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George Bush is a great president, don't you agree?

Even though there are lots of people who disagree and stop at nothing to talk crap about him, the fact still remains that he is a good moral man who volunteered for this job, got elected and is actually standing up for America.

And to all of you who will respond to this question stating how he has sold america out for money and how he lies nonstop because he is a loser, and that he sells drugs to kids, and that he is a cheater and ignorant, grow up. We all know that there are many Americans who take all these lies from the media and exaggerate them just to make George Bush look like the devil in disguise.

I am glad we finally have a president who is workinf hard for this country and trying to do his best at his job. I support him 100% and I always will.

kthnx♥ :]

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i personally think that BUSH is a GREAT president. i mean i don't think if Kerry was elected, he could've handled the situations in a better way. And Bush has given freedom to the people of Iraq and removed the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein. Our troops are in Afghanistan for missions and to get rid of the Taliban. And he's doing the best he can with Iran and North Korea. He's a great president.

  • 1 decade ago

    President Bush has had many difficult decisions to make. Good or bad is debatable. He is the president that decided to go to war in Iraq. Either didn't understand the magnitude of such a war or over estimated USA influnence. Maybe he believed the world would be safer if Saddam was removed from power. Fact is we are there and no time for misjudgement now. If for some reason we fail, and a radical Islamic group gains control; A Oil rich country like Iraq under radical control wiil make the Russian threats during the cold war sound hollow and Saddam a paper tiger. We are in a fight for our livesl. Rightly or wrongly president Bush is blamed[hindsight is 20/20]

  • 1 decade ago

    crystal & benjamin --

    I respectfully disagree with the premise of your question. Consider that just because President Bush has America's best interest at heart does not make him a great president. I actually believe most of our President's were honorable men that tried their best to what was right for our country. Some were effective and some were not.

    Ignore the folks that call Bush the devil and please, for goodness sakes, ignore idiots like "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" and Michael Moore. They are reducing serious subjects that need to be debated to adolescent name calling and doing substantial harm to our country. Both parties are engaging in this practice and they should be ashamed of themselves.

    And with all respect, I disagree with you about our President. I believe that while well intentioned, President Bush is doing serious harm to our country's standing in the world and mortgaging our economic future by being fiscally irresponsible.

  • blorgo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    He is a great president if you overlook the fact that he lied to get us into a war, has killed thousands needlessly and has destroyed America's reputation with nations who were once our friends and allies. But of course, because he says "God Bless America" every other sentence, that makes him a good, moral man.

    It takes more than words to make morality; deeds speak louder than words. The blood of innocents is on this "righteous" man's hands. And that's no media creation. History will judge this guy harshly.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Read my lips, he is immoral, unintelligent, and avoids anything that smacks of hard work. He is a megalomaniac believing that God wants him to be president and might even be schizoid in that he says God talks to him -hearing voices.

    He is only a figurehead and not more than a mascot to the real powers behind the Oval office. Pull the strings and he dances. He could not even speak of his own accord during the debates, he was wired for answers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Matter of fact I do agree with you!I'm not to happy about the immigration thing but overall he has been doing a great job and has been fought every inch of the way. He realizes that the islamic jihadist want and will kill all of us if they get the chance!

    He has made his offer to get the gas prices down but the libleft voted against it so they should quit griping about the high oil prices. you can't have it both ways!

  • 1 decade ago

    George Bush is probably the most immoral president in US history. He stands up for noone other than his cronies, the wealthy and corrupt. Not to mention the massive debt he is leaving us with

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this quote is talking about people like you

    it is frightening that so many people like you exist

    your collective attitude is going to endanger us all

    and will support Bush and those that follow him into waging war on the whole world for a New World Order dominance that will result in the deaths of billions

    and you will have to live with the fact that you are partly responsible

    he has said that he will reduce world population by 60%,how do you think that will happen .only nuclear war will be able to kill this many people.

    there is no evil greater on this planet ,than minds like you

    i am willing to bet that you are a Christian,do you honestly think that you will go to heaven

    that makes a joke of your suposed God

    as far as elections go explain how come 34 presidents are blood related to the same ancestor .i suppose this was coincedence and they were all fairly elected

    you must be totaly brainwashed to swallow all this cr*p.

    here are some quotes what famouse Americans think of your Bush and what he stands for ,that must include you as well.

    The general intellectual incompetence of Americans at present leads directly to a blindness to our current catastrophic situation. Without the learned ability to make decisive distinctions, people cannot discriminate between, for example, "economic downturn" and depression, or between "change of leaders through free elections" and coup d'etat through monied interests buying and selling presidents and congress- persons. Our minds are so repressed and undeveloped that we lack the capacity to discriminate between the essentials and the changing, superficial forms.

    If some people are too unintelligent or morally deficient to see the tyrannous acts of the Bush administration, if some people are too cowardly to stand against those acts, it's still your individual responsibility as an American citizen to rouse them out of their daze.

    Unfortunately it appears it will take at least one more 'al-CIA-duh'- style staged attack to provoke the populous into expelling the whole congress full of traitors and the hoards of other corporate lobbying cockroaches running around DC.

    If I'm critical of my country's leaders, I'm a traitor. "

    The horrible tyranny that is being created by the Bush junta is a threat to the entire world. For the first time in its history,

    Western Civilization as a whole is in danger of being destroyed by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, DuPont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well.

    This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of America in the first two decades of the twentieth century.

    The Bush family, beginning with Prescott Bush, have served as satraps of the Rockefeller, Brown, and Harriman interests. President Bush is simply a puppet of this powerful cabal, and their schemes will be carried out by whatever next president comes to power unless We the People deflect them from this insane, murderous plot for global dominance.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Love him or hate him, Bush has done what he thought was the best for this country and the people in it. You would have done the same thing when you have the Puppeteers (aka Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice) whispering in your ears like evil ghosts. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD, BUSH DOES NOT RUN THIS COUNTRY



  • 1 decade ago

    Wow your stupid, He took a surplus, which means an excess of money, and turned it into a deficit, which means a lack of money. He started a war with a country who could be a threat(Iraq), instead of a war with a country which is definitly a threat(North Korea). **** why am I wasteing my time with an idiot like you? Im finishing a documentry on Bush and his speaches, I have found numerous accounts where he has used non existant words and even more accounts of him lying, heres my e-mail anyone who wants to see it e-mail me and ill send info on where you can see it.

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