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Yahoo answers has sites for USA, UK, India, Mexico, Germany, France, Singapore, and other countries.?

Why do you think people love to post on the USA board about all issues relating to various nations that are totally unrelated to any Q.A. on the USA board?

Why do you think they don't post on their own nations' board about issues that are specific to their own culture? Are they trying to test Americans on their "current events" related to their nations?

If you are American, and you want to read other Yahoo Answers boards for their content and post questions there, are you going to post specific things about American culture, or are you going to go to their board to ask about their culture?

Just wondering...


suggir: Your response is reminiscent of the temper tantrum question you posted about your 3 year old child. I think he gets that problem genuinely from his pit bull mother.

Update 2:

And, for information's sake, I am not a red-neck nor do I live in a cornfield. It is a simple question whereby I have not tagged any personal feelings pro or con. And anyone who is intelligent will certainly be able to understand that.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. They are using which automatically puts them on this Q/A area.

    2. They are probably unaware of the others or how easy it is to get there.

    3. They are lazy.

  • Flif
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Of the countries you mentioned, UK and Singapore both use English as their language so unless you've selected US Questions Only from the drop-down menu on the left side of the front page, all of those English questions will be displayed.

    There are many Americans who are also interested in what's going on world-wide, and there are many people from other countries who come to this site to see what others think of what's going on in the country they're from.

    I might find it interesting posting on some of the sites in other languages to see what they think about American culture, but unfortunately I'm not proficient enough in those languages to form a really great question there.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This is Yahoo Answers...obviously....those people in other countries but have questions too...i.e....a person in the U.K./Austrailia may have a Ford vehicle which is older and may need help with finding parts for it. Since Ford is made in America and not elsewhere(and the person speaks the language)...we should at least try to break stereotypical renditions of that country and help the person. As far as being unrelated to Q&A here is an example of what people are posting.;_ylt=Aj3ld...

    Nickname is Samir. The 5 other answerers(take note of it) gave answers just for the fun of it. Need I mention all the "my penis"/"do i need to lose weight" teenager questions I passed up to answer Samir's question.

    Try not to look to deep into whats going on in other countries.Get back into this "game" of Answers.Give people some sound answers/advice as they do not know your from the USA,unless you tell them,for what answer that is bad is a bad reflection of you and you only.The rest of America(your own culture?) will not lose any sleep if you can't answer questions correctly.Breakdown that barrier you have and at least try.

  • 1 decade ago


    Is this our president George Bush?


    I thought you'd be busy doing things like running our country or something.

    You IDIOT. You make me ASAHAMED to call myself an American. You are so self centered and egotistical you deserve to sit in a pile of your own excrement.

    Why don't you trying walking outside of your red neck corn field for a minute.

    You are not the center of the universe. And anyone can post about anything on the internet. I'm sick of Americans thinking they have a monopoly on the internet!!!

    Source(s): PS: Type: It takes you right to this board. This is the one Yahoo advertises.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I realized today that you can view all English questions whether they're US or not. So if you are in that mode, you may be reading questions that have been posted on other countries' sites and not know it.

    Maybe some people just prefer to use English instead of going to the other countries' sites.

  • flori
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    well not all people post questions on USA board. but USA board comes by default may be this could be one of the reasons people use USA board.

    secondly if people want to know and interact with American culture then they do so.

    but to solve local problems one must use local yahoo board.

  • 5 years ago

    What do u adult men imagine? - i imagine you want to discover some thing to do with the abundance of time you've on your fingers. heavily, no one ought to care, or perhaps if you needed a valid journey, it will be demanding to do, except you had anybody ought to take a photo with a written signal with their reveal call showing it really is fairly them, and that is way too a lot of a difficulty to bypass by using for some thing like this.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I will not use their boards because most of them are NOT in English.... and yes, I have noticed most foreigners come here....

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