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Lorla asked in Dining OutUnited StatesChicago · 1 decade ago

What is deep-dish pizza? Is it good?

Is also Pizza Hut's deep-dish pizza, etc good too?

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you have not been to Chicago, you are only guessing what this is. Generally it is pizza from a deep pan that is filled with stuff, not just a sprinkle of cheese and tomato on a cracker crust like the rest of the country. Usually one or two pie shaped pieces are filling. It is 1-2" thick from cheese, and toppings.

    If you want stuffed pizza, if tends to have the ingredients reversed: tomato/pizza sauce on top, sausage/toppings in middle, cheese on bottom.

    I have a receipe that I have used for 20 years if you want to try to make it...

    KO's Chicago Style Pizza



    1 tsp active dry Yeast (fast rising is OK too)

    3/4 cupwarm water (90 deg or so)

    1 cup flour

    2 tbsp olive oil (veg. oil as a substitute)

    1 tbspsugar

    1/2 tspsalt

    2 cupsadditional flour

    ~1 cupwarm water


    [This is easier to do in a Cuisenart or dough mixer]

    Mix yeast and 3/4 cup water. Let stand for a couple minutes to activate the yeast.

    Add and Mix 1 cup flour, oil, sugar, salt into a smooth batter.

    Add remaining flour and water, mix until dough has slightly sticky

    consistency. Add additional water or flour to adjust consistency.

    Mix/knead until th dough springs slightly when touched.

    Let rise in a greased bowl powdered with cornmeal until double.

    Roll to the shape of a pizza pan and make a edge for the crust.

    [Roll thicker for Pan Pizza and thinner for a crisper crust]



    6 oz. can of Pastorelli's Pizza Sauce or equivalent

    20 oz. shredded mozzerella cheese

    grated Romano CHeese

    grated parmesan cheese


    1 lb bulk(or casing removed) italian sausage (browned and crumbled)

    1 green pepper cleaned and sliced into strips

    Spanish onion


    mushrooms (fresh sliced or canned sliced)

    cooked bacon

    other as desired

    spread the pizza sauce on the dough previously prepared. Add any optional ingredients

    spread the mozz cheese followed by sprinkling of grated cheeses.

    Bake in preheated 425 deg oven for 25-30 min. or until the crust and cheese browns

    Heated Baking stone or black pizza pan tends to bake the crust faster.

    Cut with pizza cutter and serve.

    My personal favorite is a deep dish pan with sausage, green pepper and mushrooms


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Deep-dish pizza is also called Chicago-style pizza, whereas thin-crust pizza is called New York-style pizza.

    The tastes are different. For instance, if you want a lot of toppings on the pizza with lots of vegetables or meats, then the deep-dish pizza is better. If you are having just one topping like pepperoni and want a nice crispy crust to bite into, then the thin pizza is for you.

    Pizza Hut has what they call a "pan pizza", which is like a deep-dish but not quite as deep. The crust gets fried on the outside by putting a little cooking oil inside the pan- and it is like soft bread on the inside. It is very good with many toppings, too.

    Personally, my favorite pizza ever is a cheeseburger lover's pan pizza from Pizza Hut. As a matter of fact, I think that's them now...

  • 1 decade ago

    oh my gosh, deep dish pizza in chicago is the best, i'm not talking about pizza hut, dominos ect, but like at a hole in the wall type place or mom'n'pop pizza place it is the best! but deepdish pizza from the other places are good. deep dish just means that it is really thick crust, just wait for a commercial from any of those places and you'll see

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pizza Hut started were the first to have a deep dish one. At the time, all of their pizzas were awful. But the deep dish types at Murphy's and Round Table are very good. They're round, thick and stuffed. I think the one at Murphy's is the best!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Deep-dish pizza is what the name is baked in a shallow pan instead of the traditional flat pizza pan. It is delicious. Yes...I like Pizza Hut pizza. They make a very decent deep-dish variety.

  • 1 decade ago

    Deep dish pizza has a very thick crust about 1.5 inches thick or so. It's very chewy and is much bigger than a regular pizza. Enjoy! It tastes the same except for more bread. So, if you like the crust on pizza, you will like this pizza.

  • 1 decade ago

    deep dish pizza is just like regular pizza made in a deeper pan, more bread. Everything at Pizza Hut is yummy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most deep dish pizza is Chicago style Pizza. Its not bad but NY Style Pizza a far superior. If you want big crust get NY style sicillian pizza great!! Thin crust is the most popular

    Source(s): Lived in NYC!!
  • 1 decade ago

    Deep dish pizza is heaven on Earth. It is a thick crust with an inch thick of cheese on top. Plus whatever toppings. It takes a long time to bake--like 30-45 minutes but it is worth it. I am full with two peices maximum.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Chicago style = deep dish

    i.e. more crust

    New York style = thin crust

    i.e. higher topping to crust ratio.

    I prefer the thinner crust, but the thick crust is great when you have to fill up the kids.

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