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If you had the chance to ask George Bush and his administration one question of significance what would it be?

49 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    How could your staff make such a blunder as to declare that their was Weapons of Mass Destruction in Irag when there wasn't any? Thanks to your misleadership the world is on the blink of a world war which no one can win. OBL should have been your priority after all he is responsible for 9/11. And just so you realize Babba Clinton isn't of the hook for this either!!!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Why are we in Iraq? everyone knows that Saddam was not a nice person and probably should not be allowed to live but it was not our concern. North Korea was a problem before we invaded Iraq and has grown to be a bigger problem. Saddam denied having WMD all the while North Korea admitted having them and actually threatened us with them yet we invaded Iraq. Is there another unknown agenda that has led us in Iraq, oil maybe? Before we invaded Iraq we had a few enemies in the world, and they were known to us, now with the exception of the UK, and Israel the whole world is our potential enemy to include our original enemies that are still threatening us and have nuclear weapons. What has all of the deaths of our service men and women, and Iraqis accomplished for us? The fact that Saddam is no longer in power? There is far more bloodshed and civil unrest in Iraq now than before we invaded. I wish that I could be here to see how history records your presidency.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Isn't it easy to throw stones at Bush? I read some of the responses and you should ask yourself if the politics of appeasement (i.e. Clinton) is an answer. It is not. He did not have the stones to stand up to anything (including Hillary!).

    We can fight these jihadists in the Middle East or on Main Street USA. Which would you prefer?

  • 2 decades ago

    Do you believe that you will not be charged for war crimes, and do you believe that if you are your daddy will be able to deliver you from facing your punishment as he delivered you from having to accept responsibility and aided you in dodging the draft several years ago?

    Who will protect you when the citizens of this country learn the truth that you were involved in 911, the planning and implementation of killing 3000 citizens. We will find out as soon as Stanley Hilton is able to get his suit against you, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfield Thur the courts. Mr Hilton states that he has written proof that you ordered 911. Where will you hide when this fact becomes known?

  • 2 decades ago

    They do not care what anyone of us as We The People of The United States of America have to say. Bush planned the attack on Iraq long before 9/11 happened. He said it best himself when he said something along the line of... he tried to kill my daddy.

  • 2 decades ago

    What the F*** are you thinking, why did you have your people rig both the 2000 and the 2004 election and since when does the Vice President lead the nation?? I thought you scammed your way in, not Dickiepoo? Then again...why waste my breath....he could give a Sh** anyway!!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    It's the eve of WW3, bucko, and it's pretty clear that you've become a major part of the cause. Since there isn't going to be any winner, what are you going to do to stop it from happening in the first place? Thinking you're John Wayne isn't going to help. When is this **** ever going to stop?

  • 2 decades ago

    Your a bigger crook than Nixon.

    You are also Dumb as dirt.

    You can't talk, think for yourself or do anything right.Your only interested in showing your face & getting attention for yourself !

    Your father paid for you & your bro Jeb to "BUY" the job for you !

    You ridiculed a man at a press conference & kept asking him "Why do you have sunglasses on when we are inside" ? Then someone whispered to you that the poor man was blind !

  • 2 decades ago

    after the failed attempt to blow up the twin towers from the parking garage in '91, why did it seem so important to do so in 2001? was it the body count that wasn't acheived on the first attempt? was a high body count necessary to get the total attention of the u.s. and the world? was the investment in the bought foreign men in the planes worth it, overall? are you satisfied that it aided in your plans toward iraq? and that being a step further toward iran and then, perhaps, syria? does the general feeling of the citizens of the u.s. please you in that it seems you have, once again, put one over on them? getting an "act" passed, so-called 'patriot act', that was almost wholly unread by any elected reps; there was no time! w- are you gleeful that you did, actually, get your own viet nam,. complete with a me lai? do you, and your father, smile to yourselves, and each other, thinking that together you had brought Americans closer to the point of fear and willingness to give up some rights "for the purpose of security", again the 'patriot act' and then, what some may call, your 'coup d'etat', the homeland security bill! such feathers in your predidential cap.

    i forget which Patriot it was, franklin? payne? that said

    to give up freedom for security is to have neither.

    how right he was.

    having given them up, must we water the tree of liberty with the blood of both patriots and tyrants?

    i, myself, WILL fight for freedom. mine, yours, ours....


  • 2 decades ago

    When will the government give the Black/African Americans their fair share of wealth? When will my people receive their 40-acres and a mule? When will the government make all Black African Americans 1st class citizens? We currently receive the lowest salaries, worst jobs and continued dehumanizations daily. We are constantly being judged by the color of our skin and the clothes we wear.

    "The struggle continues."

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