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have any of you ladies on here ever had a batholins cyst/abcess?

if you are male then you need not answer this question!!

just wondering coz i seem to be the only person i know who has had this problem, if so how was it treated and did your doctor tell you any possible causes as i have had 5 abcesses in the last 10 years.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes I had one last year and had to have it cut out (not a pleasent experience). My doctor didn't really know what could have caused it as I'm pretty healthy and don't have and STDs. Just one of those things I think.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bartholin's glands in the female are the equivalent of the Cowper glands in a male...

    Infections.. especially STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) like syphilis can affect these glands, causing cysts and abscesses called Bartholin's cyst/abscess.

    I have seen a couple of cases.,. if you have recurrent abscesses, you probably have an STD - which should be treated - do an RPR/VDRL test for syphilis, and get treated. There are also other causes and minor infections leading to it.

    To treat the abscess itself, it requires simple drainage and antibiotics. A Bartholin's cyst requires a procedure called 'marsupialization' - a cut is made and the pus etc is drained. Its a simple enough procedure, and may rquire only local anesthesia.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to go to the docs - get them to do a swab to test what is causing them then get a course of the right antibiotics.

    You can help by wearing loose naturel fiber clothes and keeping clean etc xxx

  • 1 decade ago

    You are not alone. It wasn't me, but my mother in law. She said and I quote, "It smelled like rotting whale flesh. I was horrified."

    It is just a gland that keeps your stuff moist down there and when it gets clogged, it stinks. Don't worry. Nothing to be too alarmed about. Good luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    could be i std but my mate had these shaving can cause it wearing thongs all the time i would see Dr don't be shy as lots of people get these

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm interesting,don't fancy the fishy bit though.

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