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Bono asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

What can we do to make poverty history?

Because of people like you, leaders of the world’s richest countries met in July 2005 and made a number of historic promises to help end the kind of extreme poverty that is needlessly killing 9,000 people a day in Africa. Millions of lives and the future of a continent are at stake.

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Yahoo! Answers staff note: This is the real Bono!


The winning answer was selected by ONE: the Campaign to Make Poverty History.

29,505 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I admire Bono for his work on this issue. I think that the ONE campaign, the debt reduction campaign and the work with the G-8 is a very impressive step in the right direction.

    However, I think that you have to attack the problem from the top down and the bottom up.

    If debt reduction and foreign aid happen to the degree that has been promised the momentum is lost unless the people in Africa are able to capitalize on the opportunity.

    It is hard to make a living, provide for your family, or start a new business when you spend your time and energy looking for safe drinking water or your next meal. We in the West take for granted our infrastructure that allows us to focus more of our energy on work and our ability to get ahead, provide for our families, etc. How much time did you spend today looking for water or standing in line for water or food?

    My answer is that the next step must be to establish a framework for what basic infrastructure must be present in each community (ie: access to food, water, health facilities, transportation, roads, education, daycare) to allow the people in those communities to work effectively and productively.

    Working from the ground up I would suggest that the ONE campaign expand to coordinate the partnering of a sponsoring community/city/town with a similar sized one in Africa. But, unlike sister communities around the world that are strictly symbolic, the communities that adopt a "sister" in Africa must work with them to build their community to the minimum infrastructure framework that is established by the campaign. It could even be a competition in the sense that the people of a city in Norway could be competing with the people of a city in Canada or the USA to meet and exceed the framework standards set out in a given time frame.

    Unlike many charities that ask for money, wouldn't it be rewarding to know that your city is working to provide a better life and future for one in Africa. You would know where your money is going, where work is being done, and who is doing it. We all have a certain skill set and in your community there is a group of people who could make a real difference to ONE city/town/community in Africa.

    We all tend to sit back and expect our politicians and leaders to fix the problems of the world and then complain that things don't seem to be getting much better.

    The people need to take control and be part of the solution.

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago


    First off, get a real job and live paycheck to paycheck like the rest of us before you get all high and mighty, bopping around the world like some new messiah. That must be easy to do when you've got millions in the bank and are well fed for the rest of YOUR life. Second, teach these people who live where nothing grows to stop having eight kids all aged 1-8. Tell them that starvation is natures answer to overpopulation. I know that sounds heartless and cruel, It is. But remember, that's natures rule, not mine.You will find no mercy or forgiveness in nature.

    This small Earth only has so much to give. Once it's population goes over the limit, there is no such thing as "an end to starvation",surely even you must understand that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dear Bono,

    There’s a reason that the World’s Richest Nations are the World’s Richest Nations and it has little to do with natural resources or an educated workforce. Speaking in general terms, the world’s richest nations are primarily Democratic Republics with an emphasis on the rights of the individual. They are inclusive and charity is part of the national ethic. If you want to help to World’s Poorest Nations, change the culture of those nations.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Many of the poor people’s difficulties stem from the fact that they cannot become a part of the formal economy, which is so heavily regulated that entry is too costly. Opening markets can incorporate the poor into the most profitable sectors of the economy. Public and private monopolies are another source of poverty: by raising prices they bar some people from becoming consumers, so that the poor cannot satisfy their needs. Therefore, it is important to avoid awarding specific firms a concession or privilege because this only benefits some at the expense of the majority.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    However, I think that you have to attack the problem from the top down and the bottom up.

    If debt reduction and foreign aid happen to the degree that has been promised the momentum is lost unless the people in Africa are able to capitalize on the opportunity.

    It is hard to make a living, provide for your family, or start a new business when you spend your time and energy looking for safe drinking water or your next meal. We in the West take for granted our infrastructure that allows us to focus more of our energy on work and our ability to get a

  • 7 years ago

    I do not however believe that we will not ever make a serious effort to stop global warming, but I think it will just be too late. In addition, I don't think that "the people" will make any difference at all, I think the corporations will because the Apocalypse is bad for business. You can see it happening already; Walmart the root of all that is evil, has gone 'green', not because the consumers called for it, but to cut operating costs. Go figure. Naturally I think this is a very serious problem, that everyone has the responsibility to solve, I just think that we will be too late. Look at china for instance, a country with even worse environmental policies than ours. It will take a great many years before the global community takes serious action to stop global warming. What will it take? nothing short of a miricle. When it comes to getting the word out though, I'd say that anyone who is willing to belive in global warming, has already heard of it, and knows what it can do.

  • 7 years ago

    However, I think that you have to attack the problem from the top down and the bottom up.

    If debt reduction and foreign aid happen to the degree that has been promised the momentum is lost unless the people in Africa are able to capitalize on the opportunity.

    It is hard to make a living, provide for your family, or start a new business when you spend your time and energy looking for safe drinking water or your next meal. We in the West take for granted our infrastructure that allows us to focus more of our energy on work and our abi

  • 6 years ago

    You can see it happening already; Walmart the root of all that is evil, has gone 'green', not because the consumers called for it, but to cut operating costs. Go figure. Naturally I think this is a very serious problem, that everyone has the responsibility to solve, I just think that we will be too late. Look at china for instance, a country with even worse environmental policies than ours. It will take a great many years before the global community takes serious action to stop global warming. What will it take? nothing short of a miricle. When it comes to getting the word out though, I'd say that anyone who is willing to belive in global warming, has already heard of it, and knows what it can do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dear Mr. Bono,

    I admire the fact that you care so much ! However the extreme poverty is due to Mankinds misuse of the earth, and mankinds greed, It hurts my heart that it's gotten so bad, and if we care so much, and we are made in God's image, than imagine how He must feel, He does care ! And the ultimate answer lies in Jehovah God, Creator of the universe. The ultimate answer is when he ends this corrupt system, and brings in His Kingdom Government, In the Bible at Daniel 2:44 it says " And in the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin , and the Kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will never be brought to ruin. "

    Under this Kingdom rule, there will be no one starving, or even getting sick any longer ! Revelation 21:4 says " And He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry, nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away."

    This Kingdom rule, God's governmental rule, through Jesus Christ, His Son, will be brought about without destroying the earth as some think, The Bible shows us that God will take out those who defy His kingdom, and leave His humble people who long to live under His Kingdom-Government. Do you Know Prince? Ask Him about this, he knows. Or read further in the Bible at Psalms 37:9-11, and check out: to find out the truth that the Bible shows for our'll find your answers!!!

    With care, and respect............Ruth Fromme

  • 6 years ago

    Go figure. Naturally I think this is a very serious problem, that everyone has the responsibility to solve, I just think that we will be too late. Look at china for instance, a country with even worse environmental policies than ours. It will take a great many years before the global community takes serious action to stop global warming. What will it take? nothing short of a miricle. When it comes to getting the word out though, I'd say that anyone who is willing to belive in global warming, has already heard of it, and knows what it can do.

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