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Stacy R asked in Food & DrinkOther - Food & Drink · 2 decades ago

Do you think we should come out of the closet already?

Pot smokers, aren't you tired of the stigmatism that society has placed on us? Aren't you tired of everybody thinking that pot smokers are the dregs of society and are to blame for all the ills of society? Aren't we just like everybody else, but maybe a little less hostile? Shouldn't we be accepted like everyone else? I am so tired of the misconception that people have about us. I think we need to make this an issure that need to be dealt with in the next election. I for one, if it were legalized, would not mind paying tax on a pack of joints as long as the tax money went to the schools or charities or law enforecement. We could take some power away from the streets and give it to our government where it belongs. It woulld free up space in our jails for more serious criminals. Help me out here, what do you think, any fellow smokers out there...

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bill Maher said this best on one of his comedy specials. Our government's stance on this is "Let the professionals f%^& you up" ( direct quote ). Many types of people smoke pot; you can generally spot a "crackhead", yet there are "pothheads" in every profession and demographic. In many areas of this country and the world pot is not only accepted, it's embraced.

    You're right that pot should be legal, but can you honestly say you want to pay the taxes? Look what they've done to tobacco and alcohol. The price of pot now is about the same as it was when I bought my first bag in 1979. How much was a pack of cigarettes then, and how much are they now?

    It's not the drugs that causes gang violence, either. Especially not pot. Gang violence prevailed in the 1920's during the era of Prohibition. Adults are much like kids; tell us we CAN'T do something and we'll go out of our way to make sure we do. The street fighting and gangland shootings began over alcohol. How many violent pot smokers do you know?

    Everyone else is not accepted. If they're fat, Black, Hispanic, Jewish, female, underage, disabled, unemployed, homeless, gay, alcoholic, drug addicts, elderly, anorexic, or "imperfect" in any way, there's always a large group of people who disapprove. Pot smokers are targetted by the ignorant and the government ( who smoked pot AND used cocaine themselves ), and the personal use of marijuana is a totally victimless crime.

    Tobacco use and alcohol-related accidents cause more fatalities than the uses of ALL other drugs COMBINED, including heroine, which is said to be less addictive than the nicotine in cigarettes.

    I'm with you. Just legalize it and move on to the real issues that affect our society - like this God-forsaken war.

  • 2 decades ago

    I couldn't agree with you more. Drinking is far more anti-social and harmful (to yourself and to others) but because it is legal everyone just agrees with it and goes along with it. Apparently over half of all admissions into A&E departments are due to alcohol intake. Also, drink can turn people violent and abusive-i'm yet to meet anyone starting a fight or shouting abuse when high off weed. Yet the stereotype 's/he's a junkie so they must be a thief who's stealing to fund there habit' etc etc. And the stupid arguement that weed leads to harder drugs...there is no proof of this, just a pattern which does NOT prove cause and effect. E.G, say 75% of heroin addicts started by smoking weed. Well. it may well also be that the same number or more started by smoking cigs or drinking-and obviously nobody would suggest these lead to heroin! Also, if there is a link at all it is down to the fact that people have to see dealers and may be offered other drugs when they are there. If weed were to be legalised (and taxed) this would not happen. I read here in the UK that if weed was legalised and taxed then the governement would make more from that than they do from the tax off cigs (and cigarette smokers here on average pay more than the average cost of any health care they need due to smoking). Seems to make perfect sense to me-and its not like it being illegal actually stops anyone anyway!!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    To tell you the truth.... what gets me really tired is the stink of the pot and the unpleasant feeling caused by that dirty smoke that forms in the ambient. About the smokers, what really gets me tired, is their ridiculous laugh, laziness, lack of memory or and enthusiasm to work, but nothing gets worse when their lost of reflex is responsible for a car accident, sending people to hospital, or cemeteries, this is definitely, what really pisses me off, if you want to know.

    Do I have to mention that pot is responsible for cancer too? Do you know what cause's the death of Bob Marley? Lungs Cancer, he used to smoke pot as some people smokes cigars, plus cigarettes wasn't his thing. He left I don't know how many wife's, with how many of his child, without father or husband...Great example to be followed.

    I am giving you my best answer, without any intention to offend you or anybody else.

    Source(s): I am not a smoker, neither pot or cigarretes or even cigar. My brother is a great Bob Marleys fun, he told me all his stories, he also had a very bed car accident and almost die, while driven with pot in his head.
  • 2 decades ago

    You're preaching to the choir here, i mean it's a non-offensive drug so legalize it and focus on deploying law-enforcement to other 'real' crimes. I'll buy a pack over the counter anyday. Shame that decent folks have to go through so much trouble to acquire this harmless enjoyment....keep up this awareness and Right On!

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    So that is that noise my cat hears at night time. And right here I suggestion it used to be him panting, now that I are aware of it's you I might simply forego covers and simply naked all. You'd like that would not you?

  • 2 decades ago

    I think that you were high when you wrote this. You should check back when you are not and really look at the whole picture of LIFE and see if it's worth staying high the rest of your life. I am stating this from experience!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I think you should come out of the closet so you can understand the gay life style, instead of frying your brain with drugs, no wonder you don't understand things like the gay life style, that's to bad, that drugs have taken over your life.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I'm ready. Be at the annual Ann Arbor, Michigan, pot day.

    Say, you wouldn't have a doobie would you?

  • 2 decades ago

    truth. common misconception, but no matter what you do there are always people going to be hostile about it. just like drinking.

    haha pack of joints. sounds funny :)

  • my boyfriend is a friend indeed with weed. 24/7

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