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Lv 6
Mark asked in PetsDogs · 2 decades ago

how do i handle a boy who is 15 and acts like he is 6 that tortures dogs but crys when he is yelled at for it?

he thinks that pulling on their ears and or paws is not considered torture its (playing) and everytime he makes the dog yelp in pain he runs and says i was only playing with him/her.

19 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is animal abuse and it should not be tolerated under any circumstances. If both the dogs and child are in your care then you need to monitor this boy to keep him from terrorizing your dogs. If you are only in charge of one (dog or boy) then you need to keep them separated. One of the warning signs for sociopaths is a fondness for torturing animals. If this boy displays some of the other signs (egotistical, manipulative, decietful, poor behavior control, superficial, etc.) you need to get him professional care.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Call Child Protective Services. He may be experiencing abuse himself. Did you know that serial killers often torture pets as children? Also, domestic violence often goes hand in hand with animal abuse. Something is going on in his home. Or he has been harmed by someone else. He needs intervention right away. For that reason I would also make a report to the local SPCA. This is very disturbing. I wonder what else he does to animals when no one is looking?

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I would be calling the police cause he's going to start doing things to people soon as well. That and a lot of counseling. If that doesn't help a good beating should do the trick. That's what I got when I was a child and I learned quickly what I could and couldn't do!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Don't cave into his crying. If he keeps it up, he could get bit. Talk to him abotu how he would feel if someone bullied him around and pulled his ears. If he is making the dog yelp, he is abusing the animal, and remind him that people can be arrested for animal abuse.

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  • 1 decade ago

    well id say the boy needs counseling or something i watched a show once were being cruel to animals is a serious emotional problem and if not taken care of can lead to bigger problems as an adult especially at his age that behavior is exspected of a toddler by age 4 or 5 most children dont do that anymore

  • 2 decades ago

    A kid that tortures animals has some serious mental problems. Take him for long-term professional counseling immediately! Did you know that most serial killers were into hurting animals before they started on people?

    Source(s): 28 years exp.
  • 2 decades ago

    teach him by supervising him around your dog he doesnot need to be yelled at any more than a adult dog your got from a shelter needs to be hit to be trained by showing you care about animals and people you can prevent this problem from becoming any worse. by yelling at him you are punishing the problem you should praise the proper behavior. he obviously has differnet oppinion about what is appropriate play with a dog.

    A good book to read is "Don't Shoot the Dog" this book describes Behavior Modification in detail for all species ( including humans)

    Source(s): Parent and pet owner Studying Social Work and Animal Care
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    There is only one fool proof answer. Euthanasia. Remove this boy from existence before he turns on children. I'll help. At minimum someone needs to kick the living #$&@ out of him. Maybe a few days in the ICU will help him. Remember Dahmer started on cats.

  • debbie
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Are you the parent? Tell him one time that when you see him being mean to the dog that you are going to pull his ears, and do it, no warning, ignore his crying, he is manipulating you. The spray bottle with cold water set on stream would also work on him, again no warning, no arguing later.

  • 2 decades ago

    Stomp the piss out of him & save some poor pet or person down the line. Oh yeah, cry while you're doing this and ask him if it hurts. If he says yes, hit him harder. If he says no, hit him for lying. Hopefully he'll get the message, if not, put him to sleep.

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