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How do i copy my hard drive to another new, larger drive I just installed in my computer?

I have a gateway computer and I just purchased a western digital 80 gig internal drive. My old drive detects imminant failure so I need this info quickly

7 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends what you mean by "copy."

    If you want to simply transfer files such as documents, music, videos, etc., you can just connect both hard drives to your computer and transfer the desired files manually.

    However if you want to clone your old hard drive, retaining all the programs, settings, documents, etc.) you'll need to migrate your old hard drive to the new one. Many hard drive manufacturers provide hard drive migration tools on their website. Scope out the Western Digital website.

    You can also use software from other companies such as Norton Ghost. I personally use Acronis True Image ( )

  • 2 decades ago

    You can't just copy a drive over unless you have image software like Norton Ghost. If you don't you will most likely have to start from scratch with a new load of your Operating System on the new hard drive, slave the old drive and then just drag pertinent information over to the new drive after you installed the OS. If you don't have that much time, I would recommend backing up your documents, favorites, and any mail folders you have to either a CD or a thumb drive.

  • 2 decades ago

    depends on your OS. Probably best to format the new one with fresh OS, then just copy all directories from old drive to new one.

    You may have to reinstall some of your programs but just try them and see. Be sure you have backup copy of address book if you use outlook express.

  • 2 decades ago

    If your old drive is internal, buy a usb hard drive enclosure. Then put your harddrive in it, and plug it in. Copy everything into a new folder on your new harddrive.

  • Paul G
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    if you are running windows xp puug the new hard drive in as a second drive and goto setting anf files transfer wizard that is what that is for but if yourdo not run xp then your out of luck you lost the ball game.

  • 2 decades ago

    You know how to install a new drive, but you don't know how to copy one to another? Come on...

  • 2 decades ago

    Its very easy job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Open u r cabinet fix the second HDD(make second hdd as slave) then boot u r computer you can see both the HDD so transfer first hdd data to second and u r done :)

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