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What are the must see attractions of Hong Kong?

I'll stay 3.5 days.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    Make sure you take a trip up to the top of Victoria Peak, the view is simply stunning and unique, more fun if you take the Peak Tram up to the top from the terminal near garden road, if you head up in the late afternoon its nice to have a spot of dinner at the Peak Lookout restaurant before heading back down.

    Other must see attractions include beautiful Lantau island, which can be bundled with a trip to the big buddha.

    Cheung Chau island is in interesting place and there are some great chinese seafood resturants on the island, get the ferry from central ferry pier for both lantau and cheung chau, ferries depart every 30 mins or so.

    A trip to Hong Kong is never complete without visiting the tiny ex-potugese enclave of Macau, ferries depart every 15 mins from the Macau fery pier (Sun Tak center), a long lunch at Fernandoes Huk Sha beach, coloane island is a must as it a trip up the Macau Tower, if you enjoy gambling (illegal in HK) there are many casino's in Macau the best of which by far is the Sands Casino, remember your passport as Macau is a seperate SAR (Special Administrative Region) to Hong Kong, visa not required for most countries.

    Hope this helps a little, the hong kong tourist association web site can provide you with lots of additional information.

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