miles an hour and can be driven away from the house.

    and motorcycles... well they are very very devestating injuries. You can do all of the above, AND have limbs amputated, be literally skinned/flayed alive and die that way forom complications later. It is not a pretty way to go.

    You may say "Well, I am not going to be a bad driver" on a motorcycle" I need to remind you that you needn't worry about your own driving. Motor cycle safety classes will tell you it's the OTHER guy who will kill or maim you.

    Dirt bikes are simply a to go fast AND be reckless. They serve no purpose whatsoever. I have had young, 14, 16 18 yr old paraplegics as a direct effect from motocross and jumping.

    If you have to drive fast at least provide yourself with the minimal ( but that's improving) protection of a car to squish or be squished in. People with a need for speed and rush for danger should just save up and get cars. For the amount of money you are spending on the others you can get a fairly good one even if used.

    I proudly share my name

    DCDavis RN Columbia Memorial class of 1973

    Source(s): Myself
  • 2 decades ago


    if you crash and it rolls on top of you,

    the Four Wheeler. A racer will kick a

    bike away from him but try it on a quad.


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