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Lv 4
Lorla asked in Entertainment & MusicJokes & Riddles ยท 1 decade ago

What is your best phone prank line?

I once called Taco Bell and asked if they delivered, and then I like to call pizza and order a pizza with weird stuff like, peanut butter, oreos, marshmellows, onions, hershy syrup, etc. It's really nasty but funny!

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    call a bowling alley, and ask if they have ten pound balls. when they say yes, then ask, " How the hell can you walk?"

    or, call a random number. when someone answers, say, "so I was walking down the street, and i saw a plastic bag, plastic bag, plastic bag.....plastic bag plastic bag. and when they get mad and hang up on yopu , call the same number back, and continue with, "plasti bag, plastic bag,......."

    they dont like a random number and say, "Hi, my name is bubbles, and i like bubbles, and bubbles, and bubbles, and bubbles....etc, and when they hang up, call em' back and continue with, bubbles and

  • 1 decade ago

    My best phone prank line is "I'm looking for a Mr. Seymour Buttz? Last name Buttz, first name Seymour, Seymour Buttz? The guy who wrote "Under The Bleachers"?" Man, that was absolutely hilarious beyond belief!! That's is soooo classic, it's a total keeper. They would able to write a book about famous prank phone calls calls "The Great Big Book Of Prank Phone Calls And Punchlines" which includes names like Joe Momma, Seymour Buttz, Al Coholic, Bea O'Problem, Hugh Jass, and much, much, much more!!!

    Source(s): I got that prank phone call line from "The Simpsons"!! That book's full name will be "The Great Big Book Of Prank Phone Calls And Punchlines Of All Time".
  • 1 decade ago

    Hello you have reached The 1212121234343434 hot line.Press 1 if you want to fart. press 2 if you are constipated and press 3 to get tickets to a lame movie .press 4 if you fought the law and the law won

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


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  • Eng
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I called a pizza parlor (or whatever you call them) and i ordered french fries. They said they didn't have french fries ( me knowing that they didn't) and i started screaming over the phone about how they couldn't not have french fries

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep when you call some one up ask them what they see out there driveway? and a lot of time they'll look, and think its you on a cell phone pulling in the driveway and call you all sorts of names.

    Source(s): done this before.
  • 1 decade ago

    once,my freind dared me to call the chinese resturaunt down the street from my house.when they answered i started using a chiniese accent and said "I NO LIKE YOUR MUSHU!!!!IT TASTE LIKE POO-POO!!!I NEVER ORDER AGAIN!!!" and slammed down the phone.

    another time my mom called and we answered the phone "JCpenny's,bra department" and she really beleived it!she told us about calling the wrong number when he got home.

  • 1 decade ago

    First call:

    1.)Hello is this Earl`s mother?

    -No, wrong number.

    2.)Hello is this Earl`s mother?

    -No, wrong number., didn`t you call already?

    3.)Hello, this is Earl`s mom, did anywhone call?

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