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iguana asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 1 decade ago

A drunk driver...a pot smoker....which would you rather share the road with?

A state trooper told me pot smokers are more dangerous...i vehemently disagree. (a drunk almost killed my kid)

33 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would rather neither be on the road. If I had to choose I would go with the pot smoker. The smoker tends to drive slower the drunk driver tends to speed and can't stay in his/her lane.

    I took a criminolgy course and the professor told us he would rather deal with a pot head than a drunk. He says drunk people tend to be more careless and aggressive. He said the pot smoker tend to drive slower and when pulled over is easier to deal with. He said the smoker is more layed back and easy going when it is time to go to jail.

    The professor is a retired police officer.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think a drunk driver and a pot smoker are about the same. They both lose the impariment to drive, they both make your slur, they both cause you to think things are there but they arent. So in many ways they are the same except drunk drivers mostly are driving and killing people, and pot smokers get stoned and could kill people and themselves. My cousin was killed by a drunk driver. So I would choose I would rather be dead then share the road with either of them.

  • 1 decade ago

    State troopers are notorious for drinking on the job, so of course they think pot is worse.

    I have been under the influence of both drugs while operating dangerous equipment, and I can assure you that alcohol is much worse. I have never heard of anyone totaling their car while wasted on pot, but I can cite countless examples of people doing this while drunk. I am sure the stats would support this.

    Source(s): Common Sense
  • 1 decade ago

    A person who is 'over the limit ' on alcohol is 6 times more likely to be in an accident. The accident is fairly likely to be serious because drunks tend to drive more aggressively.

    Pot smokers tend to go more slowly, and they are twice as likely to be in an accident than an unimpaired driver.

    While I'd rather both of them stayed off the road, I'll take the weed driver anytime.

    BTW, cold medicines and the flu can be worse for your driving than marijuana....

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  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely a pot smoker!!!!! They are EXTRA cautious when driving. A drunk driver can pass out, exceed speed limits, fail to see red lights and stop signs, and so much more.

    I've never heard of a death involving a vehicle with a driver who used exclusively pot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A pot smoker. I don't think there is anything wrong with smoking pot. I think it should be legal. But...sigh

    I believe the only reason it's not is b/c the gov. can't tax it's use b/c it is easily grown on your own. Alcohol, you can't make as easily, so when people buy it, they are taxed, therefore the gov. makes money off it. They just can't figure out a way to make money if pot was legal...

    Man made beer, God made pot.

    Who do you trust?

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends on how drunk and or high they are. If they are a little buzzed then the drunk driver, if they are way wasted then the pot smoker, because he (or she) would be driving so slow they can easily be avoided

  • 1 decade ago

    You can drink a six pack or you can smoke a joint... the person with the 6 pack under his belt will hit the telephone pole.. the pot smoker will hit the goodies isle at the local convenient mart..hmmmm.

    Pot Smoker!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good question. A pot smoker is more cautious while driving & a drunk driver is sloppy & impaired.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't hear about stoned drivers killing people on a regular basis! Feel better about pot smokers than cell phone users!

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