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heather m asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Any females used slimquick before?

I've been going to the gym for two months and I'e only lost 18 pounds. I wanted to try a fat burner too.


ok no one is seeming to be paying attention. I'm not taking the pills because I'm being lazy. I have been going to the gym three times a week. I have plateaued and stopped losing weight. I am wanting to take the medicine as a supplement to my continued routine of going to the gym.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Homeopathic Treatment for Excessive Fat and Weight :-

    PHYTOLACCA BERRY's Mother Tincture is perhaps the safest and sure fire way of loosing excessive fat around abdomen. With Phytolacca Berry once you loose the excessive fat and weight you don't get it back because you body takes care of itself after that and keeps you from gathering up excessive fat. It is prescribed after having a baby too, to get the tummy to loose its flab and to make it flatter and tighter. And after loosing weight with this you don't get flabby it tightens up the flab and skin along with helping your body to shed the excessive accumulation of fat around the girth

    The dosage is 15 to 20 drops of the tincture in half a cup of hot water thrice a day half hour before or after meals.

    Avoid Chocolates, Coffee, Mints, Red Meat and Carbonated and Alcoholic drinks while taking Homeopathic Medicines. You have to take it for at least 30 to 45 days after that you start to feel the results.

    To the best of my knowledge its the safest and the most sure fire way of loosing fat and weight and keeping it of for keeps. Excellent remedy for Obese people who cant seem to shed weight despite trying.

    Homeopathic Remedies can be found at all Major Herbal Stores or could be bought on line, In most of the world Homeopathic remedies are quite cheap and easy to find and they do not need a prescription.

    Take care and God Bless !


    Regular active exercise is advised with all weight loosing medicines and remedies :-) Take care

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Slimquick Before And After

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Any females used slimquick before?

    I've been going to the gym for two months and I'e only lost 18 pounds. I wanted to try a fat burner too.

    Source(s): females slimquick before:
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Prior to breakfast means you take it before you eat. I haven't used Slimquick but I would not suggest it. I am beginning Isagenix soon and I really suggest you do that instead. On Isagenix you can eat one sensible meal a day and then replace breakfast and lunch with a shake. It's kind of like Slimfast. Good luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    18 lbs in 2 months is good....but not's proven that when you lose weight fast you will almost always put it back on. 1 pound a week is safer. Fat Burners and Shakes are not the answer. A healthy balanced diet is...changing your eating habits etc.. the biggest mistake people make when they have finally lost the weight is to quit eating healthy and fall back on the old habits.....change how you change...and continue to eat better. Suppliments will only screw up your metabolism worse and some are not FDA approved and are actually dangerous for you!

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Decaf coffee is an excellent low-calorie fluid when you're having cravings (and a great source of antioxidants).

  • 5 years ago

    Decaf coffee is a superb low-calorie fluid when you're having cravings (and a great source of antioxidants).

  • 4 years ago

    Use a vegetable bean dip for example hummus instead of ranch dressing or a fatty cream-based dip.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Do your food shopping with a list and a time limit; that way, you're unlikely to stray into the prepared foods section.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes but it did not work too well. Hydroxycut was better. I lost abotu 20 lbs the first month but gave up after swtch to slimquick!

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