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ok, if many years later you run into a person you had a short fling with,no harsh break up but...?

it just was kind of a so-so type of thing,how do you react. do you ignore them? if they try to talk to you,do you act like you were old friends? what if they want to reminise? (like old boyfriends/girlfriends at a high school reunion)


sweetdivine-i did not mean fling as in one night stand. i ment like someone you dated for a short time, but no spark. lets not get into STDS and stuff.

Update 2:

if i was talking about that i would of put it in the dating catagory

10 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    a simple hello would be in order. Ignoring the person would be rude, since you do obviously have some history with them. No need to act like dear old friends, but a hi, how are you? never hurt anybody.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Hi Deb in Ohio, this is Kevin in Ohio.

    I think ignoring them is the wrong thing to do. I think the category you both fall into is "friends", so I'd treat it that way. Odds are they are not going to want to "reminisce" any more than you do. That would ordinarily be uncomfortable for anyone.

    It also depends on what you mean by "fling" and if other people are around. If you meet in public and it's just the two of you it wouldn't be uncomfortable at all. If there are spouses present, kids, I can see where that would be more tense. If your "fling" included knocking boots, I can see where that'd be even more awkward. Let that be a lesson to your kid. Sex is for marriage. Otherwise you spend a lifetime worrying about just this kind of $#!+

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Be mindful that this person may be trying to have another fling with you or try to date you. Why is this person talking to you? Must be SOME reason. If you want no part of that, then keep your distance. If you might want to see where this is going, talk. You can ignore the person if you want. I ignore whoever I don't want getting close to me or to my wife. That's life.

  • 2 decades ago

    Why do you go around having flings if you're uncomfortable meeting them in a latter stage? Stay embarrassment free and stop disrespecting your body like that. What if the condom burst that night and that person has HIV/AIDS, then what? Is that when you'll say life is unfair or that God doesn't care? Take care of yourself.

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  • 2 decades ago

    don't run away an don't ignore say hi how are you but make it short don't hold any long conversations so that person has time to bring up the past,unless he or she is not that kind of person to talk about the bad old days then make the time u have to chat useful an past friendly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 2 decades ago

    it depends on how comfortable you are talking to them. If you don't really have anything to say, then get through the normal "Hi how's it going" and then get out "Sorry... I've really gotta run!" If you are comfortable with it, then stay and talk. But don't make it a bigger deal than what it is.

  • 2 decades ago

    Be polite. Say hello. You don't have to get into a big trip down memory lane, but there's not reason not to acknowledge them and leave it at that.

  • 2 decades ago

    Treat them with respect. Say hello and gracious. Ask how they are and how they are doing. If they want to pursue matters with you and you don't just say no and be firm about it.

    Move on. Conquer your old memories.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    depends how u feel aba them... personaly i'd go wit d flow n c wer things end up

  • 2 decades ago

    Just flow with it and say goodbye

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