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Kyleen G asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 2 decades ago

How are we helping in Iraq?

Just read an article about 5 army soldiers that raped a young woman and then killed her and her family. I thought we were supposed to be helping them and not killing them. This doesn't seem right to me.


Solid b_316 : I did read the article...perhaps you didn't. One soldier already admitted his role which is what brought on the investigation

Update 2:

Kristi S: I've had 3 close friends that have either been to Iraq or are still there. While I understand the mental anguish a lot of these people are suffering that doesn't give them any right to rape and kill for no reason. I think that Mental Health services should be provided for those that are dealing with the horrors of war. I'm not trying to sound unsympathetic but this is what they signed up for. It's their job to go to war..plain and simple. We should have been gone a long time ago..instead we are ruining the lives of thousands of people not just there but here too.

13 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    OK, I can understand what you are trying to say. But you must look at it much differently than you are looking at it. Example-In our school system in the US, the purpose is to educate children to a degree that they will be compatable in an educated world, however in some instances you will find teachers charged with raping a student. These are also highly trained professionals like soldiers are. Now here lies the dissimmilarity, You will never hear a public cry for a school where a teacher commited rape to be closed, only for the teacher to be brought to the fullest extent of justice under our law. However when a soldier or group of soldiers is accused of a crime, it seems that many would stop the operation at hand, and simply "close shop". We need to remember that individual soldiers are people, and will be tried as individual people for their crimes. Just because there are a few bad cops, doesnt mean that you should shut down the police force. You are correct, this isnt right, but until the US military can find a breed of perfect people, they just have to work as hard as they can with those of us who choose to enlist, and we all have our faults. Remember that even soldiers are innocent until PROVEN guilty, and I hope IF proven guilty for rape and murder, these men will never see another day of freedom. I fought too hard, saw too much pain, lost too many friends, was too professional, to want any rapist/murderer to stain my reputation.

    Source(s): 2 combat tours to Iraq Purple heart 100% disabled American Veteran
  • 2 decades ago

    Anywhere you go, you're going to come across people that are just evil. And that includes people in our own Military. I read the story your referring to, and I don't know if they are guilty or not. They are only doing an investigation right now. But don't judge every service member because of what a few have done. We have helped the people of Iraq. Young girls are getting the chance to go school for the first time, these people can vote and not being forced to pick someone evil like Saddam as their leader. There is so much that is being done over there, and for the most part, our military are a pretty good bunch of people that wouldn't do something as horrible as these five guys have been accused of. And if those guys did rape that girl and kill her and her family, then they need to pay for what they have done, and I would have no sympathy for them! My heart would go out to the young girl and her family that they killed.

  • 2 decades ago

    Although this has been touched upon, I have to remind you that drawing any sort of conclusion on what the war in Iraq represents is difficult. Particularly if you are forming your opinions based on anecdotal and possibly biased news stories. As another poster said, there are people capable of doing 'bad' and 'good' and these people can and will be found everywhere. War itself is horrible thing and while I am not delving into whether or not Iraq is justifiable, isolated events coming from liberal news sources should not be the basis for your opinions.

  • 2 decades ago

    That is VERY small part of our soldiers committing those heinous acts. Shame on you for judging all of them. That being said, we have given these people better lives. We have given them better towns and roads and government. I'm not saying this because of any article I've read either. I'm saying this because what I have been told by people living in Iraq, citizens of the country. They want us there. They want us to help them. Get off your high horse and do some real research.

    Source(s): Navy sailor, Marine wife, Navy brat
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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    My husband is in the Army and lucky he has not been to Iraq, but all of our friends husbands have.. They are doing great things over there, the media doesn't like to shed light on the good, because the bad is what makes stories.. I am sure there are some horrible stories going on over there, on the good and bad side.. but people have to remember this is war things are going to happen that are bad. Those soldiers should be prosecuted for their crimes.. Alot of those men over there have been there for a year or more away from their families and friends and have seen their friends and enemies dead on the street.. it has a way of making you go crazy.. (I am not making excuses but it's how it is) Most of the men over there have also been gone a long time and find out that their young wives at home have left them or have been cheating on them while their gone.. It's a hard life.. These are things that play into their mind set over at war..

    I am going to add a little more to comment on that idiot down there and his comment on his freedom not being fought for.. Trust me my husband and the other men over there can give a rats *** about your freedom they are over there for one purpose for their families and loved ones freedom.. they may not believe in this war either but they are men.. (something you are not) and stand for our country through the good and the bad.. they are dying over there maybe not for your freedom or anything you believe in but they deserve our support and respect just for the fact that they are in harms way and dying everyday..

    My motto:

    If you dont' stand behind our troops,

    feel free to stand in front of them.

    (I am not making excuses but it's how it is)

    I believe this is what my statement said.. did you miss it.. I did read your article.. if you would read other articles instead of the negative ones you would read about what other ppl stated on here as well there are good things going on as well.. like ppl getting to be free and getting running water set up etc.. why don't you read the answers ppl give you instead of being such a liberal asshole.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    There are bad people everywhere from every country including ours. Over all we are allowing the Muslim population as a whole to worship as they see fit in Iraq. There were many sects of the Muslim religion thet were extremely oppressed. Mostly Iraq is filled with free loving peaceful Muslims who now have a unstifled voice in Iraq thanks to We The People.

  • 2 decades ago

    yeah, i hear **** like this everyday. american soldiers killed a family of four, amercian soldiers massacred 24 innocent people, rape, etc.

    its gettting to be just like vietnam.

    they arent helping anyone overthere. saddam was taken out of power, even though we didnt have any reason to go in and take him out.

    and i keep hearing **** about "My Husband/Boyfriend/Son/Daughter/Etc. is over in IRAQ protecting YOUR FREEDOM...blah blah blah."

    only they arent protecting my freedom. when did saddam, or and iraqi's for that matter pose a threat to my freedom. the only war that was EVER fought to protect my freedom was the revolutionary war.

    if you want to protect my freedom, impeach Bush.

  • 2 decades ago

    Please tell me you cant be that stupid!!! How are we helping Iraq? We got rid of a AS#HOLE Dictator who Killed more of his own people the we could ever ! The ISLAMO FASCISTS are Killing all the innocent civilian Iraq's Please all you PINHEADS get this part right!! The ISLAMO FASCISTS are the ones KILLING the Iraqi people not the USA!! If you can't get this then go back and stick your head back into the HELIUM BALLOON you took it out of!!!!

  • 2 decades ago

    That's because we're not helping at all. The troops should have been pulled out ages ago.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    yesem, the question is how are we helping in iraq. i do ask the same question each day before i get out of bed. i think we should leave iraq now before we ever regret it.

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